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Mistwalker's Mobile Game: Terra Battle

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  • Mistwalker's Mobile Game: Terra Battle

    Terra Battle by MISTWALKER

    The momentum has been building as almost 400,000 app download in just less than a week. There are interesting components to this mobile game (Android & iOS platforms) For starters, each level of download achieved unlocks new content, which are totally free (the game survives off of microtransactions built into the game and are not pay-2-win) So far, what's been unlocked are:

    Download Starter | Terra Battle by MISTWALKER

    -New music tracks by Nobuo Uematsu
    -New characters by Hideo Minaba (FFV, VI, IX, XII, FFT)
    -New characters by Nakaba Suzuki (Nanatsu no Taizai aka Seven Deadly Sins)
    -New characters by Hitoshi Yoneda (Silent Bomber, Phantasy Star I, II)

    Further works by other artists like Yoshitaka Amano, Manabu Kusunoki (Sega) and Kimihiko Fujisaka (Drakengard, Last Story), including physical contents as well as live concerts.

    The game is pretty entertaining thus far, but I can see aspects where it may get grindy, depending on the skill level of a player (it gets grindy if you rely on leveling to beat the story chapters, otherwise using wits and having sheer luck could pull you through some tough battles)

    Anyway, the download is free (not sure if it's only limited time), so may as well just try it out (and help out with the download content unlocking mechanism)

    App Store (iOS):


  • #2
    Re: Mistwalker's Mobile Game: Terra Battle

    Originally posted by Aeni View Post
    Anyway, the download is free (not sure if it's only limited time)
    I was at Sakaguchi's panel in PAX Prime, I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be a limited time thing. It looked pretty cool. The whole micro-transactions/energy thing made me a bit uneasy, but I doubt he'll go Zynga on us. Didn't realize it was already out, I'll give it a shot.

    EDIT: By the way, there's a gift code for early adopters.


    • #3
      Re: Mistwalker's Mobile Game: Terra Battle

      Playing this game at the moment and very much enjoying it. Basics are you have three attack types (Sword/Bow/Lance) that act as rock/paper/scissors and a fourth type (Staff) which acts as a healer. Team is made up of 6 "cards" with a specific character/creature on each with one of the four weapon forms. You go against varying levels of creatures over numerous waves and receive items/credits/energy. The first two are used to upgrade specific character cards (1-3 jobs - think advanced jobs unlock) and the last two are used to purchase new cards.

      Right now I can only fight 3 battles before I'm on an imposed cooldown. You have a Stamina gauge, mine's currently at 31 and each fight reduces it by a set amount (eg 10 per battle). The Stamina gauge refills at 1 point per 3 mins or some such though.

      Anyway, fun free game and it appears to be receiving constant updates.

