Re: The Old Republic videos and misc info
Given how Bioware completely and utterly ruined Warhammer Online by turning it from a very fun open world PvP game to a Pay-to-Win Grindfest where the only classes worth playing are Melee DPS, I have pretty low expectations for TOR.
That said I do have a lot of friends who are going to play it so I might give the trial a go to see if I like it. At the moment the only paid MMOs worth playing are Rift and FFXI so it would take my expectations being completely and utterly subverted for me to consider paying for another MMO.
Given how Bioware completely and utterly ruined Warhammer Online by turning it from a very fun open world PvP game to a Pay-to-Win Grindfest where the only classes worth playing are Melee DPS, I have pretty low expectations for TOR.
That said I do have a lot of friends who are going to play it so I might give the trial a go to see if I like it. At the moment the only paid MMOs worth playing are Rift and FFXI so it would take my expectations being completely and utterly subverted for me to consider paying for another MMO.