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Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

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  • Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

    Nintendo to show Mario and Pikmin for Wii U at E3 -Destructoid

    After four years of showing up and disappearing from the radar, it looks like Pikmin 3 is finally a real game. Nintendo also confirmed a Mario game will be shown off for Wii U.

    No word if that Mario games is the mysterious "Super Mario 4" that's been going around, but there was a Mario game in development for 3DS as well so it might be that and this could possibly be a New Super Mario Bros. Wii U game which would, of course, do incredibly well. They did have a tech demo last year called New Super Mario Bros. Mii, after all.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-17-2012, 04:13 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

    so basically nothing worth mewing about. Where is Super Princess Peach 2?


    • #3
      Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

      Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
      so basically nothing worth mewing about. Where is Super Princess Peach 2?
      That statement dumbfounds me more than questions I was asked on cross-exam last night...

      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


      • #4
        Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

        I'm saving mews for the topics they belong in, like Pokemon. Figures J9 would be more excited about a imaginary sequel to the most degrading and boring game Nintendo ever made, though.

        Given people have been waiting for another Pikmin game for like eight years, though, that's a big win for the fans. I loved the first one, but never got around to the second one for some reason. Additionally, the fact that they have a Mario game to show before Wii U launches - one that could very well be a launch title - that hasn't happened in two gaming generations. People turn over Gamestops every weekend looking for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, so this would be pretty damn successful.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-17-2012, 07:17 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

          the Miis in that NSMB2 build looked lazy though, mew, it was just heads pasted on a plumber body.

          Well laziness goes alongside Nintendo. They rarely invent a new franchise than rivals their 1st party franchises or sequels that are completely better.

          And only Nintendo would be lazy enough to add a 2nd Toad/retainer instead of a completely different character in a NSMB Wii (like Daisy!)

          If Sakurai made it, they would have made it much better, more playable characters and even support online co-op!


          • #6
            Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

            Well laziness goes alongside Nintendo. They rarely invent a new franchise than rivals their 1st party franchises or sequels that are completely better.
            I think you have Nintendo confused with Compile Heart. Would explain why you like their games.
            If Sakurai made it, they would have made it much better, more playable characters and even support online co-op!
            People are terrible at NSMBWii as it is when they're all in the same room playing lagless. Online co-op is a terrible idea, especially when you consider all the ways to kill someone both deliberately and accidentally.


            • #7
              Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

              Originally posted by Armando View Post
              I think you have Nintendo confused with Compile Heart. Would explain why you like their games.
              ITT Armando trolls.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #8
                Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                Well clearly I needed to give someone else a turn at it.
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • #9
                  Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                  I think implementing Miis makes it a little more personal than two generic toad characters.


                  • #10
                    Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                    In related news

                    Pikmin 2 Finally Reaches North American Wiis Soon - Wii News @ Nintendo Life

                    Yeah, NOA finally got around to that New Play Control version of Pikmin 2. I guess this fixes the matter of me never playing Pikmin 2. Now if they could get Last Window, Soma Bringer and Fire Emblem 2 out of the DS and maybe Earth Seeker and the Fatal Frame 2 remake out in the US that would be nice.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.



                      • #12
                        Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                        They both hate Feba?
                        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                        • #13
                          Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                          They never get what they want


                          They want what they can't have

                          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                          • #14
                            Re: Pikmin to be shown off at E3 for Wii U... oh, and a Mario game, too.

                            I'm going to go with "they hate things that say 'mew'"
                            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                            Reiko Takahashi
                            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                            Haters Gonna Hate

