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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • #76
    Re: Re:

    Originally posted by Apoc
    I'm not sure if this was already posted but how do you say:

    Fast Blade or Fast
    Red Lotus or Red

    In japanese?... I would ask LS members but dont have access to FFXI now ><
    Fast Blade - ƒtƒ@ƒXƒgƒuƒŒ?[ƒh - fasuto bure-do (a.k.a. ƒtƒ@ƒXƒg - fasuto)

    Red Lotus - ƒŒƒbƒhƒ??[ƒ^ƒX - Reddo Lo-tasu (a.k.a. ƒŒƒ^ƒX - retasu/lettuce) :spin:


    • #77
      Hey, I got my locale changed to japanese, but uh how do i type in it? I noticed u were talking about like this key~ but I dont know how exactly u do it....
      RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


      • #78
        Originally posted by Freakchild102
        Hey, I got my locale changed to japanese, but uh how do i type in it? I noticed u were talking about like this key~ but I dont know how exactly u do it....
        Do you mean how do you type Japanese on this board, or in the game? Most Japanese keyboards have key(s) for switching between various forms of input. On my iMac, they are next to the space bar. For my Logicool keyboard on FFXI, they are by the space bar and below the escape key. You can also switch via menu or icon on Japanese Windows PCs. I don't know if that helps, as I'd assume you'd need a Japanese keyboard and OS/software, and I don't know if you have those. I'm not sure what you mean by "changing your locale"...

        I think some people have mentioned holding the Caps Lock key and pressing something else, but again, I think that's on a Japanese keyboard. Although I've never encountered that system ever, and I've used lots of JP keyboards!:confused:


        • #79
          No, I have Windows XP, And I changed my locale to japanese. I seen people typing it on this board and I know there has to be a way to type it in. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me.

          RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


          • #80
            So what do you mean by "locale"? I assume you don't mean the normal meaning - that would be just silly - so is it XP jargon?
            Doesn't XP have some kind of help function and/or software manual to tell you stuff like this? Anyone with XP wanna help Freakchild out?


            • #81
              I figured out how to type it, But now i have to have the damn locale set to japanese to read it......

              But when i do that then all my stuff gets screwed up, all my \ get turned in to yen symbols and all the fonts are really wierd on my computer, so i changed it back to english locale, and just kept instal asian programs thingy clicked.

              So i can still type in Japanese, but cannot read it, Anywaty to do this w/o having the wierd stuff happen?

              RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


              • #82
                Press Alt + ~ (tilde key) to switch between Romaji and Hiragana input when your input language (on the language bar) is set to "JP".

                Then again, I would suggest removing English input altogether. Japanese input works just fine with entering English text.



                • #83
                  I have a question about Japanese...I keep encountering things like 'desu yo' and 'arimasu yo'...could somebody please tell me what yo means??


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by xeu
                    I have a question about Japanese...I keep encountering things like 'desu yo' and 'arimasu yo'...could somebody please tell me what yo means??
                    It's used to add emphasis to the sentance. Not neccesary to use. Other similar ones (which are generally used based on gender) are ne (girlish), na (boyish), wa (girlish), wayo (girlish)...


                    • #85
                      Thanks Soundwave. One more question, what does moo mean (the double 'o' being a long vowel) in...moo kaeranakute wa ikemasen ka ("do you have to go home already?")



                      • #86
                        Originally posted by xeu
                        Thanks Soundwave. One more question, what does moo mean (the double 'o' being a long vowel) in...moo kaeranakute wa ikemasen ka ("do you have to go home already?")

                        Mou (as it's typed out in roomaji) means "already". The opposite of that is "mada" at the beginning of the sentance, but if you used that it would mess up the end of it. :sweat: The opposite of that sentance would be "mada kaeranakutemo iidesuka?" meaning "You don't have to go home yet?"


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Toofy
                          i got a question how do you say:


                          i dont know much about jap but i just dontk now how to say all the easy stuff
                          me = watashi (or boku / ore for more manly speech)
                          got = moratta
                          going = ikimasu if you're going to go, itteimasu if you're actually in the process of going.
                          give = agemasu
                          you = anata, kimi, anta (ranges from politest to rudest)


                          • #88
                            I'll do the 2 easy one, but I can't do the others, lol....

                            As I haven't been learning Japanese for too long, I can't answer the others, although you can't form sentences by just adding one word after another.

                            but - clause particle is "kedo"

                            and - particle used to connect nouns is "to". "Soshite" is another, but I don't know conditions....
                            ~Jack of all Trades~

                            ??Stryder* Hume/Male LS:AkuAdvanced


                            • #89
                              Actually, for those who want to look up words like this a very easy way is to look 'em up here:


                              It's an online English - Japanese Dictionary, it works really well for looking up singular words.... of course, they're taken out of context and require a basic knowledge of hiragana and katakana to use. :sweat: To learn the context you'd be better off taking an actual class.


                              • #90
                                Can anyone get the romanji for most of the ws skills?

                                Can I get a romaji translation for this sentence?
                                When do I do my Ws? or What place am I for renenki?

