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Xbox Reveal
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Re: Xbox Reveal
The box is pretty inoffensive and unimportant.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: Xbox Reveal
I don't see the problem with the box. Xbox has always aligned with green, Sony usually goes with a white-on-black header and Nintendo varies, they've got white for Wii and 3DS, blue for Wii U.
If there's anything hideous about boxes lately its that they cut out the plastic beneath the disc to be "eco-friendly" it the least sensible way possible, leaving only some paper and thin plastic to defend disc information for being scratched. I think the squared cutouts inside the 3DS cases are better, at least you can do some cute things with the liner art there and 3DS cards can't be scratched.
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Re: Xbox Reveal
You see this is one reason why I really hate Microsoft right now. I love Forza and it being a release title was making me seriously considering getting one at release. And then they announced the XBox One and...I just can't bring myself to buy one even if Forza is confirmed as a release title.
I'm the kind of person who usually thinks that principles are for people who don't have the balls to be pragmatic and do what is right even when doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing. However in this case...I can't bring myself to buy an XBox One no matter how much I want the games because it would turn me into part of the problem and make me a horrible person. I just can't do it.
Goddammit Microsoft...Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Xbox Reveal
Jimquisition: Xbox One out of Ten - Destructoid
This was a nice surprise this week. Extra Jimquisition.
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Re: Xbox Reveal
Originally posted by Firewind View PostYou see this is one reason why I really hate Microsoft right now. I love Forza and it being a release title was making me seriously considering getting one at release. And then they announced the XBox One and...I just can't bring myself to buy one even if Forza is confirmed as a release title.
I'm the kind of person who usually thinks that principles are for people who don't have the balls to be pragmatic and do what is right even when doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing. However in this case...I can't bring myself to buy an XBox One no matter how much I want the games because it would turn me into part of the problem and make me a horrible person. I just can't do it.
Goddammit Microsoft...
More or less, yah. I mean I'm generally willing to compromise on small things rather than arbitrarily screw myself out of something I'll enjoy - but MS is just taking it way, way too far. Hell, I only just started using face book back in September, as I wasn't all that keen on social media. Ditched google plus for similar reasons. This whole thing with Kinnect and Live? Not a fucking chance.
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Re: Xbox Reveal
At this point I'm thinking Sony isn't going to really change where they are now as far as anti-consumer things go. They'll have options in-place to placate big third parties that want a DRM of sorts, but will likely back away from using it on their own games save for multiplayer titles. So basically, the current status quo which looks far better now that what MS wants to do. Not saying its good, its just not as bad.
Sony's has also had their asses handed to them fighting consumers on numerous occasions - once with the MP3, then audio streaming and then video streaming and digital rentals. This on top of Blu-Ray winning the war against HD-DVD only to get beaten by streaming and Redbox DVD rentals. This probably also explains a great deal why their presentation was so game-focused, they've tried to win the arena MS wants to win, but Sony got there so late they only have seen meager returns,.
One would think MS would have already learned much of this from Zune, but apparently not.
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Re: Xbox Reveal
Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Xbox Reveal
That reminds me from a great post over on the LAGTV forums... (not mine)
People, in general, appear to be quite happy trading their information or privacy for a service. Even a website as benign as this one has at least 4 other companies tracking its users to some degree. (Amazon Cloudfront, Google Analytics, Google Ad services and Gravatar). This new XBox goes a little too far by adding a HD camera that must be connected for the device to function. Fuck that and fuck the horse it rode in on.
It isn't difficult to imagine the XBox reporting your viewing habits such as TV shows or movies back to the MS servers.
My point: Regardless of how innocuous the information is that's being collected, it's your information. Perhaps an extreme example of future (or present) possibilities is in order. I'll pick on Novawar just for the hell of it over a 24 hour period.
Novawar Day 1:
8am: Turn on machine
8:05 am: Load C.O.D and play for 3 hours.
11am: Turn off machine.
1pm: Turn on machine
1.10pm: Stream latest blockbuster from Netflix
3pm: Stream Lady Gaga collection from local media server.
4pm: Stream midget porn from local server for 1 hour.
5pm: Watch midget porn again.
6pm: Turn off machine.
7:30pm Turn on machine. Watch live TV for 2 hours.
9:30pm: Turn off machine. Bedtime.
Day 2: 9am - Machine collates all games played, including time spent playing. Also collates all video content watched in the previous 24 hours including file names, resolution and times and uploads that data to MS servers for statistical analysis.
While this might seem overly paranoid, it's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. If Adam or you or me get our jollies watching a short, ugly woman whipping her room mate into a frenzy with a large salad leaf or watching the latest soap opera, that information should stay with us.
/bitch mode off
//climbs off soapbox
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Re: Xbox Reveal
How do people lose their freedom?
It's easy. You convince society that little things like "freedom of speech" (arrest a guy for making a youtube video), or privacy (constant camera surveillance), are trivial things to care about. Once people become used to the idea that privacy and freedom of speech are unnecessary, you can make them do anything you want. The UK Labour Party did it for years while in power and the Tories are more than happy to carry this on.
People who are so quick to sell their freedoms for so cheap deserve to lose them.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: Xbox Reveal
Originally posted by Firewind View PostHow do people lose their freedom?
It's easy. You convince society that little things like "freedom of speech" (arrest a guy for making a youtube video), or privacy (constant camera surveillance), are trivial things to care about. Once people become used to the idea that privacy and freedom of speech are unnecessary, you can make them do anything you want. The UK Labour Party did it for years while in power and the Tories are more than happy to carry this on.
People who are so quick to sell their freedoms for so cheap deserve to lose them.
In a gaming context, what happens is that people vote with their wallets.
Sitting and complaining about policies you don't like but buying the product anyway means absolutely nothing. It means less than nothing. It means you're a hypocrite who votes against your own self-stated interests. If you buy the product, you endorse the business model that it is built on; you can complain bitterly about how much you hate it all you like, but making that purchase means you obviously care less about your "convictions" than the product you bought, and gives you no right to complain.
Gamers complained bitterly about Diablo III but it still sold like gangbusters. Now of course there are all these twits who whine about how broken everything is in the game and are (hilariously) complaining about how the upcoming console version(s) are going to be fixed but not the version they bought. But isn't that sort of the point? They bought the PC version of Diablo III with eyes open. The whole reason Blizzard ISN'T fixing the PC version is because there's this core of people who would abandon the game who are okay with the RMAH and are pouring money into the system. Why is there no ire directed at those people? I think there should be, because without some peer pressure applied to this group, you cannot change their behavior and the bad practices continue because of them.
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Re: Xbox Reveal
It's actually why I didn't buy Heart of the Swarm or Battlefield 3. "Always Online" DRM is something I'm completely against. Wings of Liberty wasn't too intrusive since it used the Steam model (activate once and you can play offline forever). Heart of the Swarm though has zero reason to force you to be always connected.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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