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COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
I actually enjoyed Black Ops for a while, but now I just play it for the endless waves of Zombies.
But seeing this... Damn... They are just milking the CoD series for all its money. A lot of the Online maps are just re painted in Black Ops anyways.
I honestly was hoping Black Ops was going to be a stand alone one with out any sequels.
I'm just glad they aren't deciding to touch my RPGs....
Tired of all the FPS games coming out lately....
Make some more good RPGs like everyone used to.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
I don't see the MGS4 rip-off here.
Former protagonist is an old man, not a clone with rapid aging figured into his creation. Seems to have a more Blade Runner aspect to it (our technology against us) and even the music goes there. If anything it seems to be moving toward Ghost Recon's recent settings.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
That isn't cyber weapons "going nuts" its terrorists hacking cyber weapons. SOP in MGS was controlled by the Patroit AIs until Liquid found a way to bypass their security, then he controlled SOP. Before then, he could barely stop them from mucking up his PMC groups.
Also, why rebuild an engine this late in a generation when the one you have looks fine? That's not "lazy" - just good economic sense and most developers either do that or license an engine.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
Y'know, there's a reason I've been boycotting Activision for the past 2 years, and CoD has a lot to do with it. Doesn't look like I'll be missing much this time around either.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
Sounds like it was rushed out, article on BBC news site says it will be released same time as Halo 4.
BBC News - Call of Duty Black Ops 2 to battle Halo 4 in November
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
I actually liked Black Ops. It did nothing new but at least they actually tried with the plot, and as a result by FPS standards it was actually decent overall (when compared to other FPS games anyway). Multiplayer was pretty balanced as well all things considered even if there was only 2-3 maps people actually liked.
I personally liked the fact that was wasn't another bloody Modern Warfare game and that Treyarch are actually NOT following the current obsession with Modern Warfare games. There's only so much you can do with the setting without going into alternative history timelines really which just seem like a cheap way out of everything. One of the reasons why WW2 worked as a setting was because of the sheer scale of the conflict. There was a ridiculous number of things you could do with the setting. Most Modern Warfare games just seem to boil down to trying to invent a conflict on the same scale as WW2 because apparently, the viewer is too stupid to recognise a war unless it's WW3, but without thinking of the geopolitical ramifications of such a conflict starting in the first place such as US vs Russia (too many to count), US vs China, US vs North Koreans in Nano Suits, US vs Random Fictional Ex-Soviet state because of a redneck with a shotgun. Honestly? The only developers to do Modern Warfare games well have been Ubi-Soft with the Tom Clancy's Needlessly Long Titled games.
The thing is, Modern Warfare games weren't even a new thing when CoD4 came out, it was basically the fact that Treyarch announcing that they were doing a Cold War era game, then finally the new Medal of Honor game (Note: made by the original Infinity Ward members with DICE farmed out for the multiplayer) was the final nail in the coffin for WW2 games. Publishers would then start assuming that everyone wants Modern Warfare games without even acknowledge that people don't actually care about the setting as long as:
1) It's not ridiculously implausible and wouldn't realistically result in the entire surface of the Earth being turned into a radioactive wasteland (Modern Warfare is the most famous offender but there are plenty of others like Battlefield 3 and Operation Flashpoint)
2) The game is actually fun. This is subjective but it's pretty much widely agreed that Modern Warfare 2 sucked and while MW3 was definitely an improvement it has it's own issues. But really, I had more fun with Killing Floor and Payday: The Heist, two very cheap, archaic, crude and ugly as hell steam games that are basically Unreal Tournament mods turned into full games than I ever did with say MW3 or Battlefield 3. That is just me personally but I'm sure you can find other people who would agree.
3) Come on, nobody is expecting a deep, cerebral plotline from a genre most people just use to switch off for a few hours but it's a bit sad when the plot to Team Fortress 2, a game where the only plot is "Hey! Go kill that other guy because he's wearing different colours than you!" makes more sense than the plot to a lot of Modern Warfare games. Yes I will say it: The plot to a game that can be summed up as basically glorified gang warfare makes more sense then the plot to Modern Warfare and Battlefield 3.
So personally I didn't mind the Cold War setting and I am interested in seeing what they do with the whole Bladerunner style thing.I think I'll probably just end up renting it since, well, it's a Call of Duty game, they only last for 6 hours, and while Treyarch can balance multiplayer games, I don't have enough friends interested in actually playing the multiplayer much so I'll probably tire of it after a week like I did with MW3 (which is why I rented that too).Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
Originally posted by Firewind View PostI actually liked Black Ops. It did nothing new but at least they actually tried with the plot
No it didn't. I understood the plot, but it was a garbled drunken haze of confusion and nonsense at best. The last time COD even tried to have a decent, coherent story was COD 4, often (rightly) regarded as the best in the series.
And this new game is supposed to be during a new "Cold War". Except you know, for the whole part about there actually being soldiers engaged on the battlefield.
I don't think Treyarc understands what a Cold War is.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
A Cold War is where the two sides aren't in a direct war with each other. Proxy wars can happen without changing it to a "Hot" war. The most famous one would be the Cold War between the US and USSR from 1947 - 1991 but if you want an example of a Cold War fought via Proxy Warfare, the war over North America fought between Britain and France through the 17th and 18th centuries is by far the best example since it was the longest running one in history.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
The way I see it Activision is just finding a way to compete with EA's "Two FPS franchise" model, but they switched it up on EA by changing the settings for Black Ops. First a vietnam setting, then a future setting. They could jump forward and backward in time with it.
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Re: COD: Black Ops 2 Debut Trailer
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostThe way I see it Activision is just finding a way to compete with EA's "Two FPS franchise" model, but they switched it up on EA by changing the settings for Black Ops. First a vietnam setting, then a future setting. They could jump forward and backward in time with it.Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
Reiko Takahashi - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
Haters Gonna Hate
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