Hyper mew mew, best HD collection ever! 
Woke up early to rush out and get this before I had to go to work.

I seldom get excited for HD remasters as companies seem to rarely, if ever put any real effort into remastering the game. Today's HD version of Resident Evil Code Veronica X is kind of the epitome of why I'm generally cynical toward the idea.
Mostly because it seems only Sony and Nintendo take the idea of remasters seriously., most everyone else is just content to rescale to 720 or 1080p and leave it at that.
Here we have something that is more like the remaster of a classic record, picking up all the detail that you might not have been able to see in the PS2 version due to hardware limitations, though there are added textures and other flourishes to enjoy as well.
Here's a rundown of what's in the game:
- EU version of Ico, which inclunes some areas NAs didn't encounter.
- The special ending for a second completion that the NA version didn't have either.
- There is an option for Player 2 to control Yorda, though she's restricted in what she can do
- Moar save point stone couches!
- See it all in the seldom-used 1080p resolution! Yay, my TV is happy.
- Stereoscopic 3D option, so basically the only person on FFXIO that will enjoy this will be Icemage.
- 7.1 surround sound
- Developer Interview footage, early video concepts and a preview of The Last Guardian
- Two pretty dynamic themes for your XMB
- Reversable box art cover, which includes the original JP box art and not the fugly US cover.

Yes, 100% less of this:

Go away, you bastard child of the NES Mega Man box art!

- And yes, trophy support.

Woke up early to rush out and get this before I had to go to work.

I seldom get excited for HD remasters as companies seem to rarely, if ever put any real effort into remastering the game. Today's HD version of Resident Evil Code Veronica X is kind of the epitome of why I'm generally cynical toward the idea.
Mostly because it seems only Sony and Nintendo take the idea of remasters seriously., most everyone else is just content to rescale to 720 or 1080p and leave it at that.
Here we have something that is more like the remaster of a classic record, picking up all the detail that you might not have been able to see in the PS2 version due to hardware limitations, though there are added textures and other flourishes to enjoy as well.
Here's a rundown of what's in the game:
- EU version of Ico, which inclunes some areas NAs didn't encounter.
- The special ending for a second completion that the NA version didn't have either.
- There is an option for Player 2 to control Yorda, though she's restricted in what she can do
- Moar save point stone couches!
- See it all in the seldom-used 1080p resolution! Yay, my TV is happy.
- Stereoscopic 3D option, so basically the only person on FFXIO that will enjoy this will be Icemage.
- 7.1 surround sound
- Developer Interview footage, early video concepts and a preview of The Last Guardian
- Two pretty dynamic themes for your XMB
- Reversable box art cover, which includes the original JP box art and not the fugly US cover.

Yes, 100% less of this:

Go away, you bastard child of the NES Mega Man box art!

- And yes, trophy support.