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The IGeNerator

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  • The IGeNerator

    Do you like making fun of IGN?
    Do you roll your eyes at the very sight of some intern's article just based on the headline?

    Then this site is for you!

    IGeNerator - Story Generator

    From thie site you can obtain classics like:

    Why Kinectimals will eat Tomb Raider's face.

    What Little King's Story could learn from Scott Pilgrim.

    Should Mortal Kombat be a point & click adventure?

    And many, many more. Mostly about one game eating the face of another game, drop-kicking it in the face or asking if Zelda is Final Fantasy XIII for adults.

    It sure sounds like IGN and I would click on the links of such headlines just so I could lower my opinion of humanity yet again!

    Seriously, though, IGN did have a "What Nintendo could learn from Catherine" article last week, so maybe they are using this headline generator for article ideas after all.

  • #2
    Re: The IGeNerator

    IGN used to be very credible back before Kotaku and Joystiq really took off.

    Now I just laugh at them. Especially their reviews, what a joke. Gametrailers, much as I hate them sometimes, is overall a much better site for reviews (Invisible Walls is IMO their best podcast by far. LOVE those guys, especially Marcus) and opinions while Joystiq has pretty good articles.



    • #3
      Re: The IGeNerator

      IGN might have been credible early in the last decade, but that's about as far as I'd go with it. They've changed owners so many times since then its no wonder the site is such a mess.

      Not to mention they're the slowest out there on handheld game reviews. Took them like four months to get to Persona on PSP and and they posted a review on Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier like seven months after it was out.

      And all that wait to just have some feminist reviewer get all uptight about the game's boob jokes and fanservice.I mean, they were gratuitous to the point of hilarity. Kven KOS-MOS' special attack had gainaxing.

      It was basically Xenogears if Xenogears had nothing but boob jokes.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-26-2011, 09:01 PM.

