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Wii U Discussion

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  • Re: Wii U Discussion

    Originally posted by Armando View Post
    I'm not sure what the hardware has to do with anything. I can understand Raydeus' dislike for Nintendo - he somehow dislikes all of their IPs, and without those then why would you even own a Nintendo console? But I don't care if the next Mario game has me tweaking a rubber nipple if the gameplay's good.
    That's the difference for me in a nutshell. I don't want to tweak rubber nipples, I just want to sit back with a SNES controller and play video games.

    All this innovation in input devices hasn't yielded any improvements to the experience, it's just changing things for the sake of changing things. It was an experiment and in my estimation it was a failed one so it's time to go back to input methods that have been perfected for decades.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • Re: Wii U Discussion

      All this innovation in input devices hasn't yielded any improvements to the experience, it's just changing things for the sake of changing things. It was an experiment and in my estimation it was a failed one so it's time to go back to input methods that have been perfected for decades.
      Alright, I can respect that. But in that case, isn't the Wii U right up your alley? It just seems to me like people make a bigger deal about changes to input methods than changes to game design when they have the same end-result.

      Blizzard does something retarded like RMAH and online-only Diablo III? Benefit of the doubt, still buying it, and I'll even put up with it for a while, and continue to play even after it starts to set in that this is a real problem.
      Don't like a Nintendo game? No sale. If they just got rid of that gimmicky hardware, I would've liked and bought it.


      • Re: Wii U Discussion

        They're still doing bullshit with their input devices on the WiiU.

        I dunno about you, but in my old age I've become extremely cranky and picky about my game design. I saw the writing on the wall for D3 when they announced the RMAH and immediately wrote it off as something I'd never play.

        I've also picked up a number of games for the Wii either for my own system or playing them on my friend's and more often than not the input method gets in the way of actually playing the game. Heck, some games have even managed recognized the futility of trying to utilize the gimmicks and resorted to emulating the original NES control scheme because trying to make use of all the gimmicky bullshit is counter-productive.

        It infuriates me to see good games cut down by terrible control schemes necessitated by derpy hardware decisions.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • Re: Wii U Discussion

          Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
          They're still doing bullshit with their input devices on the WiiU.

          I dunno about you, but in my old age I've become extremely cranky and picky about my game design. I saw the writing on the wall for D3 when they announced the RMAH and immediately wrote it off as something I'd never play.
          There are obvious problems with DRM that everyone can see from a mile away because DRM is at least as old as inputting verification codes in for PC games. Make a single player simulation game online only tells me more about your rich white first world businessman problems more than your ability to see the bigger picture for gamers.

          What that has to do with input methods, however, I have no idea.

          I've also picked up a number of games for the Wii either for my own system or playing them on my friend's and more often than not the input method gets in the way of actually playing the game. Heck, some games have even managed recognized the futility of trying to utilize the gimmicks and resorted to emulating the original NES control scheme because trying to make use of all the gimmicky bullshit is counter-productive.

          It infuriates me to see good games cut down by terrible control schemes necessitated by derpy hardware decisions.
          Off the top of my head I can only think of two non-VC games on the Wii that used the Wiimote as a traditional controller - New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Metroid Other M.

          That's it. Not denying other games might exist for it, but that's really all i can think of before we get to classic controller support.

          Aside from, say, poor implementations of motion controls like Okami and Zelda Twilight Princess, I've never once had a problem with motion controls - and I play things from a recliner from a reclinder where I hardly had to ever move. I have to wonder if other people just never bothered to calibrate the controller to its highest sensitivity so movements only ever had to be slight. Some of the best games never even use the infared - like No More Heroes/NMH2 or Skyward Sword. As for pointer controls, I'm actually very disappointed that more games didn't follow Metroid Prime Trilogy's lead and I've lost interest in most first person shooters for the lack of motion control support - its really the next best thing to a mouse and keyboard for consoles.

          But none of this has to do much with Wii U, which doesn't seem to have the "problems" you're complaining about.


          • Re: Wii U Discussion

            If you're going to quote people you could at least try to follow the conversation BBQ.

            But really, enough is enough. You have a hard-on for Nintendo. We know, we get it, it's difficult not to when you keep waving your throbbing Nintendo induced erection in our faces every goddamn day.
            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
            Name: Drjones
            Blog: Mediocre Mage


            • Re: Wii U Discussion

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbq
              What that has to do with input methods, however, I have no idea.
              I was the one that brought it up. I was just pointing out that a lot of the times devs do something stupid (i.e. DRM) and get a pass on it. But a dev does something stupid on Nintendo hardware and it's the hardware that's at fault, not the devs. E.g. Twilight Princess had shitty motion controls, so motion controls suck.


              • Re: Wii U Discussion

                The "gimmick" argument is so weak, tiresome, outdated and vague in the face of what the whole world is doing right now that I'll honestly call bullshit each time I see it, Cid.

                Pretty much everything has a camera, infrared sensor, accelerometer, GPS and touch screen or touch surface on it now. 3DS, Wii U, Vita, PS3, PS4 and 360 have some or most of these things - Hell, Xbox 360 has Smartglass integration right now and its going to be a factor in the next platform. That and social network integration on all of these things.

                At this point, no one is forcing anything - much of the dust has settled on this tech and no one is taking away your old input methods.


                And Armando's right - the likes of EA and Bllizzard pull this DRM bullshit and millions give them a pass, worse is plenty just accept it - showing the big third party publishers what BS they can get away with for years to come. Nintendo does motion controls that don't work for one or two games and people rage on for years about it without a frame of reference to the present.


                • Re: Wii U Discussion

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  The "gimmick" argument is so weak, tiresome, outdated and vague in the face of what the whole world is doing right now that I'll honestly call bullshit each time I see it.
                  And I'll tell you straight up it doesn't matter that your Nintendo goggles let you dismiss it because it's the primary reason I haven't enjoyed the system and am writing off the next one as well.

                  You can stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't matter, but that doesn't change the fact that it is heavily influencing my decision of whether or not to purchase Nintendo's console.
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • Re: Wii U Discussion

                    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                    If you're going to quote people you could at least try to follow the conversation BBQ.

                    But really, enough is enough. You have a hard-on for Nintendo. We know, we get it, it's difficult not to when you keep waving your throbbing Nintendo induced erection in our faces every goddamn day.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	eyepatches-walking-dead1_500x384.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.7 KB
ID:	1476667
                    A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

                    it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

                    R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

                    Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


                    • Re: Wii U Discussion

                      You're right, Cid. I acknowledge a lot of uniformity going around in current and upcoming hardware because I have a raging erection for Nintendo.

                      This uniformity is even present in Nintendo and Sony's new and honestly great attempts to appeal to indies (waiving authentication fees, letting them set their own prices, self-publishing and the like).This means I grudgingly have to accept that Sony has joined the side of the angels alongside Valve and Nintendo and I will have to work extra hard to contrive reasons to hate them with every fiber of my being.

                      Or I'll just enjoy Guacamelee, Hotline Miami and Terraria on my PS Vita.


                      • Re: Wii U Discussion

                        Are you seriously going to deny the fact that you have a huge boner for Nintendo? Are you really going to pretend it isn't there BBQ? Everyone else in the room can see it, so it's not like pretending it isn't there is suddenly going to hide it from view.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • Re: Wii U Discussion

                          Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                          Are you seriously going to deny the fact that you have a huge boner for Nintendo? Are you really going to pretend it isn't there BBQ? Everyone else in the room can see it, so it's not like pretending it isn't there is suddenly going to hide it from view.
                          You mean like how people used to frame me as some racist homophobe when that wasn't true, either?

                          I think I've actually made it more than clear that if I'm a fanboy of anything, its Atlus.


                          • Re: Wii U Discussion

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            You mean like how people used to frame me as some racist homophobe when that wasn't true, either?
                            Oh really? Do tell.
                            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                            Name: Drjones
                            Blog: Mediocre Mage


                            • Re: Wii U Discussion

                              Originally posted by cidbahamut
                              Oh really? Do tell.
                              Take it to PMs if you want, this is the Wii U thread. /moderator


                              • Re: Wii U Discussion

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                You're right, Cid. I acknowledge a lot of uniformity going around in current and upcoming hardware because I have a raging erection for Nintendo.
                                Coulda fooled me

                                Back on topic though, ya'll gave me shit for saying it, BUT THERE'S IWATA HIMSELF ADMITTING IT! VINDICATION!!!

                                “When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”

                                And that pretty much sums up why I didn't like the GC - not enough solid games. Too bad they couldn't follow up on that statement about the Wii either (we're lucky we even got Xenoblade, TLS and Pandora's Tower at all.)

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

