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FFXV Reveal

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  • #31
    Re: FFXV Reveal

    I don't think she composed the orchestrated version of "Hikari". Pretty sure that was Kaoru Wada. But everything else from Kingdom Hearts, yeah.


    • #32
      Re: FFXV Reveal

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      - Vs 13 was *promised* to be exclusive
      ... to PS3. Its not a PS3 game now.

      - I want to see XBONE crash and burn for the horrible policies MS is pushing.
      I still need to see SE, Capcom and a few others suffer a little and the AAA model humbled by these games falling short on Xbox One. The other reason I want them to hurt would be them snubbing other pro-consumer platforms like Vita and Wii U.


      • #33
        Re: FFXV Reveal

        To be fair, a lot of 3rd party devs are snubbing Wii U because Nintendo is apparently a complete pain in the ass to work with, and they're still in the stone age with regards to Online Interactions.

        Otherwise I mostly agree - I feel like SE's taken enough of a beating (they sacked pretty much all their dead weight, save kitase) but they do deserve a black eye for supporting Xbox One, as does EA for snubbing us (Titan Fall, Plants vs Zombies only on Xbox...)

        Capcom can still eat a dick as far as I'm concerned - the fact that Mega Man is showing up in a 1st party Nintendo game, while continuing to get ignored by his own parent company speaks volumes.



        • #34
          Re: FFXV Reveal

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          To be fair, a lot of 3rd party devs are snubbing Wii U because Nintendo is apparently a complete pain in the ass to work with, and they're still in the stone age with regards to Online Interactions.
          No. They're snubbing the Wii U because the install base is too small, and even amongst the people who own the system already, very few are willing to buy multiplatform titles on the Wii U. Not surprising in the case of old ports, but with the PS4 and Xbox One coming, Wii U versions of new multiplats are still not going to fare well in comparison.

          It doesn't have much or really anything to do with Nintendo being a pain in the ass to work with. If that were true, there wouldn't be indie games coming to the Wii U (granted, in limited numbers compared to Sony, but still more than Microsoft).

          Personally, I'm surprised Square-Enix is even bothering to make Xbox One versions of FFXV and KH3. The fanbase for those games is largely Playstation/Nintendo-centric, and a good chunk of the fanbase for both series is in Japan, where Microsoft would need to win two lotteries in a row to even make a dent in this time around with Xbox One.

          I suppose the two console architectures are similar enough that porting isn't going to cost that much, and maybe that's what Square-Enix has in mind - basically it's a low-risk gamble, and if it doesn't pay off, they're not out much in terms of resources anyway.



          • #35
            Re: FFXV Reveal

            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
            No. They're snubbing the Wii U because the install base is too small, and even amongst the people who own the system already, very few are willing to buy multiplatform titles on the Wii U. Not surprising in the case of old ports, but with the PS4 and Xbox One coming, Wii U versions of new multiplats are still not going to fare well in comparison.

            It doesn't have much or really anything to do with Nintendo being a pain in the ass to work with. If that were true, there wouldn't be indie games coming to the Wii U (granted, in limited numbers compared to Sony, but still more than Microsoft).

            Personally, I'm surprised Square-Enix is even bothering to make Xbox One versions of FFXV and KH3. The fanbase for those games is largely Playstation/Nintendo-centric, and a good chunk of the fanbase for both series is in Japan, where Microsoft would need to win two lotteries in a row to even make a dent in this time around with Xbox One.

            I suppose the two console architectures are similar enough that porting isn't going to cost that much, and maybe that's what Square-Enix has in mind - basically it's a low-risk gamble, and if it doesn't pay off, they're not out much in terms of resources anyway.


            Plus, didn't SE basically piss Sony off royally when 13 and 13-2 went to 360? Putting them on XBONE can't be endearing them, and as you said, the JRPG crowd is pretty much on the JP consoles to begin with so... wtf?

            Reminds me of how Vesperia only got released on 360 outside of Japan... sometimes shit just doesn't make a lick of sense.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #36
              Re: FFXV Reveal

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              Plus, didn't SE basically piss Sony off royally when 13 and 13-2 went to 360? Putting them on XBONE can't be endearing them, and as you said, the JRPG crowd is pretty much on the JP consoles to begin with so... wtf?
              It's just business. Corporations are not people, though some Japanese businessmen do take it more personally. The guys at Square-Enix, however, do not (see: Yoichi Wada, who took HOW LONG to step down before being forced out as being totally incompetent?).

              Reminds me of how Vesperia only got released on 360 outside of Japan... sometimes shit just doesn't make a lick of sense.
              Tales of Vesperia was a specific ploy to try to establish a market for the Xbox 360 in Japan. When Bamco released the PS3 version, people in Japan literally destroyed their 360 copies in protest because they'd bought the 360 specifically for the game. After their disastrous outing with that and with Tales of Graces on the Wii, Bamco finally realized their fans in Japan all owned PS3s - not that this should have been something that they shouldn't have known right off the bat.

              The fact that the PS3 version never emerged elsewhere seems to me like a fairly prudent move. Think about who bought Vesperia on 360 outside of Japan: otaku. Do you really think that demographic wouldn't mimic the Japanese reaction? It's not guaranteed, but it's definitely a potential powder keg. Considering how much net revenue Bamco would have gained from releasing a PS3 version (not that much), I think it was a wise if conservative choice, even if it does mean I won't get to play the game personally on a console I own until they get around to making a Tales of Vesperia Extra Ultra edition or something on the PS4 or whatever.



              • #37
                Re: FFXV Reveal

                To be fair, some of those players undoubtedly had a 360 already for The Idolmaster.

                Namco really seemed to want to give the 360 the old college try in Japan.
                Originally posted by Armando
                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                Originally posted by Armando
                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                Originally posted by Taskmage
                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                Matthew 16:15


                • #38
                  Re: FFXV Reveal

                  Personally, I'm surprised Square-Enix is even bothering to make Xbox One versions of FFXV and KH3. The fanbase for those games is largely Playstation/Nintendo-centric, and a good chunk of the fanbase for both series is in Japan, where Microsoft would need to win two lotteries in a row to even make a dent in this time around with Xbox One.
                  Putting Kingdom Hearts III on Xbox One is pretty much like putting Mass Effect 3 on Wii U. Yes, it can run it, but the audience wasn't built there.

                  What would make sense is giving Wii U owners the KH HD collections, at least. Then again, I doubt the Nintendo audience would be thrilled with the halfassed cutscene version of 358/2 Days that the HD collection is getting. I still feel 358/2 was the second best game in the series next to BBS. Somehow both those games nailed the theme of friendship far better than the main series entries did. that and they had better protagonists and felt like true RPGs.

                  In a way I'm glad FFXV got stalled so long, games like BBS probably helped shape it more than the PS2 KH games would have.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-12-2013, 09:45 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: FFXV Reveal

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    Plus, didn't SE basically piss Sony off royally when 13 and 13-2 went to 360? Putting them on XBONE can't be endearing them, and as you said, the JRPG crowd is pretty much on the JP consoles to begin with so... wtf?

                    Reminds me of how Vesperia only got released on 360 outside of Japan... sometimes shit just doesn't make a lick of sense.
                    I don't know if this has largely been ignored on this side of the pond, but XBox has been selling steadily in Japan over the past two years, and their library of JRPGs and Visual Novels have exponentially increased. I don't know if Microsoft was throwing suitcases of cash into Akihabara and hoping to curry favors so that they could install a Japanese-centric gaming library for XBO, but I am not having any difficulties at all finding "PS playerbase" titles for 360 ...

