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Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

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  • #16
    Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

    new ninja demo, mew!


    • #17
      Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

      Again, exclusive content is what sells platforms. No competition, no new ideas. Blame Sony for not being as aggressive as they need to be, not MS for being smart.

      Calling it now - while Nintendo and MS expand to add social and online functionality to devices outside thier platforms, Sony's going to keep it within Sony devices. Nintendo and MS just joined Steam in jumping into the App Store to offer something extra for thier platforms or networks.

      Just saw the Watch Dogs demo. Very, very impressive stuff.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-04-2012, 05:39 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

        CALLED IT! CoD for Vita, and now AC3 has cross-play features with the new AC3 Liberation game for Vita and exclusive DLC for AC3 on PS3 (kinda lame on that last point).


        ---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

        Dear God enough of this harry potter shit WTF sony just drop the move.

        EDIT: Christ on a bun it's finally over, jesus that was more painful than Caffine Guy last year.

        EDIT 2: The last of us was pretty bitching, as was GoW Ascension. Otherwise that conference was garbage, wtf no Vita price drop. At least they announced PS1 support.
        Last edited by Malacite; 06-04-2012, 07:27 PM.



        • #19
          Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

          Ok, do I was slightly wrong about Sony reaching out to other platforms. They'll partner with who they deem worthy (so not Apple).

          Wonderbook and The Last of Us we're the best of what was shown, but they dragged on too long with Wonderbook. I'm also just a bit disappointed with The Last of Us being so shoots and kill happy regarding human targets given you can see so much of The Walking Dead and I Am Legend/Omega Man in it. Those shows and flicks had an emphasis on preserving human life and dignity amidst the madness, tragedy and loss of other lives to the viral outbreaks, setting them well apart from the generic zombie fare. It's a missed opportunity to bring that to games, but then, we have Walking Dead games, too.

          Sony doesn't seem to be backing down on their mistakes with Vita, either. That's just foolish. Addressing PSOne Classic support is nice, but one of many, many issues to address.


          • #20
            Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

            I wanted to shoot myself during the whole Wonderbook sequence (the ratings on GT TANKED during it as well)

            ---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

            Okay so quick summary of today:

            EA: NAILED IT! Best conference of the day by far, all highs no lows. Not too sure about co-op in dead space 3 but we'll see. BF3 Premium is worth every fucking penny as well.

            Ubisoft: Actually had a good conference for once, though the hosts still sucked. I cringed when that twat said "he cut that guy's head off with a gunsword!" IT'S A FUCKING BAYONET AND IT'S BEEN AROUND FOR SEVERAL HUNDRED YEARS NOW! ZombieU looks awesome, and 2 new AC3 titles ftw.

            Microsoft: It was decent, the Kinect stuff fell flat again but overall a good show. Black Ops 2's campaign actually has me very interested (holy crap a new X-ray sniper at long last), Halo 4 is the shit, Tomb Raider showed a lot impressive gameplay elements & strategy (that and Lara is looking better than ever - I think they reduced her chest a bit too heh, looks more realistic now). Would have really liked to have heard some improvements to XBL though. Oh yeah RE6 was also pretty badass, not too big on the new gears though. Not a fan of exclusive DLC either folks...

            Sony: I honestly think they had the worst showing, but it wasn't bad. All-Stars is still kinda meh & Wonderbook had me wanting to kill myself, but God of War, Beyond and The Last of Us made up for it big time. I'm still disappointed and frankly shocked they didn't do a price drop for the Vita.

            My prediction: Nintendo absolutely demolishes everyone tomorrow.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

              Originally posted by Yygdrasil
              Originally posted by Nandito

              You make me want to hurt things.


              • #22
                Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                Sony tags PlayStation All-Stars as 'Super Smash Bros.' on YouTube [Update: Removed!] | Joystiq

                Even Sony's own people can't tell the difference. That's bad.

                On the subject of that game, it already looks pretty broken. They showed Sweettooth build up to a level three attack and he was able to double dip on kills by knocking out respawns of his opponents. Doesn't strike me as fair.


                FINALLY! A peripheral that can please two women at once!

                Maybe three.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-04-2012, 10:27 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                  Most of today's press conferences were mediocre or worse. Last of Us looks amazing. Watch Dogs - where the heck did this game come from? Wowsers.

                  Everything else: yawn.

                  Nintendo should win this E3 handily unless they pull another Cammy Dunnaway.



                  • #24
                    Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                    I'm pretty impressed Ubisoft kept a lid on most of new stuff they showed today, Rayman Legends aside.

                    Lots of people were commenting on how Halo 4 reminded them of Metriod Prime. Turns out 343's Kynan Pearson was the lead designer for Metroid Prime 2 and 3. So that explains a lot.

                    He also had "unannounced" on his resume under Retro, so that likely means Retro does have something to show tomorrow.

                    Also, The Last Guardian was nowhere to be seen at the Sony conference. That is not good.
                    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-05-2012, 12:48 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                      it seems actiony, mew


                      • #26
                        Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                        Well, Nintendo had a decent showing. Honestly I feel like all 3 conferences were fairly equal. Nintendo had some cool stuff to show, but overall I'm still not sold on the Wii U. Loved ZombiU, would have really liked more details on the system itself (particularly the price tag).

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                          Well, it was a strong emphasis on actual games, unlike the other two conferences that wanted to wank off to movie and TV apps, but otherwise Nintendo played it rather safe. Pikmin 3 and NSMB U look good and Nintendo Land seems interesting, but there's wasn't a strong first party showing like I was expecting. No Zelda, no Metroid or Star Fox, no announcement from Retro.

                          Better than Sony and MS' showings, but not the best of Nintendo's showings.

                          ZombiU, Lego City Stories and a few others seemed pretty fun.


                          • #28
                            Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                            Wow, Watch Dogs looked amazing; jaw-dropping even.

                            But then I remember Brink's "Container City Gameplay". Not convinced until I see first-hand impression stuff.
                            Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                            Originally posted by Nandito

                            You make me want to hurt things.


                            • #29
                              Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                              Fanboy >_>

                              I liked what they showed, I just felt like all 3 of them were underwhelming. As far as games and game content goes (and being a publisher it makes sense) I still feel like EA had the strongest showing of purely game content.

                              I also feel that both MS and Sony had far more exciting games actually being shown. Nintendo may have had more game-centered content, but I've already played enough of Batman and Pikmin, while awesome, just isn't my thing. I was reeeeeeally hoping for more Metroid or Zelda god damn it. I'm hoping their 3DS show will make up for it.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • #30
                                Re: Spike TV/Gametrailers E3 Schedule

                                I'm actually inclined to give Ubisoft the win this year, if only for their ability to keep the lid on something as exciting as Watch Dogs. Easily the biggest pleasant surprise for E3 this year.

                                Nintendo's reveals were OK. Very nice to see that the Wii U supports 2 Gamepads. Also gratifying to see Pikmin 3 not get shoved into a corner.

                                ZombiU looks a lot better than what it started as (Killer Freaks From Space). I worry a bit about the trailer though, as it is scarily reminiscent of Dead Island (and look how THAT turned out...).


