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GamesCom 2014

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  • #16
    Re: GamesCom 2014

    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    Hm? Phil Spencer (head of Xbox) said he DID pay for exclusivity, but that it has "a duration". If you're going to paraphrase, at least paraphrase accurately.

    Then GT got it wrong because that's what they said in their news video recently.



    • #17
      Re: GamesCom 2014

      You do realise Microsoft were still lying massively by omission by not mentioning that it was a timed exclusive right? MS wanted us to think it would be XBox One only because it would shift consoles. Phil Spencer had to come out and admit it was timed exclusive because gamers sniffed bullshit and called it out immediately. The fact that it took a full week for him to tell the truth shows just how bad he is at this whole "telling massive fucking lies" thing. YOu don't just go out on stage and claim something is an exclusive.

      Sony and Nintendo are both guilty of this as well. "Hey guys! Come look at this exclusive...That is also going to be on PC...And has a handheld spinoff...And it going to be on every mobile device known to man..."

      Just going to copy paste what I put in the other thread about what I think about it being timed exclusive:

      So Rise of the Tomb Raider being made an Xbox One exclusive is making a decision whether or not to buy an XBox One over sticking with my PC the easiest decision ever:
      • £55 ($94) Game for that true Triple A wallet raping experience!
      • Multiplayer ransomed behind XBox Live for that true value multiplayer experience!
      • 30fps in a next gen Triple A game for that awesome cinematic feel!
      • 720p in a next gen Triple A game for that awesome focused look!
      • Stuck using a pad that causes calluses on my thumbs within an hour of play, because it makes you want to feel like you played nonstop all day because it knows you only have the time to play for an hour for that true gaming experience!
      • Kinect recording me having a wank because I coughed an hour ago. Oh wait I have a choice about that now!

      • £40 ($68) game! Oh those poor Publishers and Retailers!
      • Free Multiplayer! Oh, how are Microsoft going to pay for a new fucking Halo series?
      • 60fps, reducing input lag considerably and smoothing all animations! It's totally unrealistic and removes all challenge!
      • 1080p! In 2014! WITCHCRAFT! HERESY! MUTATION!
      • I can use a pad that is actually comfortable for my hands and doesn't make my thumbs bleed like the 360 and XBox One pads. But why would I want comfort when Microsoft know I want a real gaming experience?
      • I can stream it to any device capable of running Steam, and can have a gamepad plugged into. But who cares about a choice of chairs or here in the house to sit down to play your game? Pah!
      • GAME can't aggressively push a used copy on me, and ambush me with god knows how many pre order offers because I can get it on Steam (seriously, I like the people that work at my local GAME but fuck off with both of those). THINK ABOUT THE POOR RETAILERS GUYS!
      • My webcam has a light on to remind me that I need to turn it off before having a wank. Ah wait I can unplug that too.
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • #18
        Re: GamesCom 2014

        Yeah like KH3, FFXV and No Man's Sky all not really being PS4 exclusive



        • #19
          Re: GamesCom 2014

          Bloodborne is exclusive, mew


          • #20
            Re: GamesCom 2014

            Actually, I noticed that Sony in particular went to great pains to be crystal clear about which games were true exclusives (Rime, Bloodborne) versus timed exclusive ("first on console"... like No Man's Sky) versus having exclusive content (Destiny), taking time out after each set of games shown to clarify the status of every single game.

            Nintendo doesn't usually need to mention exclusivity these days because there are so few multiplatform games coming to the Wii U that it's just automatically assumed that anything that appears there that isn't Call of Duty, Just Dance, or a toy game is going to be exclusive by default (except for the occasional indie game).

            Only Microsoft tried to pull a shell game at GamesCom this year with respect to exclusivity. That's sort of understandable considering that they don't really have a stellar first party development situation, but it's certainly not winning them any brownie points with the current controversy regarding Rise of the Tomb Raider.



            • #21
              Re: GamesCom 2014

              It doesn't inspire confidence in the company either. I mean honestly, Sony is still bleeding money quite badly despite PS4's overwhelming success, yet they're fairly open about things (Yoshida Shuhei in particular has been a great rep lately)

              Contrast that with Microsoft which is still doing extremely well as a company, has tonnes of cash on hand and by all rights doesn't need to pull this kind of shady crap at all and yet they still do? Maybe it's just their shoddy way of covering up the fact that they don't support their own studios very well. Apart from 343i and whatever team makes Forza, they don't have a lot of internal studios anymore whereas Sony still has a whopping thirteen studios.

              A Complete List of Sony-Owned PlayStation Devs - IGN

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #22
                Re: GamesCom 2014

                Microsoft actually has quite a few internal studios under the Microsoft Games Studios banner. They're just not very good and/or are wasting energy on Kinect

                343 industries: Currently working on Halo 5 and Master Chief Collection
                Good Science: Kinect Adventures
                Kids & Lifestyle Entertainment: Xbox Fitness
                Leap Experience: Working on something Kinect-related
                Platform Next: Also working on something Kinect-related
                Microsoft Studios: Recently made ilomilo
                Team Dakota: Project Spark
                Turn 10: Forza
                Twisted Pixel: Splosion Man, Gunstringer, LocoCycle
                Lionhead: Fable
                Lift: Tablet/mobile games
                Rare: Viva Pinata, B-K: Nuts and Bolts, but NOT Killer Instinct (not even Season 2 after Double Helix was purchased by Amazon)
                BigPark: Kinect Sports Rivals
                Press Play: Max and the Curse of Brotherhood
                Black Tusk: Was working on new IP but got retasked to work on Gears of War

                It's not that Microsoft doesn't have first party studios. I think the real problem Microsoft has is that their corporate culture is at odds with making good games (see: Bungie leaving, Rare talent leaving, Lionhead talent leaving, etc.). It'll be interesting to see if this starts affecting 343i and Black Tusk; I'm sure there's a lot of upper management pressure on those two studios at the moment.



                • #23
                  Re: GamesCom 2014

                  And closing Ensemble along with a few others that actually made some pretty good games...

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

