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Wii U ???s…Or just happy story :). Your reading choice

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  • #31
    Re: Wii U ???s…Or just happy story . Your reading choice

    I had a perfect example of this, and it the one main thing that I hate about Nintendo.....

    My Wii had about $200 worth of VC and WW games on it, mainly WW stuff, my Wii fell out of a 5 story window when I was visiting a friend in Houston (don't ask, stupid story) well the system was....uuummm dead. So I threw it away in frustration of the moment. Well called Nintendo to see if there was anything that could be done. Well the person on the other end even admitted they could see my purchases on the Nintendo club, as it was linked to my Wii -.- yet "nothing would be done without my old Wii" I explained why I did not have it anymore, and the end result was I got a free copy of Star Fox 64 for 3DS. What bothered me the most, was that the senor rep that gave me the game, could not stress enough that this was "out of their kindness" like I was to be oh so great full that I payed $200 for Star Fox 64 -.-
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #32
      Re: Wii U ???s…Or just happy story . Your reading choice

      As for the "at Nintendo's mercy" - as noted above, Nintendo customer service apparently has no leeway at all to help someone.

      In theory, you're right, there's a difference. In practice... nope, not right now there isn't.
      The point is that in the future it may not be a problem. The Wii U already has an option to add pre-existing NNIDs; the issue is disassociating the NNID from the console. What if 6 months from now they add an option to log into and disassociate the NNID yourself? Or they release a firmware update so you don't need to disassociate at all and you can just log in from another console as a guest? Yeah, it's not gonna help you if your Wii U gets stolen now, but it could happen.


      • #33
        Re: Wii U ???s…Or just happy story . Your reading choice

        Originally posted by Armando View Post
        The point is that in the future it may not be a problem. The Wii U already has an option to add pre-existing NNIDs; the issue is disassociating the NNID from the console. What if 6 months from now they add an option to log into and disassociate the NNID yourself? Or they release a firmware update so you don't need to disassociate at all and you can just log in from another console as a guest? Yeah, it's not gonna help you if your Wii U gets stolen now, but it could happen.
        Yes. As I said, they could fix things in the future.

        But will they?

        They could have, at any point, changed and allowed you to register your Wii to your Club Nintendo account, and allow you to deactivate your Wii and reactivate the content on a new system, but they chose not to. Why? Who knows?

        The point is that right now there is no difference between the DRM scheme on the Wii and the DRM scheme on the Wii U. Not in any way that matters to the end user right now. Maybe in the future, but only maybe.



        • #34
          Re: Wii U ???s…Or just happy story . Your reading choice

          More business for the pirates, courtesy of retarded DRM policies.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


