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Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

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  • Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

    Jump Festa's Kingdom Hearts 3D trailer (8 freaking minutes long) There are Birth By Sleep spoilers in it (not minor ones either) just as a heads up.

    Tron Legacy and The Three Musketeers are two of the new worlds (Pinocchio's circus was revealed a long time ago). The entire cast of The World Ends With You has been shown as well.

    Theathrythm's Newest trailer

    Newly revealed unlockable characters are Minwu, Rydia, Locke, Seifer, Yuna, and Ashe, which should be every game now (save 14 ahahahaha). There is a boss rush mode as well, which has an adorable Safer Sephy in it.

    Link for adorable Safer Sephy

    Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy Has A Boss Rush Mode With Sephiroth | Siliconera

    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

  • #2
    Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

    I ended up more excited for Theatrhythm after watching both. I was worried that it was going to totally sidestep some of the compositions that were just fine in chiptune or MIDI, but it looks like there's going to be a pleasing mix of both. I also like that they're presenting parts of the series as it has evolved over the years rather than just stick to the art style established for the game.

    That little walk through Ronfraure to San'doria was a nice touch as well.

    As for Kingdom Hearts, for characters from a game I tatally fucking hated, the kids from The World Ends With You made the jump from 2D to 3D while retaining their look perfectly. Still, I don't like that they're in it. The only thing more annoying than Neku or Sora by themselves would be the two working together.

    I have to wonder if after this a BBS Vol. 2 even has a point in existing. It seems 3D is filling in holes that take place after BBS while paving a new present-day story, even with Aqua nowhere to be found. I'm actually betting 3D takes Vol. 2's place. I don't think the series can afford another entry filling the gaps before finishing the main story. Even Metal gear Solid eventually got it done in 11 years.

    I also think that KH trailer is ripe for parody.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-19-2011, 08:51 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

      To each their own. I like the TWEWY characters in it, simply because they are picking from more than FF for cameos (and maybe testing the waters for another TWEWY game)

      To your other point. It is a bit aggravating that the series is dragging on, but I don't know if this will count out BBS v2. All we really get from this trailer is that there are two parts to the game: The Mark of Mastery exam (searching for the keyholes to free the worlds trapped in sleep and the keyblade of sleep) and
      the events post exam
      . For all we know BBS v2 is about Aqua's imprisonment in the Realm of Darkness and her journey to help the worlds trapped there.

      Anywho, subbed trailer for those who like to try to understand the wtfery that is Kingdom Hearts.

      Also the only difference between Lea and Axel is a green

      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


      • #4
        Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

        I ended up more excited for Theatrhythm after watching both.
        Seriously? I mean, it looks like an all right rhythm game, but there was nothing particularly mind-blowing about it.
        Anywho, subbed trailer for those who like to try to understand the wtfery that is Kingdom Hearts.
        @Riku's conversation with Quasimodo: D'AWWW


        • #5
          Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

          Seriously? I mean, it looks like an all right rhythm game, but there was nothing particularly mind-blowing about it.
          I don't play many rhythm games and this one is set to some of my favorite game music ever. That and its style is utterly charming. Plus its celebrating the history of the series, which is what I also loved about the Dissidia games. KH3D is another Kingdom Hearts and while I'm sure it will be another good mindscrew, we seem to get one almost every two years on handhelds now. Its likely to come out late next year for our territories. I have a feeling it wouldn't take as long to localize Theaterhythm.

          Plus there's plenty else to be excited about on 3DS well ahead of KH3D - Metal Gear 3D, Kid Icarus and Resident Evil to name a few.


          • #6
            Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

            2012 release for NA and EU. Localization has started. The western site is up with the short version of the jump trailer with a blurb that a localized version will be up soon.

            Kingdom Hearts

            PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


            • #7
              Re: Jump Festa 2012: KH 3D and Theathrythm trailers

              I'll be honest, up until reading about it's release date I thought Tea... theatery... Theatrhythm! was a fan made video or something. <_<;
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


