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Helpful Japanese Sayings for Importers ^^

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  • #16
    Here is the quick tripod site with more words/phrases, all I did was organize them into categories...

    Also, could anybody give me translations for these...

    - "i'll revive you" or somewhere along the lines of "wait while I revive you"

    - any expressions/phrases that would be helpful in trading guilds (Fishing, Blacksmith, etc). I don't have any experience with these so I wouldn't know what phrases would be helpful though...

    - which is more commonly used to ask for a party invitation: "sassotte kudasai" or "gomenkudasai"?

    - "follow", I found "furou" and "tsuizui" from online dictionaries, is there one that is most commonly used?

    That's all for now, Thanks.


    • #17
      Wait while I revive you:Kearu kakemasu! Matte kudasai. Or, if you mean raise, then Reizu kakemasu! Matte kudasai.

      Plese invite me: Sasotte kudasai. Some people also say hirotte kudasai (literally, please pick me up). I've never heard gomen kudasai for PTs. Only when entering someone's house/asking for service in a shop.

      Follow me: Tuitekite (kudasai)

      I'm afraid I don't know anything about guilds, so without specific questions, I can't help you on that.

      And on a different note - I just noticed I'm no longer a Newbie Member! Yay me!:spin:


      • #18
        Here are some abbreviated ones. It helps to have it in Chinese character (kanji):

        Black Mage: kuro
        White mage: shiro
        Red mage: aka
        Monk: monnku (in katakana)
        spell: mahou
        song: uta
        Dark Knight: annkoku
        Thief: shi-fu (in katakana)

        I'll work on others.


        • #19
          It's nice to be useful!

          This is what I was born to do! Seriously, when I started learning, all I wanted to do was help out others and spread the love!

          So without further ado, here's some more:

          As Tomoh said, just use the kanji (if you can) for red, white, black (aka, kuro and shiro). JP users often use these to mean the appropriate mage, so you don't need to spell it out.

          Beastmaster: juutsukai

          Mage: In this game, it's madoushi

          Ranger: kariudo

          Bard: ginyuushijin (ginyuujin I think is also OK)

          Paladin: naito (Knight)

          By the way, please amend "tuitekite kudasai" from my previous post to Tsuitekite kudasai.

          Anymore? Bring 'em on!


          • #20
            Re: It's nice to be useful!

            Originally posted by Revolva
            This is what I was born to do! Seriously, when I started learning, all I wanted to do was help out others and spread the love!

            So without further ado, here's some more:

            As Tomoh said, just use the kanji (if you can) for red, white, black (aka, kuro and shiro). JP users often use these to mean the appropriate mage, so you don't need to spell it out.

            Beastmaster: juutsukai

            Mage: In this game, it's madoushi

            Ranger: kariudo

            Bard: ginyuushijin (ginyuujin I think is also OK)

            Paladin: naito (Knight)

            By the way, please amend "tuitekite kudasai" from my previous post to Tsuitekite kudasai.

            Anymore? Bring 'em on!
            Actually in the game Bards are referred to as "Utatsukai".


            • #21

              Thanks again everybody. And anyway, if you insist on having more to translate...

              "Over here!!"

              OK, from now on I will begin searching for the romanji and English translations for all the menus in the game. First of all, could you guys translate (romanji would be great) the menu that comes up when you press "O"...

              ...and the menus from Ping's mooglehouse section...

              I understand that these already have words translated, but I just wanted the romanji so that I could study them and learn how to say them.

              ...battle menu?...seems similar to the first one...

              ...ok you don't need to translate everything in this one, it's a battle menu like the one before, but two of the choices are different...can anybody explain this?...



              • #22
                Re: weee

                Originally posted by xeu

                Xeu's Topic:


                Xeu's Topic:


                Xeu's Topic:


                Xeu's Topic:


                Hello All,

                I don't sure about the last picture...

                Windurst Rank 10
                Sandoria Rank 10
                Bastok Rank 10
                Zilart= Complete
                CoP= Complete
                ToAU: M44


                • #23
                  OK, going in order, Kelisis, if you just wrote "Fuck You!" most people in Japan would get it. Real life story about the extent of swearing in Japan. Kids will be kids, right? When you're a teenager, you want to rebel, experiment, etc. A lot of teenage boys get into Hip Hip and J-Hip Hop. All the cliches of swearing, ho's etc. are in there in J-Hip Hop. So one day some students who listen to J-Hip Hop shout out in the corridor, "Hey Tokyo Hip Hip motherfuckaaaa!" at school! I told them not to say that in school - hell I don't care what they do in their spare time, but I don't think that kind of language belongs at school. So after school they asked me what motherfucker means. I explained it to them - and the look of shock on their faces was priceless! So there you go. Most Japanese know "Shut up!", shit, and fuck (you). So no translation needed, really. Otherwise, Soundwave's translation is the closest you'll get, probably.

                  OK, next, "Zakkenyo!" - top title for a book! Just knowing the title makes me want to get it!

                  Are you sure about utatsukai, Soundwave (as in the Transformer? "Eject, eject, EJEEEECT!") ? In the manual (which I looked at last night to check before posting) and all the ingame menus I can remember it says ginyuushijin, and I've only heard people say ginyuu while chatting. Please explain what you mean by "in the game", as it's important to know if there are variations. I will also check tonight with JP players to confirm this.

                  Should I still translate those menus, xeu? I assume Painkiller has posted translations to your menus, only they won't come up on my computer, only your pics, xeu. Can anyone else see Painkiller's (presumably that's what they are) translations?

                  Ah, bollocks, I'll do 'em now anyway. ('Scuse my French) First of all, it's Romaji
                  , not Romanji. No "n". Mmmkay?

                  First menu:

                  Chat - Chatto
                  Magic - Mahou
                  Abilities - Abiriti
                  Items - Aitemu
                  Trade - Tore-do
                  Start Fishing - Tsuri

                  2nd menu:
                  Status - Sute-tasu
                  Equipment - Soubi henkou
                  Magic List - Mahou risuto
                  Items - Aitemu
                  Abilities - Abiriti
                  Party "Editing" (Can't think of a more natural translation - need...sleep...) - Pa-ti hensei
                  Trade - Tore-do
                  Search (for other players) - Sa-chi
                  Linkshell (LS) - Rinkusheru
                  Friend List - Furendorisuto
                  Regional Information - Ri-jon jouhou
                  Moogle House (Isn't it Mog House? I'm not so familiar with Official English Translations of regular FF stuff) - Moguhausu

                  Menu no 3:
                  Mog Storage/Cabinet - Mogu kinko
                  Post - Posuto
                  Job Change - Jobu chenji
                  Pet??? OK, I'll admit I haven't used this option, but I'm 99% sure the kanji mean plant something/grow something. - Saibai
                  Layout (change the furniture arrangements of your Mog House) - Reiauto
                  Vana Diel Tribune - toribyu-n

                  Battle Menu (no.4 of xeu's first post; this menu is before you attack, but you've clicked on an enemy)
                  Attack - Kougeki
                  Magic - Mahou
                  Abilities - Abiriti
                  Items - Aitemu
                  Spoils of Battle - Senrihin (possibly senripin - I'll check). This only appears when there are items to be lotted in for after a PT has fought a battle.
                  Check/Investigate (Scan an enemy to see how strong it is) - Shiraberu

                  5th menu. This is what you see when you have clicked on attack and have engaged an enemy - wow I love this macho military speak:
                  Change Target - Ta-getto henkou
                  You should know the others by now...
                  2nd to last one - Disengage the enemy(Stop attacking) - Sentou kaijo

                  Ship; honestly, I don't know if there's a special name for them. But I just say "fune" and people get what I mean.

                  Airship: Now I've talked to people about them in Japanese - but I can't remember right now!! Definitely lack of sleep, and brains... need more brains...
                  Linkshell: LS or rinkusheru
                  Crystal: kurisutaru
                  "Over here!!": Kocchi dayo! Come here: Kocchi kite/kocchi koi! (2nd one is rather rough, use with good friends only to be safe)

                  Maybe Soundwave or Tomoh can fill in the blanks. Anyone got a RedBull to keep me awake? Man I miss RedBull living in Japan...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Revolva
                    Are you sure about utatsukai, Soundwave (as in the Transformer? "Eject, eject, EJEEEECT!") ? In the manual (which I looked at last night to check before posting) and all the ingame menus I can remember it says ginyuushijin, and I've only heard people say ginyuu while chatting. Please explain what you mean by "in the game", as it's important to know if there are variations. I will also check tonight with JP players to confirm this.
                    Oops. :sweat: I looked up a Japanese job list online here and realized 'twas my mistake. I was messing the kanji up in my head. I must have mixed the Beastmaster with the Bard, and replaced "beast" with "song". Heh. Still, ‰ÌŽg‚¢ (utatsukai) is one way to refer to them? I mean, they do use songs? Heh. As for my name, it is indeed an homage to the transforming walkman.


                    • #25
                      Hehehe, ok thanks Rev.......And I will be importing the PC version on Nov. 8, so I will be needing your help!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Revolva
                        PS How do you stick screenshots in mid-post (I've only had my iMac for 4 weeks - still a newb to a lot of internet stuff)?:confused:
                        First, host the image somewhere. Then when making the post, go to the IMG button and paste in the URL of the picture you want to put in your post. Simple as that.


                        • #27
                          A RI GA TO !!

                          Thank you very much Painkiller and Revolva (hey, making me wait is a small price to pay for some sleep!)

                          Tomoh - Thanks, any corrections will be very appreciated

                          Hey, does anybody know where to find more pictures of menus? I know there are much more, so I am deperate for them. Isn't there a second menu when you press square and shift right or left? A picture of that would be nice...

                          --By the way, to post an image, put it's url inbetween the [im*g][/im*g] tags (take out asterisks).


                          Here is a picture from which has a menu with four choices, might be too small to read but could somebody at least say what it's for?

                 this picture, the menu is up, and the very last selection doesn't look like the moogle house one. Can you translate this (not all, just the last one)? Very small....

                          ((Auction Centre))

                          yay more...

                          the menu on the upper right corner...? You don't need to translate it all if you can't read it (too small) but what is it for?

                          upper right corner again...both pictures show the same thing I guess...

                          please understand that i'm just pulling out whatever I see, there are probably a lot more so any help would be appreciated greatly...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kelisis
                            How do you say F*uck you!???
                            Funnily enough, a student asked me in the middle of school cleaning time (anyone who's watched a school-based anime should know what I'm talking about) today what fuck you means - I had my electronic dictionary handy and this is what I got - kutabare! Which literally means "die!". tottoto usero! - more like "bugger off/ go away immediately!", so I guess fuck off would be better for that one. There was also, kuso kurae! (eat shit!). Maybe it's just me, but I think these are very much manga/movie type phrases. I've never seen them used in real life. But then I don't go looking for fights in Japan! I hope you've learnt something, young man! :angel:

                            Oh yeah, I'll help you if I can with FFXI on Nov.8! :angel:

                            Yep, using a Mac, is that so unusual?:confused: I know PCs are far more common, but I like Apple's style, and I remember all the problems my PC-owning friends and my younger brother have gone through with PCs. Didn't fancy any of that bollocks. Plus OS X looked about right for my level of computer proficiency


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Soundwave

                              Oops. :sweat: I looked up a Japanese job list online here and realized 'twas my mistake. I was messing the kanji up in my head. I must have mixed the Beastmaster with the Bard, and replaced "beast" with "song". Heh. Still, ‰ÌŽg‚¢ (utatsukai) is one way to refer to them? I mean, they do use songs? Heh. As for my name, it is indeed an homage to the transforming walkman.
                              I figured that's what had happened I think ‰ÌŽg‚¢/utatsukai would make sense if you tried it on some JP players.

                              Soundwave was the man in Transformers! I remember impersonating him all the time when I was a kid! "Laserbeak, Ravage, attaaack!"

                              OK, so image hosts, know any good ones? Are they free? How easy are they to use?


                              • #30
                                Re: A RI GA TO !!

                                This menu appears when you click on Abilities. The options are, from top to bottom:

                                Job Abilities - jobu abiriti
                                Weapon Skills - uepon sukiru
                                Ranged/Long Distance Attack - enkaku kougeki (For your bows, boomerangs, chakrams, etc.
                                Pet Commands - petto komando

                                This is the menu you usually see when you press Square. The last option is Map (mappu). It is replaced by the Mog House option only when you are in your Mog House.

                                The Auction House (AH) menu screen.

                                In the top left it says "Setting the Price" (kingaku settei), the Help Bar says, "Please set your price" (Kingaku wo settei shite kudasai). The items on the left from top to bottom are Potion (po-shon), Ether (e-teru), Poison Antidote (dokukeshi), Echo Medicine (yamabikogusuri), and Akuamusurumu (no idea what it is - Aqua Muslim???)).

                                The right-hand side menu reads:
                                Weapons - buki
                                Armour - bougu
                                Magic Scrolls - mahou sukuko-ru
                                Can't read the next two, and I can't remember what they are...
                                2nd from last: Materials - sozai
                                Miscellaneous - sono ta
                                You see this when you're looking to buy something in the Auction House.

                                You see this when you click on Status on the main game menu (2nd picture of this post). It reads from top to bottom:

                                Profile - purofi-ru
                                Job Level - jobu reberu
                                Battle Skills List - sentou sukiru ichiran
                                Magic Skills List - mahou sukiru ichiran
                                Item Production Skills List - gousei sukiru ichiran

                                I'm outta here!:spin:

