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Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

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  • #31
    Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

    I prefer Diablo 2 over the original any day, just way too many improvements.

    They're both absolutely stellar though in their own rights. D1 was the first game to really showcase Blizzard's story telling, and I envy anyone lucky enough to actually own a copy of the manual - I've only seen it because one of my friends has an original copy of the game. The artwork and backstory in that thing is a big part of what made adore Blizzard - they have some of the sweetest concept art & twisted plots.

    Ah but all that's gone now. You have no idea how miffed I was when I picked up starcraft 2 only to find none of the awesomeness that was contained within the 1st game's manual. I is disappoint Blizzard

    I do miss the music & cast from D1 though.I also especially thought it was interesting how you never ever got the same start - you could actually have separate character files and never run into the same quests because just about everything is randomized form the moment you first load the game.

    For example, some times I would start my new character and there would be an NPC dieing in front of the monastery, serving as the flag for The Butcher quest. Other times it would be the Tavern's missing sign etc, etc. I also really liked how every time you grabbed a spell book, if it was a spell you already knew, not only did it level up but the mana cost went down.



    • #32
      Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

      Quitting my job for this feature. I'll be getting rich and living it up with Kotick while you continue to complain about this.


      • #33
        Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

        So this is interesting. Diablo: IncGamers » Korea May Ban D3 over Real Money Trading
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #34
          Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3


          OMG that's classic. I love it so much, arguably their greatest supporters are basically flipping them the bird.



          • #35
            Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            I don't see how one goes from "in-game economy" to "gambling". D3's setup is basically a streamlined version of what happens in D2's BattleNet trade channels. There is no money "at risk" on any transaction; you spend cash on something, you get that item, guaranteed.

            It would be more of a problem if D3's in-game item shops worked off of real money i.e. how you can speculate on high-end weapon and armor types in shops hoping for crazy good things like King's <whatever> of Slaying or Godly plate of the Whale, or whatever. But that's not what's happening in D3.



            • #36
              Re: Blizzard legitmizes gold farming for Diablo 3

              Fairly argued. I don't agree with the conclusion either, but I can see how they made the jump from random possibility of cash output to gambling. I'm more interested in the what than the why in this case. Losing Korea over this could potentially be a really big deal.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

