Re: XB1 3 Million Units Sold
Mutant Mudds and Super Meat Boy would like to have a word. I love me some Commander Keen, but it's blatantly not a better game than some of the indie games that have come out in the past few years in the same genre. Game design has evolved and improved over the years, and the newer games benefit from that.
If you can't see that, then you just value nostalgia over quality. *shrug*
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
How about we just let people buy what they want and let the chips fall where they may? Kickstarter isn't always a grand experiment, but some of the projects coming out of it have real promise (Project CARS, Wasteland 2, Shovel Knight). Other projects, not so much (CLANG). In the grand scheme of things, you could barely fund a single AAA game with all of the money given to every Kickstarter video game project combined, so I hardly see where all this mock horror is stemming from.
Originally posted by cidbahamut
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If you can't see that, then you just value nostalgia over quality. *shrug*
We need to cut the fat from this industry and that means letting some of the big players crash and burn while we ruthlessly castigate shitty indie developers for putting out shitty indie games. Not everyone who can beg for kickstarter money on the internet is up to the task of developing a game and we need to stop telling people that it's ok.
How about we just let people buy what they want and let the chips fall where they may? Kickstarter isn't always a grand experiment, but some of the projects coming out of it have real promise (Project CARS, Wasteland 2, Shovel Knight). Other projects, not so much (CLANG). In the grand scheme of things, you could barely fund a single AAA game with all of the money given to every Kickstarter video game project combined, so I hardly see where all this mock horror is stemming from.