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2011 TGS stuff thread

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  • #16
    Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

    Why 8?

    Yeah it was good, but it had one of the weakest plots & casts in the series over all. Yes, Squall is probably my favorite protagonist because he actually displays character growth (a rarity these days) and I can relate to him somewhat, but if we're looking at every game, it's really a very close call between 4 and 6 for a full-on PS3/360 remake.

    I give the nudge to 6 partly because 4 has already had an extensive remake (DS) and additional content (The After Years) both of which were fairly enjoyable, while 6 has just gotten cheap ports and a localization job with some new espers.

    Plus come on, who doesn't want to see the Opera House scene in HD, or Kefka destroying the world? There are just too many huge set pieces in 6 that are begging to be remastered. I would dearly love to see 4 and 7 get the same treatment as well, but 6 has to come first.

    EDIT: Eh, idk about 9. Mainly because it was created as a tribute to the series up to that point - it's pure nostalgia. Somehow it just feels wrong to tamper with that - unless they completely redid all the artwork as well and ditched the god awful chibi-esque style they went with. That was my only big issue with 9 (well, and the lack of multi-hit attacks) the graphics were just a major WTF compared to 8. Maybe they could redesign Kuja a bit as well, make him just a bit less effeminate?



    • #17
      Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      Why 8?
      Simple, because it's my favorite FF game.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #18
        Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

        EDIT: Eh, idk about 9. Mainly because it was created as a tribute to the series up to that point - it's pure nostalgia. Somehow it just feels wrong to tamper with that - unless they completely redid all the artwork as well and ditched the god awful chibi-esque style they went with. That was my only big issue with 9 (well, and the lack of multi-hit attacks) the graphics were just a major WTF compared to 8. Maybe they could redesign Kuja a bit as well, make him just a bit less effeminate?
        I tried playing 9 and the battle system felt clunky/slow/unresponsive as fuck. You could justify a remake of it far more than a remake of 10 just based on gameplay improvements alone. The graphical improvement would also be much bigger, and it makes much more sense to celebrate 9, which is meant to be an homage to the series.

        My gripes with FFX won't be fixed by a remake (Tidus in general, sphere grid making the characters similar instead of more specialized at endgame), and the gameplay/graphics are just fine.
        Last edited by Armando; 09-14-2011, 11:08 PM.


        • #19
          Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

          Did Sony say anything about the amount of internal storage for Vita? That's another piece of info that seems to be getting under the radar.


          • #20
            Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            Did Sony say anything about the amount of internal storage for Vita? That's another piece of info that seems to be getting under the radar.
            According to this Wired article, the Vita uses proprietary memory cards ranging from 4GB (~$25 give or take) to 32GB (~$100 give or take). Take those prices with a grain of salt, as they're converted from Japanese yen. I would expect the pricing to be somewhat lower in North America.



            • #21
              Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

              proprietary memory cards
              I know I shouldn't expect any less from Sony, but goddamn it.


              • #22
                Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                According to this Wired article, the Vita uses proprietary memory cards ranging from 4GB (~$25 give or take) to 32GB (~$100 give or take). Take those prices with a grain of salt, as they're converted from Japanese yen. I would expect the pricing to be somewhat lower in North America.

                Well, I figured Sony couldn't be buggered to use the market standard for extra memory in SD cards like everyone else, but that's Sony for you. They still charge $20 for two 8mb PS2 memory cards in retail.

                But is there no built-in memory at all? Surely they have at least 8 or 16 GBs reserved for that. As it stands that barely even holds a few PSP games.


                • #23
                  Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                  Brief bits and pieces

                  KH: 3D
                  New outfit for Sora. New haircut for Riku. Donald and Goofy do not seem to be the party members, rather things called Dream Eaters. A dog thing and a bat thing are shown in the poster with Sora and Riku. Riku has his Way to the Dawn Keyblade again, rather than the Souleater. Neku has 43 minutes to complete the Reaper's Game (in Traverse Town), but he thinks Sora is too weird to be his partner and runs off. Riku interacts with Quasimoto. Game suffers from camera issues, especially during when Sora/Riku are flying across the screen.

                  Tales of Innocence R
                  Battle party is uped to 4 from 3. New cut ins for Hi-ougi. More animations and much updated graphics. New playable character.

                  Snow looks stupid. Hope doesn't look half bad. There will be post release DLC (sorry bbq)

                  Last edited by Gobo; 09-15-2011, 05:34 AM. Reason: Clarified a few things

                  PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                  • #24
                    Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                    Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                    Snow looks stupid. Hope doesn't look half bad. There will be post release DLC (sorry bbq)
                    I'll reserve judgement til we see how its actually handled.

                    My problem is the way EA and Capcom approach it and those that approach it as they do. There seems to be a trend among other developers moving away from how they do it.

                    I don't like DLC that is held as an incentive against buying used because that DLC ends up being low-quality rubbish and with some time put into it, it could have been a real, worthwhile part of the retail release. Sadly, even most of the DLC Bioware releases in a timely fashion is just as much shit as the incentivized "Day One DLC."

                    Capcom just gives you a raw deal, they take out what should have been in the main game anyway and try to sell it to you.

                    Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition just came out. You know what I can get for $2.99 more. Color palate swaps for characters, you know, shit that was standard in the fighting genre since Street Fighter II Champion Edition. Capcom is so out of their fucking skull they now charge you for the features they invented almost two decade ago.

                    You're just defaulted to a random color if you don't have the "DLC" activated in SFIIIEO. Completely uneccessary rubbish.

                    Also rubbish: How Nippon-Ichi and Namco do DLC. Again, shit that should just be part of the retail release and is technically on-disc anyway.


                    DLC that comes out a month or two or three after retail release - that I'm willing to give a fair shake. Deus Ex: Human Revolution has "The Missing Link" as DLC in October, for example. If it has the right amount of length, is priced right and polished, no problem.

                    If it feels as tacked on as "Kasumi: Stolen Memories" in ME2 or "Lost in Nightmares" for RE5 (both were parts of retail packages I bought used)," I probably won't pay a dime.

                    At the very least, considering its DLC from SE and they take forever to release anything, it probably won't be rushed out the gate EA-style.


                    • #25
                      Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                      One Piece Kaizoku Musou, mew!!

                      Final Fantasy Type 0!!


                      • #26
                        Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                        Well, news back from TGS says the slide pad doohickey is actually rather comfortable, its just harder to keep in your pocket if you intend to tote your 3DS around in your pocket.

                        Also, it was stated Capcom won't be porting Monster Hunter Tri 3G to Vita because they're reusing assets from MHT on the Wii and the 3DS is more compatible with those assets at its resolution. They also stated of the two platforms, 3DS is cheaper to develop for.

                        Ruh roh.

                        This goes back to what I said about handhelds being attractive for recycling old games and assets, to say nothing of why the Japanese market favors handhelds over consoles. Its why PSP has two Kingdom Hearts games, why 3DS is getting the next one. Capcom more or less mined the hell out of the Monster Hunter and MH2 for PS2 to make all those PSP Hunter games. Its why there are ports are not uncommon for the first year of 3DS and Vita, too.

                        Its not lazy, just smart business. Sony may have made PS Vita too powerful, meanwhile Nintendo's not too hard to please on the graphical front like Sony's US and EU divisions can be.

                        Like I said, I'm still getting it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Vita that ended up falling behind. It will find a market, but Sony chose more horsepower again and that's not always the winning formula.

                        It will be interesting to see if Capcom changes their mind, but if people move from PSP to 3DS for MHT 3G, Sony may be left to look for a new system sellers because that's what MH was for them like no other game on PSP.


                        • #27
                          Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                          I miss the days when games were treated like movies and it was good practice spending the time and money on making them and pushing the technology forward.

                          But like I said before gaming has pretty much hit the ceiling on asset creation so now people rather recycle/downgrade games rather than keep pushing forward.

                          I hate how the last 2 Valkyria games were for the PSP. Gameplay was weak and limited as hell (but cheap to develop for?), F that.

                          PS > Considering what Kojima did with Metal Gear on the PS3 Deus Ex should've looked

                          like this.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #28
                            Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                            Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                            I miss the days when games were treated like movies and it was good practice spending the time and money on making them and pushing the technology forward.

                            But like I said before gaming has pretty much hit the ceiling on asset creation so now people rather recycle/downgrade games rather than keep pushing forward.

                            I hate how the last 2 Valkyria games were for the PSP. Gameplay was weak and limited as hell (but cheap to develop for?), F that.
                            Gameplay was better in the PSP versions, dunno what water you've been drinking.

                            Not that there was anyhing too complex about VC's gameplay either way, its a strategy RPG. Anything with RPG in it doesn't really have a system pusin

                            PS > Considering what Kojima did with Metal Gear on the PS3 Deus Ex should've looked

                            Except MGS4 didn't look like that on PS3 and DX had to be made for other platforms not called PS3. That and we would have waited a few more years for a much smaller game. DX2 was a smaller game for all its pretty graphics, which cost it a lot in other key areas the previous game covered so well - like exploration.

                            All because the game had to be pretty.

                            See also: FFXIII. Had to be pretty. Budget had to go toward pretty. No time or money for actual level design.

                            At this point we have more important things to achieve in games than how pretty water/hair/grass is or how realistic skin looks. Deus Ex is one of the games still way ahead of its time and its something a lot of western and japanese developers could stand to learn from.

                            We don't need the next consoles for a few more years at least, maybe five, I don't care how hard those PC yahoos are pushing things now.


                            • #29
                              Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                              Did you even play the first Valkyria game?

                              But you are right, releases on multiple platforms are killing the quality of games. It's sad seeing PCs capable of doing so much more only be able to run some extra effects and relatively better textures because developers took the easy way and developed for the lowest common denominator.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #30
                                Re: 2011 TGS stuff thread

                                Consoles are where the money's made, so it's partially our fault that this is the way it is. Not only is hardcore PC gaming as widespread and accessible as console gaming, but our culture of piracy can make it difficult to make a buck.

