Re: Character Projections
Level------ Class and Job Level--------- BAB Feat Gained
5---------- Wizard 5th------------------ +2 Spell focus evocation (switching with focus shot)
6---------- Ranger 1st------------------ +3 Favorite enemy (human), track, wild empathy
7---------- Ranger 2nd----------------- +4 Spell specialization - fireball (let's you cast as if you were 2 levels higher), Weapon focus Longbow (RNG combat feat)
8---------- Ranger 3rd----------------- +5 Endurance, Favorite terrain - underground (caves, dungeons, etc), +1 INT
9---------- Fighter 1st------------------ +6 Bulls Eye (gain +4 on att roll by not moving), Many shot (stacks with Rapid shot, 1st arrow shot shoots 2 arrows)
10--------- Wizard 6th------------------ +7
11--------- Arcane Archerer 1st------- +8
This could change, but is probably a lock.
edited due to bad spacing...
Level------ Class and Job Level--------- BAB Feat Gained
5---------- Wizard 5th------------------ +2 Spell focus evocation (switching with focus shot)
6---------- Ranger 1st------------------ +3 Favorite enemy (human), track, wild empathy
7---------- Ranger 2nd----------------- +4 Spell specialization - fireball (let's you cast as if you were 2 levels higher), Weapon focus Longbow (RNG combat feat)
8---------- Ranger 3rd----------------- +5 Endurance, Favorite terrain - underground (caves, dungeons, etc), +1 INT
9---------- Fighter 1st------------------ +6 Bulls Eye (gain +4 on att roll by not moving), Many shot (stacks with Rapid shot, 1st arrow shot shoots 2 arrows)
10--------- Wizard 6th------------------ +7
11--------- Arcane Archerer 1st------- +8
This could change, but is probably a lock.
edited due to bad spacing...