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EA vs. Valve

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  • EA vs. Valve

    EA: Dragon Age II pulled from Steam by ... Steam -Destructoid

    So EA is trying to make Valve look like the bad guy for removing DA2 from Steam.

    Basically, it boils down to this - Valve updated its ruies for selling content through Steam.

    Valve has a problem with EA doing what retailers have a problem with Valve doing. Valve doesn't want you selling things on their storefront. EA wants the world to believe they're a competitive entity when they hate the concept with every fiber of their being.

    The Dragon Age/Mas Effect games and Crysis break Valve's rule. They try to sell things directly to EA through Steam rather than let Steam manage that content. And Valve handling it would make sense, given Steam is a platform. DA's in-game content peddlers and Cerberus Network are the problem.

    And personally, I just dislike those things because they're sort of immersion-breaking. I think its easier to deal with content purchases out-of-game on PSN or XBLA personally, so I could also see myself wanting it to be that way for Steam. Why take my mind out of the game while I'm playing it?

    EA's trying to look like they're taking the high road and pretend they like competition, you know, even though they fired the first shot by refusing to put Battlefield 3 and The Old Republic on Steam in the first place.

    I find EA's approach trying to keep themselves a multi-platform while having a platform all their own to be a bit confusing. They want the best of both worlds - to play in the console world and try to build a PC platform. They also say they want Origin to be HBO-meets-Netflix.

    I could actually see that working for their sports titles. I find it utterly stupid that a company can sell the same game year after year with very little in the way of improvements for full retailer each go. Plus given the rate at which sports titles depreciate in value, most people could pay less for a sports title than retail and enjoy each season of the game at their own pace.

    It also removes the need to take down servers for online multi-player. You subscribe to EA Sports online, you get your season updates, you play online with your pals in and don't lose out on the new content, updates and all that.

    Of course, it does have the problem of being online. Some people just don't care to play game online at all and simulate the seasons separate from that. That and it doesn't work for every kind of game out there. Its the same problem I'd have with the idea of Cloud-based gaming. Yes, it removes the need of big hardware upgrades on my end because the game is streamed to me, but it removes my ability to play it independently of the internet.

  • #2
    Re: EA vs. Valve

    EA is such a mixed bag lately...

    It's the Blizzard dilemma all over again honestly - Love the games, hate the parent-company's business practices with a passion.



    • #3
      Re: EA vs. Valve

      I just get annoyed with new hoops to jump through. I want games to be simply something I buy and play. How I buy them should be simple, how I am able to play them should be simple as well.

      - Buy game for platform
      - Play it on that platform
      - No telling me how I buy my games
      - No telling me to go through another platform on the platform I am using.

      Even though a game like Portal 2 on PS3 does encourage me to create a Steam account for access to the co-op, is not forcing me to use Steam for more content. So I'm fine with what Portal 2 does.

      I kinda know who the content peddler is in my DA:O game. He has no connection to the actual story of the world and were it not for the fact that I had already installed the DLC from UE, he'd be trying to sell me content in-game. I find that shit a bit annoying. I can totally ignore him now and thank goodness for that, but I'd have bigger issues had I bought the original game and saw this guy in there.

      The very fact that Bioware would consent to putting that sort of thing in their games makes me question their relevance as a developer. Who the hell does that aside from a free-to-play MMO? Its just repulsive.

      Just as an aside, when I played MGS4 recently, I had to wonder if Snake's "War has changed" bit and the PMC's advertisments on-the-field and in between chapters were just Japanese quirkiness or Kojima's cynical view on what gaming was becoming. I'm starting to thing it was the latter. EA may as well run fucking ads during DA and ME while they're doing all this other weird shit.


      • #4
        Re: EA vs. Valve

        Cerberus Network wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be, but if EA expects me to feel bad for them because Steam wants them to use a functional architecture rather than their clunky and obnoxious proprietary service, they've got another thing coming. I can't very well pass on ME3 at this point, but as far as TOR and future DA products are concerned, I'll be doing a Raydeus and refusing to support them with my dollars unless EA and Steam will play ball.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: EA vs. Valve

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Just as an aside, when I played MGS4 recently, I had to wonder if Snake's "War has changed" bit and the PMC's advertisments on-the-field and in between chapters were just Japanese quirkiness or Kojima's cynical view on what gaming was becoming. I'm starting to thing it was the latter. EA may as well run fucking ads during DA and ME while they're doing all this other weird shit.
          Kojima san.



          • #6
            Re: EA vs. Valve

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            Cerberus Network wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be, but if EA expects me to feel bad for them because Steam wants them to use a functional architecture rather than their clunky and obnoxious proprietary service, they've got another thing coming. I can't very well pass on ME3 at this point, but as far as TOR and future DA products are concerned, I'll be doing a Raydeus and refusing to support them with my dollars unless EA and Steam will play ball.
            I'm going to drop my PC support of Mass Effect and just continue the series on PS3 at this point. EA Origin is a giant turd, and I refuse to use EA's upstart service when it doesn't offer any improvement in usability over Steam.



            • #7
              Re: EA vs. Valve

              You still have to sign up for origin to even get DLC from ME3, all EA accounts were recently given Origin accounts.

              Even though I bought DA:O UE used, I still had to sign up for an EA account to access the on-disc content and weeks later I was given an Origin account whether I wanted one or not. I guess this was partly just for EA to inflate membership numbers beyond reality.

              At the end of the day any version of ME3 is supporting Origin and buying one is still supporting Origin on some level.

              You could always rent or borrow it. Its not like Bioware's DLC is ever that hot anyway.


              • #8
                Re: EA vs. Valve

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Its not like Bioware's DLC is ever that hot anyway.
                Most of the time you're right, but I think the Mass Effect 2 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC was the first time I've seen Bioware really break out of their rut and produce something stunning, fresh, and playable in DLC.



                • #9
                  Re: EA vs. Valve

                  If I had a PS3 or 360 I would consider going that route. Either way if it isn't available on Steam it's going to annoy me endlessly not to have all three titles on the same service. 100% agree about Shadow Broker. Best mission in the game, imo. The other DLC missions were ok, but not a one of them was worth the price.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: EA vs. Valve

                    Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                    Cerberus Network wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be
                    Dude, it was that bad.

                    Also lulz EA, no having their games on Steam will just make it easier for me to skip them. Otherwise I might've bought them accidentally on one of Steam's sales.
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #11
                      Re: EA vs. Valve

                      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                      Dude, it was that bad.
                      Yeah, an easily ignored laptop with text at the title screen and nothing whatsoever within the gameplay itself is totally immersion breaking.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: EA vs. Valve

                        Still begs the question why you couldn't just buy the content off Steam, XBLA or PSN directly, given that's where your virtual wallet is for, oh, just about everything else.

                        EA is not a unique and special snowflake, they are a third party like any other and every other third party goes through these platforms for extra content. I think there's a strong positive correlation between the lack of success with EA's content and the lack of its presence where all other content is made available.

                        Now we get to see this play out with Origin. What a fun experiment! Will EA continue to be relevant in the PC market when it shuns the one place every PC gamers goes?

                        Let's find out. For science.

