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Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe mew mew innovation

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  • Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe mew mew innovation

    So inspirational, mew! =^^=

    Now Tekken is discovering some of the teachings of mewness Lucky Chloe now makes Tekken 7 the ultimate fighting game, mew! =^^=

  • #2
    Re: Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe mew mew innovation

    She's Japan/Europe exclusive.

    Namco heard America hated her that much. I think Tekken creativity peaked at Alisa and creativity never even happened with the rest of the roster. Well, aside from the velociraptor with boxing gloves.


    • #3
      Re: Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe mew mew innovation

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      She's Japan/Europe exclusive.

      Namco heard America hated her that much. I think Tekken creativity peaked at Alisa and creativity never even happened with the rest of the roster. Well, aside from the velociraptor with boxing gloves.
      You lie, mew!!!! >< Mainstream opinion would not influence Namco so much that they would keep someone exclusive outside a region due to vocal social media hate (that hate in fact being in the minority. Lucky Chloe trailer still got more likes than dislikes, and more views in total.) The business protocol always states that more fan service (which is what companies would classify this as) is always a good thing, regardless of region. And also America being a land of freedom of speech, there's more reason for Lucky Chloe to be
      approved in america more so than other regions. America approved Marie Rose, they will approve Lucky Chloe also. I mean really, mew. It's not like she's another Decapre (and even she eventually got approval from the fans.)


      • #4
        Re: Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe mew mew innovation

        I used to really love Tekken but I found the last game on the PS3 seriously lacklustre and the graphics for this one look bloody awful. The character models seem so disproportionate. Huge shoulders, barrel chests, 'roided-up muscle-heads... urgh.

