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Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

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  • Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

    Looks like Capcom is finding better pacing with releasing new main series REs, mew.

    There are rumors of multi scenarios. Chris, Leon and Ada and a new character will have main scenarios.
    Chris and Leon have partners and people found rumors Chris's partner might be Jill in the final version, mew. Claire might join too.

    pre-order map
    Resident Evil 6 Confirmed - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
    Last edited by jenova_9; 01-19-2012, 03:36 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

    Both Leon and zombies are back? Awesome.

    The game looks intense. Let's hope they don't forget that the game needs to be scary too. Resident Evil 5 was way too much action movie for my tastes.


    • #3
      Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

      Whoah, LeonMayCry4Dead looks like an aweeeeeeesome game!

      But I hope Chris Shepard doesn't leave Wrex behind this time around.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #4
        Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

        T-Virus, G-Virus and Plagas, oh my!

        Seems like they're going with Ugly Leon from Degeneration to make him seem more 'edgy" since he has no personality to cling to. I only like Leon because Ada shows up when he's around and Ada Wong is awesome. Of course, with all this shit going down, she has to be involved somehow.

        Did they seriously just bring Ashley back with whoever the new playable guy is? I'd recognize that grating voice anywhere.


        • #5
          Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

          I threw a few 20's at my screen when I saw the trailer, but it wouldn't take my money.


          • #6
            Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

            Holy sh.... actual zombies? Not just more infected again?

            Please, let the ammo conservation be back as well and I may just be sold. God DAMN IT Capcom, stop trying to make me not hate you

            Seriously though that was a pretty cool trailer. 2 things come to mind though;

            1) Umbrella and everyone behind it is gone now, Wesker was the last one and no way in hell he survived a volcanic eruption.

            2) Who's this "bitch" Chris is referring to? Does he mean Jill Valentine? RE: Revelations seems to be hinting at Jill being a possible villain, which flies in the face of RE5's ending but then again continuity has never been one of Capcom's strong points.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

              Could be Jill. Could Be Ada. Could be the woman in the video that said it was her fault.

              Not really enough in the Revelations demo to go on, but I don't think they'll make Jill go that way.

              Though now they have two women running around the world with these superhuman abilities from Umbrella's tampering, which means we need to see Jill and Ada go at it (I'll be cheering for Ada because Jill is dumb). An Umbrella connection is suggested in Revelation's ship, which has Umbrella mansion moments. What is it with Umbrella and that mansion that they like so much?

              My theory is Umbrella is still behind it and the Wesker that died in RE5 was a clone. Wesker is really Dr. Wily.


              • #8
                Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                Well I just came back from changing my pants..... 5 times.... oh wait brb going for a 6th
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #9
                  Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                  I worry Capcom is overdoing it.

                  Three RE games in one year and a movie. Well, I don't know if its a movie or an ad for Sony products, its kinda both right now.

                  Let's just hope all the games are good. We know the movie will be bad but I will see it anyway because it has Milla in it. RE: Revelations and ORC I have a good feeling about, though.


                  • #10
                    Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                    No one gives a fuck about the movies - not so long as that twat P.W.A. is directing them anyway. Silent Hill 2 on the other hand, actually looks like it might be good. Still waiting on the Assassin's Creed movie, which is actually being directed/produced by Ubisoft and not Hollywood, so if it does well it'll set a very good precedent.

                    Revelations is looking pretty good (If only they hadn't cancelled MML3, I would have snagged a 3DS at boxing day at -$30) and while this still feels a little too action-paced, if they bring back ammo conservation like they have in Revelations (and if some of the other games they release this year like Dragon's Dogma turn out very well) then I may be forced to change my stance a bit. As a hardcore Rockman fan, I'm still angry to the core at Capcom for the multitude of offenses, but I can't be too mad if they actually start trying to make good games again. I've given up on RE ever having a decent plot again (though that too could change) but they can still at least make it feel scary/tense again.

                    The only series I can tolerate items dropping from enemies so far is still Dead Space. It's hard to describe why, Visceral just does such a fantastic job with the atmosphere... well that and the necromorphs are designed in such a way as you'd be utterly screwed if they didn't. RE & SH's enemies have always been such that if you're good, you can maneuver around them killing as few (if any) as possible. That doesn't really fly in DS, though that doesn't mean Visceral couldn't (they likely won't though) change that.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                      And just like that Capcom's gone and potentially killed my interest & hopes in RE6:

                      Written in the S.T.A.R.S.: Capcom dreams of CoD fans playing Resident Evil | Joystiq

                      For those hoping Resident Evil 6 will play like a classic Resident Evil title, with more puzzles and less emphasis on (not) running and gunning -- look away now. Go watch the My Little Pony Skyrim mod and live in ignorant bliss for a while longer. You'll thank us later. Still here? All right, but we warned you:

                      Capcom UK Marketing head Dave Turner said Resident Evil wants to tap into the Call of Duty market with its coming titles, noting Operation Raccoon City in particular: "The dream would be that the millions of Call of Duty fans that are enjoying these fast-paced online games are attracted to this Resident Evil," Turner said.

                      Resident Evil has attracted more players since incorporating more action, with Resident Evil 5 leading the charge, Turner said. "We've seen the popularity of Resident Evil increase massively as the series became more action oriented -- Resident Evil 5 is the biggest seller in the series," he said. "So, it makes sense for us to follow this action area more fully."

                      Turner was speaking mostly with Operation Raccoon City in mind, it sounds like, although the trailer for Resident Evil 6 doesn't make it look like the riddle-ridden games of yore.

                      So Capcom wants RE to more like COD?

                      Click image for larger version

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                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                        When I look at the RE6 trailer I more or less see a compilation of previously used ideas and Revelations actually fits in this scheme as well.

                        I don't think it's a bad thing either. I'm being intentionally vague here.


                        • #13
                          Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                          So, according to, RE6 is going to have six-player co-op.

                          I HAD planned on trying the PS3 version, but it looks like I'm going to have to give it a whirl on 360 instead. Both Resident Evil and Devil May Cry just feel weird to me on xbox, but if I'm going to get any fun out of the co-op that pretty well forces my hand.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                            I guess some 6 player co-op mode, mew?


                            • #15
                              Re: Resident Evil 6 official cinematic trailer! (better than RE5's first trailer)

                              There will be an RE6 demo in Dragon's Dogma, but its exclusive to the 360 version of that game from what I understand.

                              Game Informer cleared up a few things. There was some confusion where this installment took place, but I think that was because RE: Revelations info was getting mixed in. Revelations is between 4 and 5, 6 is taking place after 5. There are plenty of groups out there to replace Wesker, which is something Revelations is delving into.

                              As I've said before, Revelations is a balance between classic RE survival horror and the more action-based stuff. Jill's path gets the survival horror and restrictions, Chris and others get action section with plenty of ammo to pick up and gun down things with (though enemies don't drop stuff. The dread and cheap scares people know and love are here, just not the whole package.

                              So from the looks of it, RE6 is following a similar idea with Leon and Chris. Leon's got a Raccoon City scenario, Chris is off in RE5's shoot out mode and that new guy is doing the RE3 Nemesis thing.

                              Halfway into RE:R, I have a pretty good feeling about where all this is going. Dunno if I'd ever touch the co-op, or multiplayer for RE6 as it seems ORC is better-suited to that concept.

