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Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

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  • cidbahamut
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    Session 7

    Session 8

    Session 9

    Session 10

    Session 11

    Session 12

    Session 13

    Session 14

    Everything else is still on paper.

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  • Firewind
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    I remember when Adam accidentally the desk. It knocked my character down to something like -7 to -9HP.

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  • cidbahamut
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    That's it, I'm going to ruin all the mystique. Yyg, this is your fault.

    Session 1

    Session 2

    Session 3

    Session 4

    Session 5

    Session 6

    These are all pretty much verbatim transcripts of my hand scribbled notes.
    Last edited by cidbahamut; 05-01-2013, 04:28 PM.

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  • cidbahamut
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    But rewriting history takes effort and I'm lazy.

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  • DakAttack
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    This is your opportunity to re-write history!

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  • cidbahamut
    Re: Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    I think I actually had all of that written down too. Well maybe not the ex-paladin part, but you've been known to omit details and the rest of us are admittedly pretty drunk.

    Fuck, now I'm going to have to dig up my notes tonight and post them or something. You do realize this is going to ruin the myth that I've been taking good notes, right?

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  • Yygdrasil
    started a topic Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    Cid's Notes: To be read in a drunken slur...

    I figured it might benefit the group to have somewhere to post important information that they would rather not forget. Sometimes little details come across the "table" and it seems that Cid is the only one keeping track. So here it is! The online and universally accessible database of notes that you guys might deem important.

    Can't remember the name of the ex paladin who runs that bar in that city? Why wait until Cid is online to ask him when you could just check the notes!? Oh that's right! His Name was Parshant! His wife's name was Ausma... and they run the Happy Beggar out of the Boneyard (ghetto) in Overlook. That's right!