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Phantasy Star Universe

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  • Phantasy Star Universe

    Well against my better judgement, I am finding myself in the mood to play this game again, I really do like it, just don't care for SEGA's treatment of it in the states.........

    I am trying to ponder though, should I play.....

    PSU (I have the expansion already on 360, just need the main game again)


    PSP2 (I don't own it, so I would have to buy it for my PSPgo)

    or even.....

    PSZ (I am not to sure about this one, I might emulate it to see if I will like it before I buy it)

    mainly trying to see where most of the PS players are, because that is where I want to go.
    Last edited by Kailea; 08-04-2011, 06:38 PM.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

  • #2
    Re: Phantasy Star Universe

    PSP2 has everything PSU has, more and improvements, plus the story isn't nearly as bad as PS portable or PSU. Your boss is a drunk and a letch to boot. Mercenary life is better than working for the Guardians. It offers deeper customization for character appearance than PSZ, including a wardrobe of clothing, which goes a long way toward making your character look and feel unique.

    But if you want something that is much more like PSO, PSZ is much, much more faithful than the PSU universe is. It just leaves a lot to be desired visually, but its got the traditional class system vs. PSU's homoginized class/race nonsense. .

    I'm sure the communities for both games are still active, though I can't say how much. Unfortunatly, PSP2 will never see the Infinity expansion in the US, but then, I suppose I'd rather Sega of America localize Valkyria Chronicles 3 instead... if they're even doing that.

    Option 4 - you could just play Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii.


    • #3
      Re: Phantasy Star Universe

      mmmmmm yeah I heard about US not getting the Infinity expansion.... made me a bit sad. I heard talk that Sega of America is trying to push for a global release of PSO2, but not sure how legit that it -.- I would say, if PSO2 was released global, and player base was global......well I would be in heaven ;p

      I might go with PSP2 then, with my PSPgo and dock, and a PS3 controller, I can play very comfortably.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: Phantasy Star Universe

        PSU on console has very emotional story!

        I'm not sure if the portable version has all the cutscenes and stuff, but ya even though PSO is not as cinematic, I think PSO (dreamcast) had the best story out of the modern PS series with freedom of character creation like TES, but with interesting mystery behind Red Ring Rico and stuff, mew.


        • #5
          Re: Phantasy Star Universe

          yeah PSO was good, PSU was decent, and the story for Portable seems to be pretty good. No clue about PSZ though
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: Phantasy Star Universe

            Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
            PSU'sl story was rancid shit.

            I had never seen a game that tried so hard to be an anime episode and failed so horribly at it.

            PSP2's story is good, predictable, but at least you're in a dysfunctional mercenary group rather than the boring ass Guardians and Ethan and pals are hardly even in the story.


            • #7
              Re: Phantasy Star Universe

              well now that I am getting PSP2 from PSN (might have to wait a little for funds though) There is one thing that always bugged me about PSP video is not "full screen"

              I tried installing a home brew loader on my go... but it is not working for some odd reason -.- its sad that I have to some what hack the thing to get something I should have from the start, but *shrugs* (btw if we can not talk about this stuff...honestly forgot if we can or not,then thats cool)

              if I could get full screen, combine that with my controller and recliner, and I will have a most enjoyable PSP2 experience ;p
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #8
                Re: Phantasy Star Universe

                ok now my choice has really become hard -.- lol...

                thanks to a coworker, I have the change to get both PSU and PSP2 for the same price

                for 360 I have the expansion from a bit back, so that is not a problem, and I have my go, so both games will be on my TV and both with a controller.....

                My choice is now to.....

                go with PSU:AI and get full screen and pretty action

                or go with PSP2 it is newer and has some newer stuff (like the shield) but I cant go "fullscreen" and the controls are not as good (it being on PSP so no second stick)

                I really dont know which to choose, both are very doable and I just cant make up my mind -.-
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #9
                  Re: Phantasy Star Universe

                  PSP2 is still better for all its combat updates and additions. Rangers are actually allowed to target and strafe in the version, whereas all ranged combat in PSU and PSP1 was only strafing and not targeted strafing. One handers had a way out of the strafing with standard weapon targeting, but anyone with a rifle or dual pistols was screwed out of that option prior to PSP2.

                  Additionally there's the evasion maneuver present in PSP2 and PSZ, which comes in really handy for avoiding really damaging attacks and fetches you some invincibility frames as well.

                  I've never been bothered by "bars" when I have a different aspect ratio, I've never understood why it bothers people, but if you want to give up gameplay improvements to satisfy a psychological quirk I can't help you there.

                  Plus if PSU is still active online, you have to pay to play it.

                  PSP2 does it all for free.


                  • #10
                    Re: Phantasy Star Universe

                    mmm true, and I dont understand my odd thing about ti myself, I play all my arcade games and retro concoles on a 32in CRT TV, and all my new stuff on my 46in LCD

                    I really dont get it myself..... when I see bugs me for some reason *shrugs* but for PSP2, I am willing to "suffer" ;p

                    already got the list of all the free stuff I can get with the codes you can enter in your room.
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Phantasy Star Universe

                      mmmm well I am glad I borrowed my friends PSP2/PSP 3k to try out before I downloaded it on my GO... the online seems to be dead, not sure if its the outage or people moving to PSP2I.... but it is pretty dead, so I might go back into looking at PSU for 360, to be honest I dont mind paying the 10$ for it
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

