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More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

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  • More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

    The below video sums it up in a far better and more eloquent way than I can so I'll post it below and sum it up:

    Basically a fair few developers have been known for shooting down all criticism of a game and banning people from their forums and steam forums. However developers like Wild games Studios, Sega and Nintendo have been abusing Youtube's Copyright rules to pretty much censor every bad review out there, or to abuse it to game the search rankings for new trailers (something that Sega and Nintendo are notorious for).

    If I remember correctly there was a podcast with Jim Sterling, Jesse Cox and Totalbiscuit that Nintendo attempted to get taken down for featuring a small Pokemon Y clip in it, and that was to positively promote the game.

    Shit like this really does need to stop, and it is one of the many developer attitudes destroying the industry. It's anti-consumer, outright censorship, and just downright shitty behaviour in general.
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate

  • #2
    Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

    Things like this are why I place a lot of value on the opinions of people I know and tend to dismiss quite a bit of what the media has to say about any given game.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • #3
      Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

      Yeah this is exactly the sort of shit I'd rather not have to deal with as an aspiring Youtuber/Twitch Streamer...

      Shameful really. Didn't the makers of Duke Nukem also pay off all the reviewers to withhold said reviews until after the game was out?



      • #4
        Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

        I'll just leave this here:

        PC's sounding real good.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-29-2013, 11:04 AM.


        • #5
          Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

          ^ that's pretty fucking stupid if true.

          If anything, the growing trend of gamer videos on Twitch and YT (Which I fully intend to get in on myself) *helps* the industry by spreading awareness and sparking interest. It's free PR basically.



          • #6
            Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

            I'd actually argue that LPs are a mixed bag on who they're helping. It might raise the awareness of some obscure indie games (PewdiePie makes his living on that), be a good way to kill time rather than replay a familiar game if that's how you want to relive it. Some people are just cheapskates or just want to see a story - that helps no one.

            If you're watching them because you're too lazy to read a walkthru, though, God help you because many LPers are meandering talentless hacks that can't hit the highlights quickly or effectively enough. Just go to GameFaqs and be done with it.

            PS4 doesn't really understand LP culture either way, though. Sony thinks people just simply want to watch other people play games, but they're doing it like CoD Elite tried and failed to change it. People go to YOUTUBE for that stuff, not an isolated network. People watch LPs and tune into twitch TV for the personalities just as much, if not more, than the games themselves. I'll watch Chill with Phil or Johnny Luchador because I like them - I don't really care about what they're playing.

            I think most LPers are still going to be better off doing it the way they did it before rather than use PS4 or xB1's features.


            • #7
              Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

              Yeah it's true, I've seen a LOT of really bad YT "guides" that take way too long to get to the point. Or worse, a LP with someone who's just dull.

              Dunno how I'll fare on my own ventures in that regard but I'm still gonna give it a shot!

              Makes me glad I took broadcasting in school, along with Tech (photoshop and stuff) plus I sat in a few Toastmasters meetings when I was working with the CRA so I got some good tips on public speaking out of that. My dream is to eventually get a decent following with a proper setup and make that my job, so I can work from home, on my own time (which is great for things like family) & actually LIKE what I do. I realize it's a longshot but I gotta go for it, as my options are rather limited and what's the point of life if you don't even try to pursue your dreams?

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                Confirmed by Sony regarding PS4:

                No DLNA, MP3 or external HDD support. Custom soundtracks are only possible through the Music Unlimited service.

                Captured video from PS4 CANNOT be uploaded to Youtube.


                • #9
                  Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                  Do you know if the captured video thing applies to video capped and stored on the PS4 only? I'm sure it would still be possible to connect it to your PC and cap video that way.

                  No DLNA, MP3 or external HDD support. Custom soundtracks are only possible through the Music Unlimited service.
                  I don't actually have a strong opinion of this because it's not something I used with the PS3/360 but I know some people who are pissed that it is gone.
                  Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                  Reiko Takahashi
                  - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                  Haters Gonna Hate


                  • #10
                    Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                    Hold on, I've heard conflicting reports on that.

                    A short while back, some idiot @ Sony let it slip that we wouldn't be able to use capture cards or upload to YT, but then Sony put out an official statement @ a press release clarifying that this was not the case, that we can in fact do all that. Mark Cerny himself said @ the PS4 reveal that we can upload directly to YT.


                    Won't be able to use my capture card on my PS4 on day 1 apparently, which sucks, but they are going to patch it so you can. At the very least, Sony appears to be listening to consumers rather than just putting their foot down the way Nintendo is.

                    EDIT: PS4: The Ultimate FAQ – North America – PlayStation.Blog

                    What does the DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s Share button do?

                    The DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller features a dedicated Share button that enables players to save, distribute and share recorded gameplay video, captured gameplay screenshots, and livestream gameplay footage in real time.
                    Is PlayStation Plus required to use the Share button?

                    No. You will be able to share gameplay videos, screenshots, and perform game livestreams without a PlayStation Plus membership.
                    Where can I share my game content using Share?

                    PS4 players can share game video on Facebook, game screenshots via Facebook and Twitter, and gameplay livestreams via Ustream and Twitch starting on November 15th in North America.
                    How can I promote my shared content from PS4?

                    You can distribute recorded gameplay video to Facebook. For gameplay livestreams, you can post the livestream’s URL to Twitter and Facebook just when the livestream begins.

                    Does PS4 always record all gameplay?

                    Yes, PS4 constantly records gameplay footage automatically in the background, up to a maximum of 15 minutes before you press the Share button.
                    Do I have to record gameplay footage?

                    You cannot choose whether or not to record your gameplay. But as long as you don’t press the Share button on the DUALSHOCK 4 controller, the recorded gameplay will not be exported and it will not occupy space on the hard drive.

                    Are users able to record, distribute or stream any gameplay video?

                    No. Users may not be able to record certain areas within the game. Developers can select the area of restriction, and what will be restricted will depend on game titles. In these cases, recording will be temporarily suspended during the scene.
                    How long can I capture videos on PS4?

                    PS4 will automatically capture up to 15 minutes of your most recent gameplay footage, which you can then choose to share with your Facebook friends using the DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s new Share button. For livestreaming gameplay video, there will be no time restriction.
                    How long can PS4 users livestream gameplay?

                    Sony Computer Entertainment imposes no time restrictions for livestreaming, but some services may have time restrictions.
                    Will I be able to store my gameplay recordings on my PS4?

                    Yes, you’ll be able to store captured gameplay videos on PS4’s internal hard drive as long as you have sufficient free storage.
                    Can users edit the recorded gameplay video on PS4?

                    Yes, users can trim the video in the Share button interface. Currently, users will be able to specify a starting and ending point of the video in order to trim it to their liking.
                    Can I add voiceover to my Shared video?

                    You can’t add voiceovers to a shared video clip, but you can speak in real time when streaming live video.
                    Can users copy the recorded gameplay video from PS4 to other devices, such as PC?

                    PS4 users will not be able to directly copy recorded gameplay video files from PS4 to other devices, though they will be able to use the DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s Share button to upload videos to Facebook for distribution. This function will be supported by a future system update.
                    Can I archive my livestreams on Ustream or Twitch?

                    At this time, livestreams will not be archived for further viewing on Ustream. Users can archive their livestreams on Twitch by presetting via PC. Please follow PlayStation.Blog and for news regarding PS4’s video services following launch.
                    Can I share my game videos on YouTube?

                    No. At launch, PS4 users will be able to use the Share button on the DUALSHOCK 4 controller to upload gameplay videos to their Facebook account, or to stream live gameplay to Ustream or Twitch. PS4 owners can follow PlayStation.Blog and for further news on other services to come after launch.
                    Does PS4 support external HDMI-based game capture devices?

                    PS4 will allow the use of external HDMI-based capture devices following an upcoming system software update — please follow PlayStation.Blog and for news following the launch of PS4.

                    I don’t like to share my personal information. Am I forced to register my picture and social media accounts, or can I opt out?

                    No. These are optional services and you are free to skip them at any time.

                    So while you can't directly copy the recorded gameplays that the PS4 itself records, I'll still be good to do so with my Capture Card (eventually) and stick that up on YT. There's no actual ban on doing so, like what Nintendo has been doing by cracking down on people - there simply doesn't appear to be a partnership deal made yet between Sony & YT. I imagine that'll come along shortly.

                    Furthermore, Twitch can upload archived footage to YT as well, so unless I'm mistaken that's a workaround right there.
                    Last edited by Malacite; 10-30-2013, 04:30 PM.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #11
                      Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                      That news came direct from the PS Blog. Sure, they say they will consider patching it in later and yet its one of the most notable forms of social media and the center of many people's livelihoods isn't functional part of the launch.

                      It should also be noted that Sony created and patented DLNA. Now it seems they only want PS4 to work with media it deigns worthy.

                      Also, it appears PSOne and PS2 Classics will not be supported, at least not yet. Just how is it Sony couldn't pull that off? One would think after the embarassing launch of PS Vita and its lack of PSOne Classic support that the would have addressed this before it became an issue again. Apparently not. Meanwhile Wii U had a Wii in it so you still had access to your old digital purchases even if there wasn't a WIi U version yet.

                      All of this just seems like basic functionality that's missing. What the fuck it the unified account system even for if they're just going to leave shit behind or drag thief feet on implementing it. Either that or they're really banking on Gaikai, but I have a hard time believing the could be that stupid.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-30-2013, 10:23 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                        I do suspect that video will be captured in a propriety format since well, this is Sony we're talking about here.

                        Devs being able to pick what gets recorded is one of those things that does make me facepalm somewhat. Imagine giving someone like EA or Sega the ability to restrict buggy and broken parts of the game from being recorded to warn other players. TBH it should be always available or not.

                        Video recording wasn't a feature that I personally had a vested interest in, I rarely if ever use the social media functions of a console (unless using Steam for screenshots somehow counts), and if I want to record something I just get the PC version. Shame to see that a console is potentially locking people out of recording games though.
                        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                        Reiko Takahashi
                        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                        Haters Gonna Hate


                        • #13
                          Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                          I have taken interest in getting back into audio/video production and editing and I am indeed looking at video games to be something to both focus on and use for practice. These decisions just lower PS4 as a priority for me.

                          At this point, PS4 really is just a thing I would get to offload some MMORPG stuff onto. I'm someone that wants to not just celebrate the current generation of games, but as many as I can. I want to show people why I love this damn stuff so much. I think there are a lot of people who only have that motive in mind and companies are just scared to genuinely embrace it.


                          • #14
                            Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                            Well it's a *huge* deal for me and the sooner it all gets straightened out the better.

                            In the mean time I'm gonna just do a twitch stream for my BF4 stuff and hope it turns out OK.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #15
                              Re: More Developers Abusing Youtube Copyright Rules to Censor negative Reviews.

                              Do you have an actual, real plan for doing live streams and LPs or are you really just thinking a PS4, winging it and a little space on Twitch are all you need?

