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Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

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  • Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

    Date for Mass Effect 3's Omega DLC, the biggest and most expensive yet

    By Tom Phillips Published 12 October, 2012

    Sure is something T'loak at.

    Mass Effect 3's Omega DLC will be the most expansive and expensive add-on yet, maker BioWare has announced.
    The single-player campaign expansion launches for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 27th November for 1200 Microsoft Points or $15 (about £10). European PlayStation players will likely see it on the 28th.
    Omega will be "double the size" of the largest Mass Effect 3 DLC so far, Mass Effect 3 producer Mike Gamble explained at New York Comic-Con. (In terms of actual game content Gamble is likely referring to this summer's Leviathan DLC. In terms of file size the largest is the 2GB Extended Cut, although that is the Xbox 360 DLC file limit).
    Omega will also be the most expensive Mass Effect 3 DLC so far (or of the entire series, if you don't count Mass Effect 2's 1200 Point Cerberus Network pass which came free with new copies).
    The expansion will see players team up with ousted Omega ruler Aria T'loak to retake the station from Cerberus control.
    Omega's story follows the Mass Effect 3: Invasion prequel comics, which saw evil General Petrovsky move in and secure the space station for the Illusive Man's evil clutches. Petrovsky will return in Omega, Gamble confirmed. We'll also get our first glimpse at a female turian.
    "New enemies" will also be included - likely the Cerberus Dragoon class added this week to the game's multiplayer in the bumper Retaliation add-on.
    The existence of an Omega-based storyline has been known about since before Mass Effect 3 launched. The missions were originally included in early versions of the game's script, before being excised (and presumably expanded) for use in a separate DLC pack. An image of Aria T'loak's squadmate icon was actually broadcast during an official BioWare Pulse video.
    Date for Mass Effect 3's Omega DLC, the biggest and most expensive yet • News •

    Looks like there's going to be a lot of Aria.

  • #2
    Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

    50% more expensive than Lair of the Shadow Broker? The fireworks from the fanboys are going to be amusing to observe. /popcorn



    • #3
      Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
      50% more expensive than Lair of the Shadow Broker? The fireworks from the fanboys are going to be amusing to observe. /popcorn

      That's why I generally don't stray into the comments section of news. My heart probably couldn't take it.


      • #4
        Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

        The comments section seem to be more "I have to play this then the ending again? No thanks." rather than commenting on the price or how much Bioware are going to have to retcon to make this DLC work. I also can't help but get the feeling that this would have been in the original game had EA not rushed for an early release as well.
        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
        Reiko Takahashi
        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
        Haters Gonna Hate


        • #5
          Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

          What surprises me is that there's still people that cares about Mass Effect enough to actually be outraged about it. XD
          Last edited by Raydeus; 10-14-2012, 10:14 AM. Reason: Forum enough monster enough attacks again enough. o_O
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

            It's the comments section of a game news site. No matter what the news is there will always be someone who is outraged by it.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate


            • #7
              Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

              I've already heard the excuses for this one, "But you did that quest to help Aria gain control of three merc factions in ME3, you didn't have to see the results because EMS rating. This is optional content!"

              whats really goading is there's another retail release for ME as a trilogy and no DLC is included at all beyond the online pass stuff.


              • #8
                Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I've already heard the excuses for this one, "But you did that quest to help Aria gain control of three merc factions in ME3, you didn't have to see the results because EMS rating. This is optional content!"

                whats really goading is there's another retail release for ME as a trilogy and no DLC is included at all beyond the online pass stuff.
                Yeah, that's pretty sleazy, though not all of the DLC is left off, is it? On PC, I think it includes most of the ME1 and ME2 DLC except Lair of the Shadow Broker(ME2), Project Overlord (ME2), Arrival (ME2) and From Ashes (ME3), plus obviously this Omega DLC.

                The 360 version additionally omits Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station from ME1 DLC, but retains the basic ME2 Cerberus Network downloads (Price of Revenge, Project Firewalker, Normandy Crash Site, and various armor packs).

                No word yet on what they're doing with the PS3 version, but I'd put money on the basic PS3 ME2 DLC being included (Cerberus Network, Lair of the Shadow Broker, Project Overlord, Project Firewalker), but not Arrival or any of the ME3 DLC.



                • #9
                  Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                  Someone just needs to write EA and say; "You're doing GOTY editions wrong."

                  Then again Rockstar has a pretty nutty collection coming up that includes:

                  - GTAIV: Ballad of Gay Tony & Lost and Damned
                  - LA Noire - no DLC
                  - Red Dead Redemption - no DLC, no Undead Nightmare
                  - And for now apparent reason, Midnight Run LA.

                  Then there's the PS3 Exclusive (WTF) Assassion's Creed Ezio collection including Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood and Revelations. Why not complete the set? Reasons, my friends, reasons! Apparently the same reasons Sega will release a Phantasy Star collection and its always missing one of them.

                  And then Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix - which is not only is PS3 and Japan exclusive, but also only kind of remade 358/2 Days as well because time ran out.

                  What gets me about omitting the DLC from the ME collection is for Xbox you already had the Platinum edition with "Bring down the sky" in it. Why not use that version? You're already pushing like five discs on me anyway, so what's a sixth disc with some DLC and behind the scenes stuff? Oh, and to top it all off they had the genius idea of launching this collection against Halo 4. Sorry, man, my $60 might be claimed that week. I've not played a Halo in years, but hey, it looks and sounds more like Metroid Prime than I expected.

                  And to think almost ten years ago Metroid and Halo fanboys were at war. I know its still going to play like Halo and that's fine, but I can dig the change in aesthetics.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                    And then Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix - which is not only is PS3 and Japan exclusive, but also only kind of remade 358/2 Days as well because time ran out.
                    For 358/2 Days, aren't they really just making all the cutscenes in HD and making everything that's not a cutscene just text? No actual gameplay involved?


                    • #11
                      Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                      Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                      For 358/2 Days, aren't they really just making all the cutscenes in HD and making everything that's not a cutscene just text? No actual gameplay involved?
                      Pretty much. Which is a shame because I thought it was one of the better games.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        Pretty much. Which is a shame because I thought it was one of the better games.
                        I agree, especially taking into account the more limited technology it had to work with. Although, my expectations probably weren't as high since Kingdom Hearts II turned out to be such a disappointment. 358/2 Days felt more like playing the first game again, while introducing more customization.

                        The only sad thing is that the only other person who plays it around me was one of my cousins. I played a few of the multiplayer missions with him and it was actually a lot of fun.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                          Bleh. Not looking forward to this at all. If Bioware is going to introduce something for singleplayer they might as well continue to fix the Multiplayer issues. I play ME3 and I run on Gold/Platinum's now. Still a lot of bug issues. On top of the new expansion Retaliation the new enemies have a lot of bugs.

                          -Praetorians now take up the Banshee's infamous "tractor beam". I was pulled halfway across map on Firebase Giant and had my face munched on.
                          -Shield Alert, this is what annoys me the most. Yes your character will yell out, "Shields Down." "Shields Gone." etc etc. But there is no real registry of what your being hit's not so much the alert that annoys me, it's the enemies your being hit by. It seems the CPU has full shield ripping powers. But it takes like 4 Arc Grenades to rip apart a Banshee's shield on just Bronze. You kidding me?
                          -Executions - Now I like the idea. But I wish they would fix it on Praetorians. Praetorian DO NOT stagger in the middle of an execution. Versus let's say a Geth Trooper who, if you throw a grenade at or use Concussive Shot, or Carnage etc etc. They will stagger, giving you a small window to run in and grab your team.
                          -Character Recycling, I know for a fact that when your grind Bronze-Platinum' and you rack of credits you don't expect a reshash of your character or "training" for that matter. I've gotten a Female Adept in a Premium Spectre Pack. But yet I got a N7 Demolisher in a Recruit Pack? You get the same characters over and over in PSP's versus RP's.
                          Heavensward Stats - Main Story: Cleared | Alexander Normal: 4/4 | Alexander: Savage 0/4 | Relic: Last Resort (Scholar) | Mahatma: 2/12


                          • #14
                            Re: Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

                            I never cared for ME3's MP - yet another of many instances of good ideas done badly.

                            And now I suddenly don't feel so bad for not waiting on the collection. Kiss my ass EA/Bioware. I really don't get how they can both simultaneously win big (BF3 Premium/Premium Edition) and fail so hard (ME Collection/DLC pricing). I got the platinum hits version of ME2 as well, which didn't come with a single extra - whereas the 1st ME did.

                            BUT - I know why. It's because EA had nothing to do with ME1. Much as I hate to say it lol, that's all MS' handiwork.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

