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E3 2013 Schedule

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  • #46
    Re: E3 2013 Schedule

    Part of me likes Playstation division executives stomping all over MS's BS because it hurts MS in the PR department even further. The other part of me likes it because its making some Sony investors and execs in other divisions of Sony die on the inside because the draconian bullshit MS is pulling now are the kinds tactics they used to pull with movies, TV shows and music.

    I am rather curious, though, where was EA during that entire presentation? Are all third parties required to follow Sony's lead on this?


    • #47
      Re: E3 2013 Schedule

      So the PS4 is going to be cheaper than the PS3, 360 and the Wii U were at launch? I'm sold on that alone.
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • #48
        Re: E3 2013 Schedule

        Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
        Kind of sad, really, that "it's not the Xbox One" seems to be the PS4's biggest selling point. A good chunk of its tongue-in-cheek features really are things past generations took as a given. Were these even things that needed to be brought into question in the first place?
        This is what has me genuinely worried. The fact that any of these things were even brought to the table says volumes about the state of consoles and where the industry is planning to go. Honestly I'm not sure I want to be on board for that ride.

        I worry that Microsoft fucking up so colossally will end up overshadowing some other unwelcome developments elsewhere that we would otherwise be throwing a fit over. "Oh, they're doing that but it's not as bad as what Microsoft was going to do so I guess it's ok."
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #49
          Re: E3 2013 Schedule

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Part of me likes Playstation division executives stomping all over MS's BS because it hurts MS in the PR department even further. The other part of me likes it because its making some Sony investors and execs in other divisions of Sony die on the inside because the draconian bullshit MS is pulling now are the kinds tactics they used to pull with movies, TV shows and music.

          I am rather curious, though, where was EA during that entire presentation? Are all third parties required to follow Sony's lead on this?
          The rumor from various insiders is that Microsoft paid third party publishers to actively not mention PS4 versions on stage and on the E3 show floor in an attempt to control the PR firestorm.

          Hence no EA at the Sony conference aside from a passing mention from Jack Tretton on stage regarding already-announced titles. According to insiders, the only EA exclusive for Xbox One is Respawn's Titanfall.



          • #50
            Re: E3 2013 Schedule

            If Sony really wants to fully embrace this pro-consumer kick they're on, they could be botheredto do the following.

            - Return sharing digital content back to five PS3, Vitas, PSPs, PS4s.
            - Get rid of the account locking to PS Vita cards to make it truly region free and not kind of region free.
            - Make PS Vita cards cheaper or, at the very least, add incentives to their sale like PS Plus to make them feel cheaper.

            The "we're not MS" thing is cute, but its just keeping things as they should be. They could stand to work on these points.

            Also, I noticed that Sony said nothing about PSOne and PS2 Classics on Gaikai? Does that mean that those, at least, will work on PS4 without any cloud streaming bullshit? I can't exactly see how either would be a problem.

            MS was really spinning clound processing to the point it sounded like Sega's "blast processing to me." Case in point - Forza needing cloud computing to disseminate evolving player-made AIs. AIs that learn from your playstyle and evolve as they're left to challenge others is at least as old as the arcade versions of Soulcalibur 2 and Virtua Fighter 4 and even Dragon's Dogma has a take on the idea.

            All of it has been done without the cloud just fine before. Outside of laboring an excuse to connect to the internet, there's not much need for it.

            - - - Updated - - -

            Nintendo Direct has like a billion people lagging up the stream. I'd wait to just watch the full version later.

            Pokemon X/Y is out in October worldwide, seems to have a new Fairy type and some pet care elements.

            So far the new Wii U Mario game is Super Mario 3D World. Its inspired by Super Mario 3D Land, which featured a 2D/3D combo approach, which I rather liked. Also, as a throwback to Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess will all be playable. Luigi jumps higher, Peach hovers, etc. Not the most mind-blowing announcement, but Peach back in the mix made me happy. Out in December

            Mario Kart 8 - all the nice online features of MK7 - out in Spring 2014. Sheesh.

            Wii Party U. Don't Care - moving on. No date for "quality" reasons.

            Wii Fit U. Same deal, delayed for quality reasons (I think they're focusing on actual games at this point).

            Art Academy in development for Wii U, in response to the popularity of Miiverse doodling, you'll be able to share your drawings on MiiVerse, too. Coming this summer. Not something I'm wild for, but nice for the people already enjoying drawing.

            3rd party reel mostly ubisoft
            digital download reel

            Wind Waker Reborn - taking a page for Dark Souls, there will be a message-in-a-bottle feature. Custom messages wash ashore. in-game pictures can be shared to Miiverse

            Wonderful 101 coming in September

            Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - new camera angles for various actions, viking walruses, Dixie Kong is playable. Out in November.

            Bayonetta 2- new outfit, short haircut, bigger action - coming 2014

            X - Open world, single party member, sometimes you get to pilot mechs - coming 2014

            New Super Smash - Get Equipped with Mega Man! Cel-shaded graphics for 3DS, a more standard look for Wii U... coming 2014.

            No news on SMT X Fire Emblem


            On the side Atlus announced Etrian Odyssey Untold: Millenium Girl for 3DS, the remake of the original EO, but with the features of EOIV, a story mode, classic mode and other new features.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-11-2013, 07:51 AM.


            • #51
              Re: E3 2013 Schedule

              Yeah I just got up and a friend told me on the Nintendo Direct theme, MM has been confirmed - his weapons are Flame Blast, Slash Claw, Hard Knuckle, Leaf Shield, Crash Bomb, and Metal Blade!

              Guess I'm buying a Wii U now at some point.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #52
                Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                I'm sure Mega Man is just the first, really.

                Seems the recurring theme of E3 has been - "Most of the stuff you'd like is coming in 2014."

                Zelda, Mario, DKC, W101 seem like enough to go for a Wii U sometime this late summer or fall, though I suppose it would kill SE to decide when they're releasing DXHR Director's Cut for it.

                Wii U might be another GameCube at this point, but its not an Xbox One, so we'll see how it goes.

                Full Direct Presentation here:

                Mega Man's Smash Bros. Debut

                Super Mario 3D World

                Zelda: A Link Between Worlds trailer:

                Wind Waker HD

                Yoshi's New Island

                DKC Tropical Freeze

                "X" trailer

                Bayonetta 2

                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-11-2013, 09:01 AM.


                • #53
                  Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                  OK I just checked and saw that the FFXIV stuff isn't until 4 PT / 7 ET today, starting with the Live Producer Letter.

                  EDIT: Seriously, all that's missing right now is a really good new Zelda and Metroid and all is forgiven - Nintendo is *finally* starting to show things I care about again. I seriously felt cheated with the Wii, and I won't buy anything that's multi-platform on the Wii U (PC or PS4 instead) but if they keep this up, it won't matter (along with a price drop of course). Fucking MARIO IN A CAT SUIT!!!! And with Mario bros 2 abilities?!?!?! OMG!!!

                  - - - Updated - - -


                  by Andrew Yoon, Jun 10, 2013 10:59pm PDT
                  Related Topics – Sony, PlayStation 4, E3 2013
                  So what do you get with a $400 launch PS4? A Japanese press release (PDF, via Engadget) details the contents inside the box. Most importantly, you'll get a 500GB hard drive--same as what the Xbox One is launching with. There's also one DualShock 4 controller, important for, y'know, playing games.

                  The box will also include a USB cable to connect the DualShock 4 to the PS4. And, for the first time ever in a PlayStation console, the system will include HDMI cables (goodbye composite cables?). Finally, it appears Sony's packing in a headset of some sort as well--mirroring Xbox 360, which bundled a headset with every system.

                  A PlayStation Eye camera is not included in the box, which contributes to PS4's cheaper launch price compared to Xbox One. Those will be sold separately for $59, but a camera is not required for PS4. Additional controllers will also cost $59.
                  - - - Updated - - -

                  More Updates.... BAD SQUARE-ENIX, BAD!!!!


                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #54
                    Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                    Is there a mew emote in Dragon's Crown?


                    • #55
                      Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                      The problem with the Nintendo Direct announcement is that they were preaching to the choir and the actual interesting stuff for it apart from Pokemon X/Y seems to be coming next year. Plus there's nothing really new except for Pokemon X/Y, Bayonetta and X. Well there's Fire Emblem x SMT but that looks to be a very long way away.

                      Don't get me wrong. It's great for the Nintendo hardcore for sure, but I did find myself asking "Well, are we getting something that isn't a rehash (The Zeldas and Mario) or just a slightly newer version of an older game we have already own (Mario Kart)?"
                      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                      Reiko Takahashi
                      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                      Haters Gonna Hate


                      • #56
                        Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                        I'm more surprised that they said nothing about Pikmin 3 and the new Yoshi's Island. I guess they have given a large amount of time to Pikmin 3 in prior Directs. Miyamoto has said the game is complete and they're now looking for the right time to release it.

                        Not seeing how the 3DS Zelda is a rehash, though. Wind Waker HD isn't totally new, but its looking to be a rather nice HD remaster and it is one of the Zeldas I do enjoy replaying.

                        SMT X FE had old concept art last time around for its reveal, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Plus Atlus really just never drops and huge news at E3 or even TGS. Probably doesn't help that they just finished production of SMT IV fairly recently. Kaneko was producer for SMT IV, which is unusual for him as he usually directs. I'm still inclined to think he's working on SMT X FE since the buik of his past work would be involved.

                        Was it confirmed that the new DKC was by Retro Studios, though? I'm not going to complain about another DKC as DKCR was fantastic, but I was kinda hoping for some Metroid. Nothing new for Samus in three years gets me a little worried. I remember the eight year hiatus Metroid took last time and real Castlevania (not that LoS shit) has been on five year hiatus now (barring remakes and multiplayer tripe).

                        I mean, Guacamelee is nice, but its not quite on their level.
                        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-11-2013, 10:53 AM.


                        • #57
                          Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                          I think my reaction might also be stemming from the fact that I was expecting new announcements from Nintendo, rather than a regular Nintendo Direct which seemed to be more keeping us updated on things coming soon. I'm not calling this bad, it's great for Nintendo fans and Wii-U owners. It's just my personal response, especially after yesterday's game announcement, and Sony getting me hoping that Nintendo would also knock Microsoft a few more pegs down, was "Meh, I'll buy those games eventually".
                          Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                          Reiko Takahashi
                          - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                          Haters Gonna Hate


                          • #58
                            Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                            E3 2013: PlayStation 4 Hard Drive is Removable, Upgradable - IGN

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #59
                              Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                              I think its more to do with the fact Nintendo drops the surprisess sporadically now rather than one concentrated dose like E3.

                              New Yoshi's Island, Yarn Yoshi, Wind Waker HD, DKCR3D, A Link Between Worlds, X and SMT X Fire Emblem were all dropped between February and now, so there was little left in terms of surprising us there. All that were were left hanging on was mostly expected anyway - A 3D Mario, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Even if it leads to an average E3 showing, i was getting little mini-e3 boosts in the months prior, at least. I practically flippled my laptop over SMT X Fire Emblem, man.

                              And it was kind of hard to get too excited for things shown between MS and Sony much for the same reason - lots of it was just known. I think Sony really only had new stuff to show in terms of gameplay footage. I liked the look of The Order 1888 in that it looked looked like elite steampunk military versus werewolves. The Dark Sorcerer wasn't very revealing, but for a change it was a Quantic Dream showing that made me laugh for the right reasons.

                              Sony had the best showing overall. I'd give Nintendo like a C+ and MS an F.


                              • #60
                                Re: E3 2013 Schedule

                                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                                Reiko Takahashi
                                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                                Haters Gonna Hate

