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Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

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  • #16
    Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

    That's actually a fair compromise if that's the case, though I do miss using Chris in the old style of play.

    As far as other groups waiting in the wings, that doesn't surprise me; there has to have been multiple splinter factions created in the wake of Umbrella's collapse. What surprises me though is that the T-Virus (or more accurately, The Progenitor Virus) would even still be around, since Chris & Sheva found the source of it and I don't see why the hell they wouldn't have gone back to destroy any remaining traces of the plants. Shitty as RE5 was, it did end rather conclusively.

    but this is Capcom, and continuity has never been 1 of their strong suits.



    • #17
      Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

      Revelations just got me to jump twice again. Let's just say the threat follows its concept incredibly well aboard the ship Jill and Parker are on.

      I'm gonna see if I can spring for a Circle Pad Pro tomorrow and give that scheme a whirl. Its certainly not needed for Revelations based on what I've played, but I'd like the option there for MGS3, Kid Icarus and others when I'm playing at home.


      • #18
        Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

        I'd like to try Revelations out, I really would, but I just do not want to fork out the cash for a 3DS right now. Had MML3 not gotten canned that'd be an entirely different story, but as it is, there's just not enough compelling games to warrant the price (and yes I know it's been dropped but I want to see another drop and more importantly a better battery life)

        I'll be sure to have racoon city played & beaten asap for the podcast though. I'm a survival horror junkie :3



        • #19
          Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

          ORC isn't survival horror. At all. Period.

          It is a multiplayer game and that's all its meant to be.

          Expecting a better battery life at of 3DS or Vita for what they do is an unreasonable expectation. You'd have to add size and expense to even get a modest improvement.

          Resident Evil: Revelations was last week. Tekken 3D and Tales of the Abyss this week, MGS3D Snake Eater next week. Devil Survivor 2 on the 28th (DS game, but still a good one). Crush3d and Kid Icarus Uprising next month. And that's before the eShop stuff, which has been very impressive of late - Pushmo, Sakura Samurai, Mutant Mudds, Might Switch Force and so on.

          Plenty enough for me. Resident Evil is just icing on the cake at this point.


          • #20
            Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

            Oh yeah I forgot that Tales of the Abyss was getting re-released (STILL waiting for Vesperia damn it, though I'm kind of sick of the game now from achievement grinding.) I'm not the biggest hand-held person really, but I still don't feel as though I never got my money's worth for my DS like I did with my PSP and that's an entirely subjective statement - I'm not saying one is better than the other, just from my experiences with each hand held, I enjoyed the games on PSP much more. I'm still waiting for 3DS to have a truly compelling library and a decent battery and the same goes for the Vita.

            As for O.R.C., it does have an actual single-player campaign with a SH aspect to it, though you're right it's still largely a multiplayer fan-service basically. I've no intentions of buying it, but I do want to give it a whirl. RE6 I might buy, if it's actually good. But even Capcom isn't so stupid as to attempt another RE5 - at least I hope not anyway. I just want to see them get a swift kick in the arse, not fail completely.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

              So, that's who the new guy is. Didn't see that coming. :u


              • #22
                Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                many new events in July, mew!

                Capcom Summer Jam
                July 1st -- New Details on Resident Evil 6.

                July 5th -- Japanese gaming magazine, famitsu plans to reveal something big for RE6, it seems to regard Chris Redfield (they are drunk?)

                Comic-Con France
                July 5-8 -- The first seven minutes of Resident Evil Damnation is expected to premiere.

                San Diego Comic Con
                July 12th -- July 15th

                July 13th -- Exclusive information, live gameplay demos, a trailer premiere and some surprises are in store for Resident Evil 6.

                (Showing date during comic con unknown)
                The Live Action Resident Evil Retribution will feature a 30-minute presentation.


                • #23
                  Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                  After seeing two of the three E3 demos, I really can't bring myself to care about RE6.

                  No survival elements. No thanks. It's just sad given RE Revelatios struck the right balance and now RE6 isn't even going to try.


                  • #24
                    Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                    ohh very spooky!


                    • #25
                      Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                      demo video!! the voice commands are sooo kawaiiii!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        After seeing two of the three E3 demos, I really can't bring myself to care about RE6.

                        No survival elements. No thanks. It's just sad given RE Revelatios struck the right balance and now RE6 isn't even going to try.

                        The recent videos they put out look OK. Leon/Helena's segments look fine, a good blend of the old with the new. Chris's parts however, ugh *pukes* more RE5 bullshit. Pass. Not even remotely interested.

                        Not sure how I feel about Jake/Sherry's part.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                          Is this a good time to say I'm still waiting for a RE3 Remake* or at least an HD version?

                          * Resident Evil remake style, and not a RE4 clone. <_<
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #28
                            Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                            Jake/Sherry's side is supposed to be similar to RE3 with that big dude chasing you.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                              oh ya that thing is scarier and stronger than Nemesis, mew!


                              • #30
                                Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

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                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

