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Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

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  • Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

    Project X Zone Screens Show Sakura Wars And Street Fighter Crossover Attacks | Siliconera

    Turns out Namco, Sega and Capcom's collaboration is another Strategy RPG with half-abandoned characters and half-popular ones in it. I guess they have to all use these IPs for something every now and again. Well, when i say half-abandoned for Sega I mean "totally," for Namco "no one cared anyway" and for Capcom "Half-abandoned" is more accurate.

    It has Ulala in it, does that mean everyone has to break out into dance to defeat evil?

    Up, right, left, down, chu, chu, chu?

    Banpresto is developing and if that's any indication its going to play like a Super Robot Taisen game. Could be a good thing, could be average.

    I'll keep an eye on it, but so far Pokemon Conquest is looking more promising.

  • #2
    Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

    The relevant detail: will they bring it stateside, or leave it in Japan like Namco X Capcom? I don't know if Namco X Capcom was a good game but I would've liked to find out.


    • #3
      Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

      Being that this is a handheld game and everyone involved seems to be pooling cash toward it, I'd hope it at least gets a chance for western release. They don't have that much to lose on a game like this, particularly when it has RE, DMC, Street Fighter and Tales characters in it.


      • #4
        Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

        Apparently, the Son of Sparda is there with white hair, along with some fellow from Darkstalkers:


        • #5
          Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

          IGN assembled most of the known details of the games, complete with characters.

          Project X Zone: Everything We Know - Nintendo 3DS Feature at IGN

          Its going for a "worlds collide" mentality. There's a level shown that comprises areas of Sakura Wars and Dead Rising in the same place.

          Frank West wasn't on the existing roster, but the mall from his original game is one of the locations. There are still about eight unconfirmed characters, but I can take a stab at two of them since eight is a strange number to divide between three companies.

          Xiaomu and Reiji Arisu first appeared in Namco X Capcom and now when mash-ups happen where Namco is concerned they tend to show up. They last made their appearance in Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier which also had KOS-MOS and T-elos as cameos that joined Haken Browning and his crew to save the world with lots of fanservice, apparently. I never finished it, but it burned the fanservice into your brain.

          The gameplay in that and NXC was a bit in the vein of Xenogears and Xenosaga. It may be the gameplay angle for this game as well.

          I would be surprised if Reiji and Xiaomu were not involved and central protagonists in the game, as Banpresto is the developer of both this and the Super Robot Taisen series.

          Given Namco's standoffish attitude at localization, it may take the likes of XSeed or Atlus USA to make it west. Atlus has localized a GBA and a DS entry of the SRT series.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-19-2012, 02:20 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

            Monolith Confirmed as Project X Zone Developer - IGN

            Looks like its not Banpresto on this one after all. It's Monolith Soft, so a game with Capcom, Sega and Namco characters in it is being made by a Nintendo first party.

            I now hope for some Reyn time in this game.


            • #7
              Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

              New TGS trailer, long one too. About 16 minutes of stuff here.

              Just to add, impressions on the floor seem to suggest this plays like Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier, which is to say its sort of a spin on the canned combos Xenogears and Xenosaga had, which were based on attack points back then. The difference here is like in OG Saga EF you want to try to chain these combos from one character to the next and in PXZ you initiate these canned combos like fighter moves.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-21-2012, 06:20 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Project X-Zone finally unvield for 3DS

                Whoah, they even have Numbers* from Valkyria 3 and End of Eternity characters. <_<

                They also got most of the original seiyuu voicing their characters.

                Oddly enough, this is the kind of game the Wii U would benefit from (in HD.) XD

                *They are officially Nameless, but I've always liked calling them Numbers instead for obvious reasons.
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


