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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

    Sassotte kudasai/ Please invite me
    Ima doko ni imasuka?/ Where are you?
    Nigete/ RUN
    Nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu / I only know a little japanese
    PT?/ Would you like to party?
    I Have only translated a few things from the japanese I have learned while playing this game I hope this helps ^^

  • #2
    Here's couple more:

    Thank you (said after a Heal, etc.). There are many ways to say this but the easy ones are:

    - doumo, arigatou, or simply ari

    Nice to meet you (when first meeting or joining a PT):

    - yoroshiku

    Sorry (when someone in ur PT dies or you goof:

    - sumimasenn or gomennasai

    I'm playing from (insert country here)

    - koko (insert country)desu

    Omedetou~ : Congratulations (used when someone has leveled up)

    Here's a simple word that I'm sure you have seen the Japanese use after getting a big Exp pts:

    Umai or Ume~: Delicious in non-polite form (It is OK to use these short forms. You probably want to use Umai)

    MP kire - My MP has run out
    suwarimasu - I'm sitting (to recover MP)
    nige~ or nigete - run from battle (when battle is hopeless)
    w - abbreviation for warau (laugh), which is Japanese equivalent to lol

    I'll try to think of more. If there are phrases you would like translated, list them here and I'll translate and try to make it simple as possible. You don't have to always be completely writing in a polite form. The Japanese will understand.


    • #3
      totetote - very strong (say this when you think it may be too strong for your PT)

      hai - yes

      iie - no

      matsu - wait

      ikimashou - lets go

      isshou ni - together

      sayonara - bye (I think you all know that!)

      gaikokujin - foreigner (remember desu on the end, as desu is like our copula "to be")
      ~Jack of all Trades~

      ??Stryder* Hume/Male LS:AkuAdvanced


      • #4
        Kelisis, "koko" means "here". If you want to say "I am an American", it would be "watashiwa amerikajindesu" then.
        Bah... prentend there's a pretty sig pic here.


        • #5
          How about these, for when you're having a spot of trouble?

          Tasuketekureee!!! - HELP ME!!

          Shinu!! - I'm gonna die!

          If I had remembered to utter these a little earlier yesterday I wouldn't have died at least one of the times that I did. Heh.


          • #6
            I use koko hong kongdesu. Meaning I am playing from HK or I am in HK. If you say Watashiwa Amerikajinndesu, it implies that you are an American playing from the US. Form there, I go into more in-depth conversation.


            • #7
              or you could do what I do when I feel lazy, be a mute with no keyboard. "keyboard nashi" yeah, i know it is wrong.
              seriously though, thanks, i had been trying to figure out how to say I only knew a little japanese as opposed to just saying i dont understand it all.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kelisis
                Hey, I got a question, when you are talking to jpns people, do you spell out the american words, are do you guys actually write the jpns.?
                I use the Japanese characters with the English entry option. ^_^ I actually had a problem with this because I didn't know how to switch from pure English to the English-entered Japanese. I was so relieved when I figured out it was the "~" key.


                • #9
                  Yeah switching from english to japanese is the "alt" + "~" ^^
                  |Elites|PLD75/RNG75/WAR37/NIN37/MNK54 Sandoria - Rank 10


                  • #10
                    Hey guys, go Here for Azn's list, I added all of your's to the thread (and wrote your names at the end to give credit). Thanks


                    • #11
                      For those late night ( tetsuya )sessions, you might wanna say, Oyasumi! (g'night!), and when you leave a PT, it's common to say Otsukaresama deshita . This, as many of the phrases mentioned by others in this thread, can be shortened, e.g. otsukare , otsu-- , etc.


                      • #12
                        And oh, yeah when you get hit reeeallly bad, say KUSO!!!!!!! Means SH!T....... And oh, yeah, I am not familery with phpbb boards, but I want to make one. Could anybody teach me how to use phpbb?


                        • #13
                          Oh yeah, and kuso isn't as rude as shit is in English speaking countries. I'm a teaching assistant in Japan, and I've seen teachers say kuso in front of kids plenty of time (and vice versa). And no one bats so much as an eyelid... It means shit, but I think the level of rudeness is more akin to damn (or arse or bugger in British English). Japanese doesn't have much going in the way of really er... colourful language.


                          • #14
                            Thankyou very much Tomoh and Revolva!

                            Tomoh - I hadn't asked permission so it is understood why you would have been angered. Anyway, thanks. Also, do you mean I should make a post on this board with all of them cumulated?

                            Revolva - Hey, is there a way to put tetsuya into a sentence to make it more useful? Would it be something like "tetsuya desu"? Or something else expressing the fact that it is late at night? Thanks.

                            Also, there is a list Here at mamak-int, but they are in kana/kanji (some are in romanji though) and this computer can't read them. Is there a translating program/website like babelfish that can change them all to romanji? The list is pretty long...


                            • #15
                              Er, xeu...

                              ...that list has been mostly romaji-ised. Maybe you didn't look at it recently or something. It's quite a comprehensive list, and only a few don't have romaji.
                              If you ask for something specific, like what is "bumfluff" in Japanese, I'd be happy to translate.

                              Tetsuya isn't especially useful - I guess you could say something like,
                              "tetsuya suru tsumori desu ka?" (Are you going to play all night/until late?) if you're making conversation, but it's not really relevant to gameplay.

                              kelisis, of course it depends on the teacher's personality when saying kuso. And I should have pointed out that the teachers who've said kuso were mainly male ones! Japan is very much a country where men are taught to be men, women are women (*very* broad generalisation, that!), etc. Why (and how? ) did you use kuso in front of your teacher? For instance, I wouldn't say, "temee ha kuso da!!!!!" ("You shit!") but I have seen kids say kuso indirectly in front of the teacher when they make a mistake or something. It's hard to explain properly, it kind of becomes instinct knowing when and where to use certain words once you see Japanese use them in their "native environment" (sounds like a nature programme! )

