Re: General Discussion
Am I reading this right? Someone double check my work... because if this is how it works then 2 weapon fighting in Pathfinder is broken as hell.
Start out with the following stats at level 12:
12 STR
17 DEX
12 CON
14 INT
10 WIS
18 CHA
Base Attack Bonus: +9/+4 (2 attacks in a full round action)
Now add the following Feats:
Weapon Finesse: Use DEX instead of STR modifier on attack rolls (+11/+6)
Weapon Focus: +1 on attack rolls with the specified weapon (+12/+7)
Two Weapon Fighting: Assuming you're using 2 light weapons it reduces the penalty to -2/-2 (+10/+5)
If I'm looking at it right, 2 weapon fighting allows for a second attack with your offhand weapon at a penalty to both attacks. As a full round action, a character who normally gets 2 attacks/round now gets 4... because the two-handed fighting feat allows for a second attack off each of the main attacks. So in total he would get 4 attacks at a -2/-2/-2/-2 penalty if both weapons are light. So if I'm reading it right, your full round two handed fighting attack bonus would be (+8/+8/+3/+3)
Now we continue to add another feat:
Improved Two Weapon Fighting: Grants you a second attack with the offhand weapon at a -5 penalty...
If I'm reading it right, that means I would get (+8/+8/+3/+3/+3/-2). Am I reading this wrong?
Lets continue to add another Feat:
Improved Critical: Doubles the effective threat range of critical hits for the chosen weapon.
Now what if this whole time I were dual wielding 2 +2 Short Swords. 1d6 Damage with a critical threat range of 18-20. The +2 bonus to the weapons would apply to the attack roll and the damage. So my attack rolls would become (+10/+10/+5/+5/+5/+0) with a critical threat range of 18-20 on each of those 6 rolls.
Damn. Someone double check that for me.
- - - Updated - - -
Edited: I read the critical threat range as 18-20 for a short sword when it is in fact 19-20. Although if you don't mind taking the hit to base damage... a Kukri deals 1d4 damage with an initial threat range of 18-20 that would double to 16-20 with improved critical. I'm going to parse some numbers with a random number generator for a minute to see if 1d6 with 18-20 is better in the long run than 1d4 with 16-20 if both crits multiply by 2/
Am I reading this right? Someone double check my work... because if this is how it works then 2 weapon fighting in Pathfinder is broken as hell.
Start out with the following stats at level 12:
12 STR
17 DEX
12 CON
14 INT
10 WIS
18 CHA
Base Attack Bonus: +9/+4 (2 attacks in a full round action)
Now add the following Feats:
Weapon Finesse: Use DEX instead of STR modifier on attack rolls (+11/+6)
Weapon Focus: +1 on attack rolls with the specified weapon (+12/+7)
Two Weapon Fighting: Assuming you're using 2 light weapons it reduces the penalty to -2/-2 (+10/+5)
********* Here's where I need clarification *********
If I'm looking at it right, 2 weapon fighting allows for a second attack with your offhand weapon at a penalty to both attacks. As a full round action, a character who normally gets 2 attacks/round now gets 4... because the two-handed fighting feat allows for a second attack off each of the main attacks. So in total he would get 4 attacks at a -2/-2/-2/-2 penalty if both weapons are light. So if I'm reading it right, your full round two handed fighting attack bonus would be (+8/+8/+3/+3)
Now we continue to add another feat:
Improved Two Weapon Fighting: Grants you a second attack with the offhand weapon at a -5 penalty...
********* Again with the clarification *********
If I'm reading it right, that means I would get (+8/+8/+3/+3/+3/-2). Am I reading this wrong?
Lets continue to add another Feat:
Improved Critical: Doubles the effective threat range of critical hits for the chosen weapon.
Now what if this whole time I were dual wielding 2 +2 Short Swords. 1d6 Damage with a critical threat range of 18-20. The +2 bonus to the weapons would apply to the attack roll and the damage. So my attack rolls would become (+10/+10/+5/+5/+5/+0) with a critical threat range of 18-20 on each of those 6 rolls.
Damn. Someone double check that for me.
- - - Updated - - -
Edited: I read the critical threat range as 18-20 for a short sword when it is in fact 19-20. Although if you don't mind taking the hit to base damage... a Kukri deals 1d4 damage with an initial threat range of 18-20 that would double to 16-20 with improved critical. I'm going to parse some numbers with a random number generator for a minute to see if 1d6 with 18-20 is better in the long run than 1d4 with 16-20 if both crits multiply by 2/