Re: E3 2013 Schedule
Titanfall has no single player component. It's like Warhawk in that sense; a pure online multiplayer game in the vein of Planetside 2. Keeping it cloud-connected makes some sense if they're doing some sort of persisitent world behavior.
As far as I can tell, the Kinect connection is still required. It was not walked back unlike the rest of the DRM and region locking.
I assume this is because Microsoft still wants Kinect as a standard piece of required hardware so that developers will use it. If it's not required and is optional, most developers will ignore it or only add it when it makes interesting sense (see: PS Move integration in Child of Eden, SKyrim's Shouts for Kinect).
I still feel this is a mistake on Microsoft's part, but they've got a whole host of problems still to fix (expensive hardware, production supply issues, weaker hardware, terrible mindshare/PR, and you can add "no clear vision of the future" to that list now that they've done an about-face on one of the tentpoles of their platform). Maybe they're too shell-shocked by the public backlash that they haven't thought things through clearly yet. Certainly they've got some more time to do some damage control.
Titanfall has no single player component. It's like Warhawk in that sense; a pure online multiplayer game in the vein of Planetside 2. Keeping it cloud-connected makes some sense if they're doing some sort of persisitent world behavior.
As far as I can tell, the Kinect connection is still required. It was not walked back unlike the rest of the DRM and region locking.
I assume this is because Microsoft still wants Kinect as a standard piece of required hardware so that developers will use it. If it's not required and is optional, most developers will ignore it or only add it when it makes interesting sense (see: PS Move integration in Child of Eden, SKyrim's Shouts for Kinect).
I still feel this is a mistake on Microsoft's part, but they've got a whole host of problems still to fix (expensive hardware, production supply issues, weaker hardware, terrible mindshare/PR, and you can add "no clear vision of the future" to that list now that they've done an about-face on one of the tentpoles of their platform). Maybe they're too shell-shocked by the public backlash that they haven't thought things through clearly yet. Certainly they've got some more time to do some damage control.