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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • #61
    Ya that's true we were getting a little off topic:sweat: although that's a good idea about the video games, that's basically what i'll do for FFXI, so I guess I should get the dictionary before then. Maybe i'll take screens of the cutscene conversations and then study them later; taking that time translating them while they happen may anger any party that I may be in...

    By the way, according to the online dictionary, yukigeshiki also means 'snowy landscape', yuki (snow) + keshiki (landscape)? Maybe that would work better than sekkei?

    EDIT: I just found another menu (three choices), can you get the romaji/English? It's the chocobo digging option. It's obviously too small to read directly off of, so hopefully somebody can recall from memory? I'm guessing you get this menu up by pressing circle while on a chocobo...


    • #62

      I took my first Chocobo ride today, so here are the menu options.

      Chat - chatto
      Dig - ana hori
      Get off Chocobo - oriru

      Yukigeshiki seems like a more likely choice than sekkei, but I'm not Japanese, so don't take my word as gospel. Yuki and keshiki are much more common than sekkei. Good luck with the story bits in FFXI - they're MUCH harder than the language used in Arc the Lad...:sweat:


      • #63
        Originally posted by Cartman86
        That over there is a malboro!!! (lol)
        Kore wa Malboro Desu!

        My name is ....
        Watashi no namea wa .... desu
        Or you can say Boko in place of watashi if your a boy. I hope thats right. Maybe it was bako. lol im stupid.
        That would be "Sore ha (pronounced wa) Marlboro desu!" and "Watashi no namae ha (again, pronounced wa) [name] desu." The boko/bako you're looking for is Boku.


        • #64
          To transfer to alphabet to Japanese hiragana, the correct way to write is ha. wa will give you the first part of watashi.

          kore - this
          sore - that (things closer than are)
          are - that


          • #65
            Hey I found another manu screen that I haven't seen yet...

            Under "Option", a green sphere (linkshell?) and two choices...


            • #66
              Originally posted by xeu
              Hey I found another manu screen that I haven't seen yet...
              Under "Option", a green sphere (linkshell?) and two choices...
              It says "List Option", the green thing is just a sort of title marker methinks (it isn't a linkshell, I know that much, heh), and the choices are Top: Auto Arrange and Bottom: Manual Arrange. Basically your standard item-arranging-options.


              • #67
                Originally posted by xeu
                What would you need to arrange your items for?
                The number one reason I arrange items is to stack the stackable items...if you have 12 fire crystals taking up 12 spaces in inventory hit auto-sort and they will stack and take just 1 space.

                To access this option go to the item menu and hit triangle.



                • #68
                  Thanks daigoro. Does any Japanese-speaker know the romaji for Auto Arrange and Manual Arrange (just for learning purposes)?


                  • #69
                    Hey Xeu, once I have ffxiworld up and running, I think I will make a page with the domain, and you can be the webmaster for that little subdomained site....I will give you 10megabytes if you want....Just so you don't have to use tripod, lol....So get back to me....


                    • #70

                      Auto-arrange: seiton

                      Arrange by hand: shudou narabekae

                      I'm bloody tired from work and it's almost 1am, so I'll say no more


                      • #71
                        Great Xeu! I will contact you once I am ready to give you acess to my server.....And thanks alot too Revolva! You been great help!


                        • #72
                          Heres some words I find useful (Please correct spelling!):

                          Chouhatsu = Taunt
                          Dame = No good/useless
                          Tame~ = People usualy say this when they want to charge TP

                          Not sure on the spelling though....
                          ~Jack of all Trades~

                          ??Stryder* Hume/Male LS:AkuAdvanced


                          • #73
                            thanks Saiyu

                            Tame~ = People usualy say this when they want to charge TP
                            Do they say this in order to get a white mage to cure them so they don't need to sit? Or when would they say this? Thanks.


                            • #74
                              Re: thanks Saiyu

                              Originally posted by xeu

                              Do they say this in order to get a white mage to cure them so they don't need to sit? Or when would they say this? Thanks.
                              No, tame (tah-may) is building up your TP - the meter used for weapon skills. It's like "Charge".


                              • #75
                                Tame, tame! (sic)

                                Yes, tame is short for the verb tameru (’™‚ß‚é/‚½‚ß‚é), meaning to save, build up, etc. It's used ingame when talking about your TP. I've never heard of using tame for MP, although gramatically speaking, it's perfectly possible.

                                Dame (‚¾‚ß/‘Ê–Ú) is a negative word. It means various things depending on the context. It can mean useless, not allowed, not good, etc. Hope I helped!:spin:

