Anyone who lives over the correct side of the pond might have heard about the difficulties GAME (also owners of Gamestation) had. First EA withdrew their sales, then shares dipped to less than a penny after that they had a fire-sale at stupidly low prices just to keep afloat before they called in the administrators.
Now due to a garbled communication I am overstocked on flailing arm inflatable tube men or in actuality they cocked up and gave me a shed load of reward points for nothing last year, £26.58 to be precise.
Armed with my reward points I attacked their sale and purchased a fair few titles, mostly between 48p and £1.98. Now, the dilemma is, which should I attack first? Bear in mind my current John Hurt condition so I can't stay in one spot on the couch too long, esp when the little bleeder plays football with my bladder.
Anyway, here's the list, that I can remember.
Alpha Protocol
Spiderman shattered dimensions
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Pro Evo 2011
FIFA Street
Assassins Creed 2/3
Prince of Persia
Bioshock 2
Transformers cybertron
Some move fitness & yoga thing (for after the John Hurt moment)
Might have got some others. Also got a PS move charging dock and spread the points out buying some games for other people too.
Quite a lot of stuff for the grand total of £0.13 including delivery.
So, where should I start?
Now due to a garbled communication I am overstocked on flailing arm inflatable tube men or in actuality they cocked up and gave me a shed load of reward points for nothing last year, £26.58 to be precise.
Armed with my reward points I attacked their sale and purchased a fair few titles, mostly between 48p and £1.98. Now, the dilemma is, which should I attack first? Bear in mind my current John Hurt condition so I can't stay in one spot on the couch too long, esp when the little bleeder plays football with my bladder.
Anyway, here's the list, that I can remember.
Alpha Protocol
Spiderman shattered dimensions
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Pro Evo 2011
FIFA Street
Assassins Creed 2/3
Prince of Persia
Bioshock 2
Transformers cybertron
Some move fitness & yoga thing (for after the John Hurt moment)
Might have got some others. Also got a PS move charging dock and spread the points out buying some games for other people too.
Quite a lot of stuff for the grand total of £0.13 including delivery.
So, where should I start?