Ya that's true we were getting a little off topic:sweat: although that's a good idea about the video games, that's basically what i'll do for FFXI, so I guess I should get the dictionary before then. Maybe i'll take screens of the cutscene conversations and then study them later; taking that time translating them while they happen may anger any party that I may be in...
By the way, according to the online dictionary, yukigeshiki also means 'snowy landscape', yuki (snow) + keshiki (landscape)? Maybe that would work better than sekkei?
EDIT: I just found another menu (three choices), can you get the romaji/English? It's the chocobo digging option. It's obviously too small to read directly off of, so hopefully somebody can recall from memory? I'm guessing you get this menu up by pressing circle while on a chocobo...
By the way, according to the online dictionary, yukigeshiki also means 'snowy landscape', yuki (snow) + keshiki (landscape)? Maybe that would work better than sekkei?
EDIT: I just found another menu (three choices), can you get the romaji/English? It's the chocobo digging option. It's obviously too small to read directly off of, so hopefully somebody can recall from memory? I'm guessing you get this menu up by pressing circle while on a chocobo...
