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Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

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  • #76
    Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

    Originally posted by Armando View Post
    Sure, but the point is they're all playing it safe. Hell, I don't know what's up with Dragon's Dogma and Asura's Wrath but the only reason Inafune got new IPs out was because he'd secretly develop them until it was more expensive for upper management to cancel the game than to finish it. Otherwise, any ideas he suggested were either shut down or twisted into some sequel for an existing game. We're also talking about the assholes that released DLC characters for MvC3 at $5 each, followed by a revision. Not to mention they turned down Inafune's offer to continue working on Legends 3 after he left, canceled the game before the demo was done and crushed the dreams of everyone that has been blueballed since Legends 2.

    Square Enix has been spamming Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts up the wazoo. Like you said, they've also pushed out new games, but the trend to milk sequels for all they're worth and resorting to new IPs as a last resort is definitely there. It's also much easier for them to be adventurous on handhelds than on consoles.
    All very true, but Activision-Blizzard is the largest publisher on the planet. One would think they would have a good reason to cultivate new IPs - and also nurture their existing ones, instead of retreading them so frequently that everyone gets so disgusted that the entire franchise and genre falls into a gaping pit in the ninth circle of Hades (see: Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, and potentially Call of Duty soon).

    Square-Enix may trot out a ton of remakes for nostalgia, but they also turn out really amazing things sometimes like The World Ends With You. They've also done a reasonably good job at reinventing or innovating in franchises (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and the upcoming Tomb Raider looks to be a breath of fresh air for a franchise that most everyone had written off in the dustbin of video game history).

    Capcom's outrageous DLC and "update" policies are definitely outrageous and I wouldn't dream of defending them there, but you still have to give them credit for more or less single-handedly reviving the fighting game genre back into the mainstream with Street Fighter IV. Street Fighter x Tekken / Tekken x Street Fighter is anither example of fanservice done right, and seriously who would have expected MvC3 before it was announced? I think Capcom needs to do some serious soul-searching at the management level to get rid of some truly moribund policies, but despite that they're still doing some things right and there are still Capcom staffers who still remember that pleasing fans is good for the pocketbook too.

    Activision, on the other hand, has everyone so scared with their corporate culture that no one can really get anything done without the bean-counters coming in and ruining things. Inafune may have complained that he had to use dirty underhanded tricks to get something like Lost Planet made, but the cogent point is that he still got away with it, and he wasn't fired over it. If someone tried a similar trick at Activision, they'd never get even halfway there before they got shut down. Ever wonder what happened to the Guitar Hero franchise (specifically Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, the last entry in the series)? That's what happened.



    • #77
      Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
      Inafune may have complained that he had to use dirty underhanded tricks to get something like Lost Planet made, but the cogent point is that he still got away with it, and he wasn't fired over it.
      >mfw I remembered that Inafune isn't at Capcom any more.
      Originally posted by Armando
      No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
      Originally posted by Armando
      Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
      Originally posted by Taskmage



      Originally posted by Taskmage
      However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
      Matthew 16:15


      • #78
        Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

        Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
        I'm confused. Are you talking about Bobby Kotick, president of Blizzard, or Kotaku, the gaming news site? I'm pretty sure neither one said what you're attributing to them.
        Sorry. I'm just retarded. I don't know why I typed Kotick. I meant the cinema/gaming blend article.


        • #79
          Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          Sure, but the point is they're all playing it safe.
          Given the absurd development costs this generation (and it's only going to worsen with the next batch of consoles) I don't fault them entirely for that. However it's like some of these companies aren't even trying to mix things up either with new IPs, spin-offs, or just wild new directions for existing franchises.



          • #80
            Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

            So yeah, on-topic post.

            Pause in Diablo III ? - Forums - Diablo III

            Official confirmation that there is no pause in D3 nor is there any indication of plans to implement it in the future. Many aspects of the core gameplay are still not in their final design for the beta, so there's still plenty of time for them to change their minds. I don't care about this issue as much as other seem to, but I do hope they reconsider. I can't think of a good reason not to have pausing.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #81
              Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

              Not sure why you would need a pause? Just park somewhere and go AFK ... ? That's what I do. It's not like monsters will respawn on you like it would in an MMO game.
              Attached Files


              • #82
                Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                Because removing functionality is a good thing, right?
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • #83
                  Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                  Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                  Not sure why you would need a pause? Just park somewhere and go AFK ... ? That's what I do. It's not like monsters will respawn on you like it would in an MMO game.
                  That's probably easier to do in act 1 where most of the mobs are slow and not very aggressive. You can back off and town portal, but that takes a few seconds to cast and if one of my kids starts screaming in the other room, taking that extra time to get safe in game isn't responsible. Of course, even if you do die while afk, it's not like the death penalty is very steep for non-hardcore play; just a durability hit and maybe thirty seconds of walking from the last checkpoint to get back where you were. Still, implementing a pause of some kind doesn't seem like it would be that hard to do or that exploitable for players. Starcraft 2 allows pauses in multiplayer games. Why shouldn't Diablo 3?

                  ---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 AM ----------

                  I think the fact that I was able to reverse my argument so easily four times in the above paragraph is indicative of how not big of a deal this issue is.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #84
                    Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                    I think the fact that I was able to reverse my argument so easily four times in the above paragraph is indicative of how not big of a deal this issue is.
                    This is true, but my bigger concern is that this enables a slippery slope where "not a big deal" functionality gradually gets cut from games and people are OK with it. We're not talking about some obscure, genre-specific feature, after all. This is the goddamned pause button. If they're OK wth this, what's next?
                    Last edited by Armando; 10-13-2011, 06:49 AM. Reason: genre, not gender


                    • #85
                      Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                      They announced they'll next be removing mouse functionality. Keyboard only.


                      • #86
                        Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        This is true, but my bigger concern is that this enables a slippery slope where "not a big deal" functionality gradually gets cut from games and people are OK with it. We're not talking about some obscure, genre-specific feature, after all. This is the goddamned pause button. If they're OK wth this, what's next?
                        It's not as though this was the first game without a pause button. If this is a slippery slope then we started down it when the first real-time multiplayer games were released. Games in that arena where you can pause have always been the exception rather than the rule. You couldn't pause Diablo II in a multiplayer game either, even if you were the only person in it, so it doesn't even make sense to say that Blizzard removed the feature unless you're using the words "pause button" as a proxy for "offline single player," which is a bigger argument that probably has a lot more valid points.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #87
                          Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                          unless you're using the words "pause button" as a proxy for "offline single player," which is a bigger argument that probably has a lot more valid points.
                          In retrospect I suppose that was really my intention.


                          • #88
                            Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            It's not as though this was the first game without a pause button. If this is a slippery slope then we started down it when the first real-time multiplayer games were released.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            If this is a slippery slope then we started down it when the first real-time multiplayer games were released.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            first real-time multiplayer games were released.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            real-time multiplayer games
                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                            Name: Drjones
                            Blog: Mediocre Mage


                            • #89
                              Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                              I don't get why you're making this tenso. Is Diablo turn-based now?
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                              • #90
                                Re: Another strike for Blizzard, DiabloIII!

                                I just don't see why I shouldn't have the ability to pause my single-player game, and I am completely baffled that people would defend the removal of such basic functionality.
                                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                                Name: Drjones
                                Blog: Mediocre Mage

