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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • #46
    They're the same as when I translated them before... The missing items are chat and trade. You already have the romaji for those.

    The Alt + something for kana - is I assume only on some keyboards. Are we talking non-Japanese keyboards? All the Japanese keyboards I've used (and I've used a lot) have at least one button for kana switching. Usually, it's 3. Two by the space bar, and one under the Esc key. For long vowels, it depends. Do you mean like ƒJ?[ƒ‹/ka-ru (curl/Carl)? Just press hyphen.

    I think somebody wasn't sure about weakening magic - it's called Žã‘Ì?@–‚–@ jakutai mahou.


    DOH! Didn't notice the bottom half of your post, xeu


    • #47
      kaifuku ha suru kara, TP tamete oite ne

      serubina he modorimashou You can replace serubina with any place name you like, but this phrase actually means, "let's go back to Selbina". For we should, you need,

      serubina he modoru beki da

      I'll be right back: sugu modotte kuru

      First: ichibanme
      Second: nibanme , etc....

      And yes, that weakening magic thing looks about right.


      • #48
        Thanks!! And what about combos? To be able to say...

        "[Name] does the combo move first, I do the combo move second, etc..."

        And you said "sugu modotte kuru" is 'be right back', is that a better way to say it than "sugu modoru"? And how would you say 'Ok i'm back'?

        That's all I need to know, thankyou.


        • #49
          Originally posted by xeu
          Thanks!! And what about combos? To be able to say...

          "[Name] does the combo move first, I do the combo move second, etc..."
          <name>ha WS no ichibanme , then replace ichibanme with whatever cardinal numeral you like.
          But, in my experience, we usually decide by who's carrying what weapon, and from that, you know who has what WSs, so we say stuff like conbo(Combo - not WS combo, gauntlet WS name)>retasu(Red Lotus)>ha-do(Hard Slash). So you pretty much know where you are in the WS order from that.

          Originally posted by xeu

          And you said "sugu modotte kuru" is 'be right back', is that a better way to say it than "sugu modoru"? And how would you say 'Ok i'm back'?

          That's all I need to know, thankyou.
          Yes, sugu modoru is fine, too. "I'm back" - tadaima!

          I'd be interested to hear other's views on WS language. :angel:


          • #50

            Hey, xeu. I was just checking out your website. You might want to check some of the spellings and translations on it. I'm looking at section 9 now:

            kokan should be koukan

            bugu - bougu

            tsutsu?? I've never heard this before (doesn't mean it's wrong, though) I usually hear juu ?e for gun.

            I'll have a look at the rest later, as long as you don't mind me being a smart-alec smug bar steward!


            • #51
              Thanks! Since it depends on your weapon, I guess I'll have to just learn all the combos and their translations some time.

              Also, I don't think my computer read your translation for 'gun' right, it says "juu ?e" with a square box before the 'e'. I looked up 'gun' at a site that translates English-Japanese and a long list showed up, I was trying to find a match for 'juu*e'.

              Thanks for the translations, I made those fixes and welcome any more.


              • #52
                I just started to learn about japanses and all I know is:

                Konnichiwa: Hello
                mata: Good bye
                dewa mata: C you tomorrow
                Hai:Yes(Not sure about this one)


                • #53
                  the thing i most often use is just:

                  sankashiteiidesuka--->can i join you

                  yoroshiku---->best regards

                  but im sure you all know that..w

                  just putting in a stupid comment to show i'm still there.



                  • #54
                    ochimasu: I'm logging off (literal translation is "I'm dropping")
                    <location>he ikimasu: I'm going to <location>
                    For location use the following in katakana: basu, sann, winn?, and jyuuno.


                    • #55
                      Hey, while you're translating place names, could you give the romaji versions of these?

                      - Gustaberg
                      - Ronfaure
                      - Sarutabaruta


                      I already have Selbina (serubina) but are there any other small cities besides Mhaura?

                      ...some terrain types...


                      By the way, i'm going to be a beastmaster and found this pic...

                      It was titled "Monster! Go!" on IGN so is this where you go to command your monster?

                      And if any of you find any other errors on my site, please say so.



                      • #56
                        Hello, peoples!

                        Kelisis, hi, I'd be happy to translate stuff for your site, dependent on two things:

                        1 - If I have time and can actually understand the articles!

                        2 - You never, eeeeever, call me "Revolvo" again! And yes I do watch WWE, for those wondering.

                        xeu, here are those place names, although I can't vouch for their accuracy. Sorry. Will check later.

                        Gustaberg - gusutaba-gu
                        Ronfaure - ronfo-re
                        Sartabarta - sarutabaruta
                        Mhaura - maura (pronounced Mowra like meow)

                        Desert - sabaku
                        Jungle - janguru
                        Volcanic - according to my dictionary, kazan no, or, kazansei
                        Snowy - yuki no ooi, yuki ga furu no
                        Mountain - yama
                        Grassland - sougen/souchi

                        Yes, that is the beast command menu, but the higlighted command is "Fight!" - tatakae!, not go. This menu only appears when you click on Pet, on the Battle menu, I think. I'll check your site when I have more time. I'm trying to play FFXI and type this at the same time!:sweat:


                        • #57

                          Hey Revolva do you use an electronic dictionary like the Canon Wordtank? I'm going to be buying an IDF-3000 for $100 off ebay so i'm just wondering. Maybe the dictionary will allow me to translate some kanji and such so I don't have to leave you with such a burden...

                          By the way, you say there is a pet command in the battle menu that gets you to the screen in that pic? I don't think the menus on my site have it, so it only appears when a tamed monster is selected? I'll have to find a screen of that, along with all the other menus that I still don't have pictures for... :sweat:


                          • #58

                            This is the IDF-3000

                            This is the IDF-4500

                            Here's a nice site about them


                            Revolva, would sekkei work as 'snowy landscape'? Or is tenka better for saying 'snow'? These were from a translation site.


                            • #59
                              Here's a website with some tips on learning Japanese...


                              What you should do is type in "English Subtitles" in the VHS section "Anime & Manga" of, just order a new video from the list each time you mastered the one before. This is what i'll do, maybe i'll start with a popular one that i've already seen like Akira (make sure the video you get it subtitled, not dubbed). But first I have to improve my Japanese.


                              • #60
                                Ahh.. anime. Much as I like to talk about it (Akira got me into Japanese stuff 12 years ago), it's probably best done on another thread. I think there's actually an anime/manga forum on this site.

                                xeu, yes, I do use an electronic dictionary. I've gone through a few over the years. Canon Wordtanks have been around for years, and are very popular with beginner students. I don't have too much experience with Wordtanks, I tried a few people's out, and they were a little basic for me. The jump function was limited, as well, not having every word I wanted. That said, no dictionary does . The jump functions improve every year, though, and I don't think any other brand does Japanese to English Jumping. Which seems like an obvious thing to include to me.

                                I use two now, a Sharp pocket organiser, bought a few years ago for writing kanji in with a stylus when I can't find the readings in my main dictionary, a Casio. I got it a couple of years ago for 30,000 yen, it has a kanji directory, a thesaurus, JP-Eng dictionary, Eng-JP dictionary, spell checker, and the cool part - the entire Koujien! Koujien is like the Oxford Dictionary for us Brits - maybe for Americans it's Websters'? If I can't find a word in the JP-Eng, I look in the Koujien. I actually find the koujien more useful for explaining meanings and usage than the crappy "Genius" brand of dictionary they use for the Eng-JP/Jp-Eng sections. Of course, you have to be able to read a lot of Japanese first to make it worth purchasing a portable with the koujien Time to get a new dictionary without that minging Genius dictionary methinks. Enough about dictionaries, if you want to know more, private message me or something, or make a new thread .

                                Easy Japanese/we "make things complicated". Er, yeah. Broad statements that need some qualification. Carrying a pocket dictionary is better than a paper dictionary, unless you can't afford an electronic one (and they can be pretty expensive if you want a decent model) They're faster, and more useful. Whatever, if getting one makes things more complicated for you, don't get one. Me, it's made studying and remembering vocabulary a whole lot more easy and efficient.

                                Anyway, I played games to learn Japanese, specifically RPGs. I was studying Japanese for two years, and I was doing well, but things didn't properly come together till I had done my 6 months study exchange in Japan, where I got the game Arc the Lad. I played it and took the time to look up every word I didn't know. Of course, it was a huge list of jukugo (kanji compounds), but I learnt a lot. Now, I live in Japan, and I learn something new practically every day. Doing with Weekly Famitsu what I did with Arc the Lad, I learnt a hell of a lot. The best advice I know is to live and breathe your new language as much as you can. People who study English in Japan always say they don't learn much - unsurprising - one lesson a week doesn't cut it. You have to use your target language as much as possible, in as many situations as possible. Specifically, do what you like in your target language, as Soundwave sort of said.

                                Tenka - I'll check more thoroughly, but I don't know of a tenka relating to snow, and couldn't find one in the koujien.

                                Sekkei - refers to either a snowy scene/background/landscape, or with different kanji, you get snowy ravine. I've never heard it used ingame, but never say never, right?:spin:

