Kitase would want to make changes for FFVII remake - Final Fantasy VII for PS3 News
He pretty much sums up what I've been saying all along, but just to add a point - When you create something and release it out into the public, it takes on a life of its own in a way and people like certain parts of it, certain things that you find a mistake or error take on a certain charm.
Like how they got the Rube/Emerald weapon names mixed up in localization or Aeris saying "this man are sick."
They'd be tempted to bring it up to the production values of FFVII Advent Children or fix some old exploits such as the Knights of the Round/Mimic Materia strategy.
Something like Ico, MGS3 or Zelda:OOT getting a remake is a bit easier as they all aged remarkably well, too. There's not much you'd even have to do with with FFX or FFXII except give them the same HD treatment MGS3 and Ico have already had. FFVII would have to be rebuilt from the ground up in almost every regard, even if you wanted to make it a game with HD prerendered zones and higher res models.
There's also the matter of FFVII's plot twist - even if you haven't played it you still likely know it in that "Luke I am your father" kind of way.
If they leave the character development 1:1 with the original, its going to feel a bit awkward by today's standards. There's still going to be people that didn't play Crisis Core and Aeris's character is a bit retroactively developed in FFVII's plot otherwise.
And then there's all the muckery of Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus to address. Do you address it or leave it? its a lose/lose situation either way.
Some remakes and HD ports just have it easier. Zelda had simple characters with memorable moments, there was nothing that had to change or be lost in the update. FFVII's a bit more complicated and argueably these complications of SE's own making thanks the "Compilation."
Hell, even when AC was out it wasn't complete. I can honestly say FFVII AC Complete is a better overall product, but at what point does SE NOT be like George Lucas and stop retouching FFVII?
I think Kitase is right and they should just leave it be, but I'm sure there will be people to call bullshit and continue to froth at the mouth for a remake.
'It's very difficult to decide what we should keep in and what we should take out.'

Final Fantasy guru Yoshinori Kitase says that he would be tempted to make several changes to any future remake of Final Fantasy VII.
"If I may speak as a game creator, if we were to produce a remake of VII, for example, I would be really tempted to delete things and add new elements, new systems or whatever because if we were to make exactly the same thing now, it'd be like a repeat," said Kitase, speaking to OXM.
"It'd be an issue of repetition and not as much fun to make such a game. So I'd be really interested in rearranging games or reshaping games into something slightly different even though it's supposed to be the same game. But if we did that, the fans might be disappointed or 'this is not what I was expecting' so in that sense maybe some might say that it's better to let memory be memory."
Kitase's point is that there may be a clear difference between what gamers might think they want from a FFVII remake, and the game that he and his Square Enix colleagues might want to make:
"When we play the games we made years ago, sometimes we think, 'Oh, that is not really cool' or 'That probably should have been a bit better than that' and that sort of thing. But on the other hand, those slightly negative features and bits, for some of the really enthusiastic fans of these titles, that gives the game extra flavour or personality or whatever.
"So maybe they would rather we didn't do anything about it and we just leave it in as it is. It's very difficult to decide what we should keep in and what we should take out."

Final Fantasy guru Yoshinori Kitase says that he would be tempted to make several changes to any future remake of Final Fantasy VII.
"If I may speak as a game creator, if we were to produce a remake of VII, for example, I would be really tempted to delete things and add new elements, new systems or whatever because if we were to make exactly the same thing now, it'd be like a repeat," said Kitase, speaking to OXM.
"It'd be an issue of repetition and not as much fun to make such a game. So I'd be really interested in rearranging games or reshaping games into something slightly different even though it's supposed to be the same game. But if we did that, the fans might be disappointed or 'this is not what I was expecting' so in that sense maybe some might say that it's better to let memory be memory."
Kitase's point is that there may be a clear difference between what gamers might think they want from a FFVII remake, and the game that he and his Square Enix colleagues might want to make:
"When we play the games we made years ago, sometimes we think, 'Oh, that is not really cool' or 'That probably should have been a bit better than that' and that sort of thing. But on the other hand, those slightly negative features and bits, for some of the really enthusiastic fans of these titles, that gives the game extra flavour or personality or whatever.
"So maybe they would rather we didn't do anything about it and we just leave it in as it is. It's very difficult to decide what we should keep in and what we should take out."
Like how they got the Rube/Emerald weapon names mixed up in localization or Aeris saying "this man are sick."
They'd be tempted to bring it up to the production values of FFVII Advent Children or fix some old exploits such as the Knights of the Round/Mimic Materia strategy.
Something like Ico, MGS3 or Zelda:OOT getting a remake is a bit easier as they all aged remarkably well, too. There's not much you'd even have to do with with FFX or FFXII except give them the same HD treatment MGS3 and Ico have already had. FFVII would have to be rebuilt from the ground up in almost every regard, even if you wanted to make it a game with HD prerendered zones and higher res models.
There's also the matter of FFVII's plot twist - even if you haven't played it you still likely know it in that "Luke I am your father" kind of way.
If they leave the character development 1:1 with the original, its going to feel a bit awkward by today's standards. There's still going to be people that didn't play Crisis Core and Aeris's character is a bit retroactively developed in FFVII's plot otherwise.
And then there's all the muckery of Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus to address. Do you address it or leave it? its a lose/lose situation either way.
Some remakes and HD ports just have it easier. Zelda had simple characters with memorable moments, there was nothing that had to change or be lost in the update. FFVII's a bit more complicated and argueably these complications of SE's own making thanks the "Compilation."
Hell, even when AC was out it wasn't complete. I can honestly say FFVII AC Complete is a better overall product, but at what point does SE NOT be like George Lucas and stop retouching FFVII?
I think Kitase is right and they should just leave it be, but I'm sure there will be people to call bullshit and continue to froth at the mouth for a remake.