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AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
I still have yet to play Revelations. XD
Still Made that Edmund killed her. D:
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
I'm still not sure about the setting, but it probably means a guaranteed hit in the US. XD
At least the guy seems to be another ancestor of Desmond's. And Desmond's story is supposed to conclude in this game right?sigpic
"In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
The Revolutionary War period is a place games tend to not go and having a Native American lead is even more of a rarity.
I mean, from an FPS perspective, there's just nothing fun about this period. You pretty much got one shot before you stood to be gutted by a sword or bayonet. And that's if you didn't shot (which was worse) or hit with canon fire. And the conditions of the setting and period may lend the game to a greater open-world angle than prior entries.
JUst got back from the ME3 midnight sale.
Ubisoft already has a pre-order incentive and it was pretty slick move. If you pre-order this week you get a shot af free collector's tin case right now featuring a silvery version of one of the art concepts. I couldn't pass it up.Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-05-2012, 10:39 PM.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
I honestly cannot wait for this game. I'm sorry to see the end of Ezio, but he got three good games, and I loved each one of them in their own way. I'll definitely be picking this up.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
I'm not. By the 2nd game I was fed up with him. They gave him a nice finale at least.
This is sadly going to be the most absurd AC yet though. I mean honestly, it's one lone asshat vs the damned Red Coats... Just no. It was bad enough with Altair taking out Germanic Knights, but the freaking Red Coats?! One the greatest and most well-disciplined armies the world's ever seen? How the fuck do you even explain the Assassin's Guild being established in North America at that point!?
I'm excited for the game, but there's a lot of bullshit in the air already.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Originally posted by Malacite View PostI mean honestly, it's one lone asshat vs the damned Red Coats... Just no. It was bad enough with Altair taking out Germanic Knights, but the freaking Red Coats?! One the greatest and most well-disciplined armies the world's ever seen?
Here's the tin I got:
Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-05-2012, 10:47 PM.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
One of the greatest Armies?
Ummm... Wow...
They stood in row formation, as they got shot at, and the next guy would take their place....
Ummm... Not really the best armies out there.... They where kinda stupid to do that IMHO.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Originally posted by Malacite View PostHow the fuck do you even explain the Assassin's Guild being established in North America at that point!?99 DNC
99 WHM
99 WAR * 99 THF
99 BLM * 99 RDM * 99 PUP
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostSeems some farmers managed against them just fine. Maybe because they had a concept of not wearing a color that makes you easy to spot. Elite as they might have been, the Red Coats be tracked from great distances even at that time and were also rather easy to spot and shoot.
Here's the tin I got:
Originally posted by Takelli View PostOne of the greatest Armies?
Ummm... Wow...
They stood in row formation, as they got shot at, and the next guy would take their place....
Ummm... Not really the best armies out there.... They where kinda stupid to do that IMHO.
And they had one of the most impressive, influential empires in history. Learn your damned history.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
They may have been but...
1: They wore BRIGHT red coats in the middle of forests. <- Stupid. Easy to spot, easy to shoot and kill.
2: They stood in row formation, and they got shot down easily. They also had the guy behind him take their place. <- Stupid as well, yet the US got called out for "cheating" in war, when there really is no cheating.
I'm pretty sure that there are more to it, yet the US decimated them (Basically.). Even my history teacher called them stupid for their tactics. They basically lined up so they can be shot, like fish in a barrel, that could shoot back.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Originally posted by Malacite View PostThe Red Coats would have crushed you ...but it wasn't in Britain's best interests TO KEEP GETTING THEIR ASSES HANDED TO THEMFFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU
Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, maybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.
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Re: AC3 - Revolutionary War America Confirmed!!!
Keep dreaming. You Yanks and your deliusional history...
Ragtag band of rebels using guerilla warfare against an organized army with proper logistics...
I say again, you owe your existence to the French & to a lesser degree India. I love America, but you people need to take the damn blinders off once in a while.
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