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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • #31
    Danke once again, sir

    You have been very helpful, i'll be collecting all these onto a word document and study them greatly until I import in novemver--

    I don't have have any more pictures right now, but don't worry I'll come up with something... (actually if anybody comes up with any pictures of menus, like the second main menu, please post them here.

    OK, so image hosts, know any good ones? Are they free? How easy are they to use?

    Just register a name, log on, and click on 'upload' at the top. You will see many lines where you can go to 'browse' to get the image file from your computer (only .jpg files I think). I haven't done it on a mac but i'm pretty sure it is set up the same way. Wait until I get home and i'll be able to take screens if you still aren't sure what to do.



    • #32
      Thanks for everyone's contribution!

      Being a WHM I would like to know what to say in these PT situations:
      - tell another WHM that I would be the first-line healer (is it senpatsu?)
      - tell another WHM that I would be the second-line healer and using weakening magics
      - tell another WHM to switch healing duties (MP runs out)
      - tell party to group together for Protect/Shell

      Thanks in advance!
      Bah... prentend there's a pretty sig pic here.


      • #33
        I'm glad to see that there are Japanese who are practicing English to play with English speaking players. See this translation chart:

        - tell another WHM that I would be the first-line healer (is it senpatsu?)
        kaifuku sennpatsude ikimasu
        - tell another WHM that I would be the second-line healer and using weakening magics
        kaifuku 2bannmeto (?????sorry) ikimasu
        - tell another WHM to switch healing duties (MP runs out)
        MP kirede suwarimasu kaifuku onegai shimasu
        - tell party to group together for Protect/Shell
        puroto sheru kekerunode atsumatte~

        It would be good to oput these in Macro since it will take too long to type. Also if you mention that you are foreigner (gaikokujinn), they will most likely decide the order for you.


        • #34
          I'm glad to see that there are Japanese who are practicing English to play with English speaking players. See this translation chart:
          Whoa nice site tomoh, good to see people will be making an effort to communicate (maybe it shows that they are anticipating more English-speaking importers). And thanks a lot for the translations, i'll be a white mage as well so those will be very helpful. (also, what is macro? are they preset words/phrases or something?)

          By the way Revolva did you ever find out if that was serihin or seripin? And also, could anybody translate those two in the Auction house screen that were unreadable? Thanks.


          • #35
            That's a cute site tomoh, I find it funney that they have "run to selbina" as example, happens ALL TOO OFTEN thar..

            I just say "PURO SHE shimasu" I never bothered to macro anything I say normally yet, it helps to learn better too.

            Other ones I use "SHIGU ittekimasu" or "MOGRImasu" for going to signet/mog.

            Those auction options: furniture, then items you can use in making stuff
            Eriwilde - Red Mage of literary and military arts from Bastok - Garuda

            The Bilingual Website for FFXI


            • #36
              Other ones I use "SHIGU ittekimasu" or "MOGRImasu" for going to signet/mog.
              So 'shigu ittekimasu' means to go (get) signet, and 'mogrimasu' means go to mog (house)? Sorry I was just confused, i'm trying desperately to learn as much Japanese as possible...


              • #37
                That's what I say when I announce to party where Im going so they don't think Im haring off for the hex of it.

                Or if someone else says it, I say "atashimo" for me too. You say "watashi mo" or "onajiku".
                Eriwilde - Red Mage of literary and military arts from Bastok - Garuda

                The Bilingual Website for FFXI


                • #38
                  I say "atashimo" for me too. You say "watashi mo" or "onajiku".
                  So you mean there are different ways to say that depending on gender?

                  By the way, may I add those to the list (in my sig)? Your name would go at the bottom.

                  Tomoh -

                  kaifuku 2bannmeto (?????sorry) ikimasu
                  Did the (?????sorry) mean you left out the part about weakening magics? In other words, would it make sense to just say "kaifuku 2bannmeto ikimasu"? Also, do you really spell 2bannmeto with a 2?

                  Sorry about all these questions :sweat:


                  • #39
                    Xeu, (??sorry) means that I'm not sure about proper saying for (Weaken body<-direct translation). It's *tai. If you take that part out, you can just say:

                    kaifuku 2bann : #2 healer
                    kaifuku 2bann desune : I'm #2 healer, right?

                    * On my previous post I had kaifukuto. to at the end is same as "and."

                    atashi is a slang form of watashi and mostly used by females. Slang form of watashi for males are boku or ore (should be used among friends).

                    As for Romaji, I agree that it would be helpful. I don't have a Japanese keyboard and I don't think many here do.


                    • #40

                      Holy shit I didnt think my thread would be this long
                      And also thank you everyone for posting the japanese that you know it has helped me out alot ^^


                      • #41
                        ari Tomoh~

                        Does anybody know the two kanji selections that Revolva left on the Auction house menu? Here's the picture and translation so far...

                        Weapons - buki
                        Armor - bougu
                        Magic Scrolls - mahou sukuko-ru
                        ??? - ???
                        ??? - ???
                        Materials - sozai
                        Miscellaneous - sono ta


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by xeu

                          also, what is macro? are they preset words/phrases or something?

                          By the way Revolva did you ever find out if that was serihin or seripin? And also, could anybody translate those two in the Auction house screen that were unreadable? Thanks.
                          Yes, macro is a preset string of text or commands activated by pressing ALT or CTRL and one of the no. keys. Although I can't seem to get weapon skills to work on macros:mad:

                          Still haven't checked up on senrihin yet. Sorry, I've been very busy!

                          Other ones I use "SHIGU ittekimasu" or "MOGRImasu" for going to signet/mog.
                          Don't forget that there is no "g" in Japanese, so you have to type mogurimasu.

                          I say "atashimo" for me too. You say "watashi mo" or "onajiku".

                          So you mean there are different ways to say that depending on gender?

                          kaifuku 2bannmeto (?????sorry) ikimasu

                          Did the (?????sorry) mean you left out the part about weakening magics? In other words, would it make sense to just say "kaifuku 2bannmeto ikimasu"? Also, do you really spell 2bannmeto with a 2?
                          Japanese has many pronouns dependent on gender, status, etc. I wouldn't say atashi is slang - it can be the same level of politeness as watashi, but only women use it. Atashi has a wider usage than watashi, because women don't officially have an equivalent of boku or ore. Interestingly, some women (teenagers) use boku and ore - although ore is usually used by ganguro! Atashi is the most comon, though.

                          nibanme and 2banme - both are good Japanese.

                          xeu, please correct my translation of Magic Scroll - it should read mahou sukuro-ru!

                          As for the remaining auction options, screwing my eyes really tight and looking at your screenshot, I'm gonna say the highlighted one is yakuhin - medicine/drugs, and the other one is kagu - furniture. I've just arrived in Jeuno for the first time, and don't know where the AH is yet, when I find it, I'll confirm this.

                          Hey can anyone write the romanji for the Japanese on their english communication chart? I find it very useful. Thanks. BTW, I can take a screenshot of any menu. Just let me know. Thanks.
                          What do you mean by English Communication chart? Is this in the game or something? On that Japanese website mentioned earlier?


                          • #43
                            You don't have to see the option at a Jueno AH.

                            Anyway the other two options are yakuhin (medicine) and kagu (furniture)....hardly stuffs you are gonna buy from in most cases.


                            • #44
                              Yes, you can see the AH options at any AH in Vana Diel, but I'd just arrived in Jeuno, and didn't know where the AH was. I wasn't going to trek all the way to another country just to check that out. I found it pretty quickly, incidentally

                              Speaking of today, I asked some JP players, and they said Battle Spoils are senrihin in Japanese. I also confirmed those two options in the AH are as I and Etoh said above.


                              • #45
                                Thanks again everyone, I just updated the site. Here's some more questions...

                                -I understand that you press Alt + ~ to have your romaji turned into kana/kanji, but how do you make long vowels with this?

                                -Here's a battle menu that has a few unidentified selections on it...

                                translation so far...(based on previous translations)

                                ??? - ???
                                Magic/Song - mahou
                                Abilities - abiriti
                                Items - aitemu
                                ??? - ???
                                Check Target (Scan enemy) - shiraberu

                                By the way, how would you say these phrases (from that Ragnarok Linkshell website), I can't read the characters though...

                                -"Keep your TP, i'll heal you" - ‰ñ•œ‚Í‚·‚é‚©‚ç?ATP’™‚ß‚Ä‚¨‚¢‚Ä‚Ë

                                -"(We should) go back to Selbina" (could I replace "Selbina" with the names of other towns?) - ƒZƒ‹ƒrƒi‚É–ß‚è‚Ü‚µ‚傤

                                ...more (not from website)...

                                -"I'll be right back"

                                ...also, what do you add to ichi, ni, san, etc. to make them "first", "second", "third", etc.? So that you could say "[Name] does the combo move first, I do the combo move second, etc..."

                                Thanks, you've been of great helpfulness~

