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Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

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  • Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

    PAX: Deus Ex on Wii U might be the best version - Destructoid

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    - All DLC seamlessly integrated into the main game, such as the Explosive Mission pack and The Missing Link.
    - All boss fights reworked and their arenas are expanded so that stealth and hacking can be used against them - they are still killed for story purposes, though.
    - Hacking is now done from the GamePad so you can view and pan around on the TV screen to watch out for threats.
    - A few HUD elements are moved to the touchscreen to reduce clutter and you have persistent access to the map.
    - The GamePad can also be used to manually scan enemies for details (health, weapons, items) and makes looting them a bit easier as well. Presumably this is part of the vision upgrades.
    - Swiping at the touch screen enables Jensen to repel grenades back toward their owners.
    - Improved lighting effects from The Missing Link are now fully integrated into the rest of the game.
    - Take in-game photos,
    - Dark Souls-esque AR tagging (those messages and hints you find) for people on your friend's list to find.
    - Full Miiverse integration
    - Built in smart-strategy guide for the casuals that get stuck and want to progress.
    - Eight hours of directors commentary.
    - Off-screen play.
    - New Game Plus.

    This is how its done, people. No gimmicks, all practical applications and some great refinements and also some additions that could be seen on 360 and PS3 later. Eidos handled many of the in-game refinements while Straight Right (who also handled ME3's Wii U port) worked with EM on the GamePad implementation.

    They took the GamePad and turned it into the multi-tool, which is very Deus Ex of them. I was just going to wait to get this on PC again - and I'll likely get it there again anyway - but since DX is great with everything and this is releasing close to Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 and I think its a good time to get the Wii U.

    I never asked for this, but I'm glad it happened. Now hopefully Ubi Soft is taking notes because this is the kind of stuff the Wii U version of Watch_Dogs needs to be doing. I'm gonna have the keep my eye on Straight Right, too, because they have an original IP in the works for Wii U and if their implementation is this thoughtful, is going to be worth looking into.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-24-2013, 04:27 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

    The New Game Plus alone is kickass, the other stuff... SWEET! :D

    ^_^ Eidos. Mawr luv for teh Canadian devs? :3



    • #3
      Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

      New Game+? DX:HR doesn't really need it, does it? It's laughably easy to max out all of the important augmentations, though I guess playing the intro as cybered-up Adam would make it a bit less tedious.

      The rest of the stuff is great (esp. no more terrible boss battles), but NG+ is the least important feature on that list, IMO.



      • #4
        Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

        Not going to argue against that, just for me personally it was rather annoying not having it because it would have been great for my other playthroughs when I was just achievement hunting/being a total dick on purpose.



        • #5
          Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
          New Game+? DX:HR doesn't really need it, does it? It's laughably easy to max out all of the important augmentations, though I guess playing the intro as cybered-up Adam would make it a bit less tedious.

          The rest of the stuff is great (esp. no more terrible boss battles), but NG+ is the least important feature on that list, IMO.

          Well, I think NG+ should always be there for those that want it in games. They didn't mention how many - if any - new augmentations there would be.

          I really just like how people were all "Pfft, another port - why would I want this?" one day and then the PAX info rolls out and people are like "Okay, I want it./I am okay with this."

          I'm gonna support this even if I don't have the cash for the Wii U by the time its out. This is the sort of game that needs to be held up as a strong example of how you can use the Wii U GamePad and system features properly. Its not everything you could do, but its most things that could be done in a practical way.


          • #6
            Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

            2 things I want to know - Will there be new augments to get/gameplay refinements (other than the boss stuff I mean, because the AI was pretty retarded even on DX mode and cloaking while awesome was RIDICULOUSLY OP) and is it going to be full price, or slight discount?

            Obviously it won't be a bargain price like the game currently is but paying a full $60+ tax is a bit much to stomach too.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

              If Wii U's pricing pattern holds for ports with DLC included, then its going to launch at $50 rather than $60.

              No word on new augments, but the way they changed the hacking stealth does end up a little trickier since time doesn't stop for hacking now.


              • #8
                Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                If Wii U's pricing pattern holds for ports with DLC included, then its going to launch at $50 rather than $60.

                No word on new augments, but the way they changed the hacking stealth does end up a little trickier since time doesn't stop for hacking now.
                So yeah, $60 or more + tax then because games generally get their prices jacked about $10 across the board (all platforms) in Canada and it's total BS.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                  Digging this thread out of its watery grave to note that the pricing on Deus Ex: Director's Cut is now confirmed.

                  Nintendo Everything » Blog Archive » Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut costs quite a bit more on Wii U

                  For a few months now, retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, and GameStop have listed pricing for Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut at $49.99 on Wii U and $29.99 on the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360. As it turns out, this is final.

                  Square Enix had been previously hesitant to officially reveal the game’s cost, but nothing has changed since retailers put up their original listings. We’ve confirmed with the publisher that the Wii U version will indeed set you back $50, but only $30 on other consoles.
                  $50 on Wii U, $30 for PS3/360. Sent to die on Wii U? I think so.



                  • #10
                    Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                    Preordered it ages ago for 23squid on Amazon

                    @ Icemage - You may be right but it's still a good console, just unloved by both industry and consumers
                    Last edited by Carter; 10-11-2013, 05:32 AM.
                    "OH NO! A BOURGEOIS BIG-BOLLOCKED BOILER!!!!! THATS ALL I NEED", Conker The Squirrel, 2001
                    Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


                    • #11
                      Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                      I think part of the reasoning is that Wii U doesn't have the original base version of the game like PC, 360 and PS3 do. PS3 and 360 in particular would need to have a lower price point with $7 used copies floating around at Gamestop since this is basically a GOTY edition now and all. It would be suicide not to have the lower price point on those platforms.

                      Still, the Skyrim Legendary Edition is still retailing at $60 on PS3 and 360, so yeah, this seems strange, but that's just weird. Skyrim is a great game, but its half a year older than DXHR and trying to sell on its original retail price. I doubt that I'd go for Skyrim again at that price with the killer deals I could get for it on Steam.

                      DXHR is a game I'd kind of want on anything I had, so I probably would get it on Wii U and PC despite the huge disparity in price points.

                      The only problem I really see here is SE treating the Wii U audience like it was a captive one. I'm pretty sure there are lots of gamers and families out there that wouldn't just have a Wii U as their sole source of entertainment. Then again, SE is the kind of company that engages in a fracturing market it doesn't understand. I sound like I'm forgiving them up there, but I think $40 - which is more or less the standard for most GOTY/rollups - would have been the best pricepoint for all versions without so blatantly looking like you're herding users to the systems you'd prefer to support.

                      While I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, given the trash talk from Eidos Montreal's prior CEO it doesn't surprise me the Wii U version gets treated like this. Livingstone communicated the childish idea of telling Nintendo to go third party which is like telling the Rolling Stones to open for Weezer.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-11-2013, 11:34 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                        Or it just cost them a tonne to develop for that stupid tablet.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                          The "tablet" only has two problems:
                          1. Battery life, and
                          2. Lack of multitouch.

                          Otherwise it functions brilliantly with all the games I have with this system. It's also more comfortable to hold than the (by comparison) small 360/ps3 controllers.
                          "OH NO! A BOURGEOIS BIG-BOLLOCKED BOILER!!!!! THATS ALL I NEED", Conker The Squirrel, 2001
                          Oi may be from the West Coutry but i'm not a hobbit, a pirate or a farmer me old shagger


                          • #14
                            Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                            I don't see how anyone can find it comfortable. It just looks incredibly awkward, and I very much dislike how the face buttons are laid out.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut - or how to use the Wii U properly.

                              Have you used a GamePad, Mal? It's not bad. It's not the most comfortable controller ever made, but it's not awful by any means. The only thing I find awkward about the tablet is the positioning of the circle pads makes the face buttons a bit harder to reach than they ought to be for how often they're used, and the triggers are mediocre at best. Other than that, it's a decent controller when considered on its own merits (as opposed to what the manufacturing cost of the gamepad itself did to the rest of the hardware in the box).

                              I do expect the Xbox One and PS4 controllers to blow it out of the water in terms of being comfortable to use, however.

                              As for Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut, I think pricing it at $50 for the Wii U version is the kiss of death. Third party software already struggles on the platform even at price and release date parity (see: Injustice, Splinter Cell). Making it 66% more expensive on top guarantees that virtually any multi-console owner will opt for the less expensive version.


