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The E3 2011 thread

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  • Re: The E3 2011 thread

    Maybe a bit of an off the wall question, but did Sony say how much Vita games were going to cost? They have admitted that they are selling the PSV at a major loss (will take 2+ years before the hardware will be profitable). Not that the launch line up interests me at all, more of just a curiosity thing.

    Also, Koji Taguchi (senior executive officer at S-E holdings) said that Eidos saved S-Es ass at E3 and was humiliated at the Japanese side of the company's showing. Which is totally understandable: no Versus, Type-0, any hint on XV, Dream Drop Distance, BbS: Volume 2, DQ X, new Dissidia DLC costumes and music*, the list goes on and on...

    *Just as an aside, Shantotto's 4th costume and the XI song package are available on the EU PSN.
    Last edited by Gobo; 06-10-2011, 07:07 PM.

    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


    • Re: The E3 2011 thread

      Originally posted by Gobo View Post
      Maybe a bit of an off the wall question, but did Sony say how much Vita games were going to cost? They have admitted that they are selling the PSV at a major loss (will take 2+ years before the hardware will be profitable). Not that the launch line up interests me at all, more of just a curiosity thing.
      According to this report, GameStop appears to be expecting PS Vita game prices to be around $40.

      Also, Koji Taguchi (senior executive officer at S-E holdings) said that Eidos saved S-Es ass at E3 and was humiliated at the Japanese side of the company's showing. Which is totally understandable: no Versus, Type-0, any hint on XV, Dream Drop Distance, BbS: Volume 2, DQ X, new Dissidia DLC costumes and music*, the list goes on and on...
      This isn't that much of a surprise. Square-Enix internal development is a train wreck. Final Fantasy XIV is a perfect example of just how broken the internal processes are.

      Eidos is really kicking butt and taking names right now. Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks great. Tomb Raider looks great. Even Hitman: Absolution looks like it has some sizzle.



      • Re: The E3 2011 thread

        ^ I was wondering where the fuck SE was at the show. All they had was XIII-2, oh yay...

        At the very least, it would have been a prime opportunity to kick-start the PS3 campaign for FFXIV, if it were ready that is



        • Re: The E3 2011 thread

          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
          Eidos is really kicking butt and taking names right now. Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks great. Tomb Raider looks great. Even Hitman: Absolution looks like it has some sizzle.

          Don't forget Heroes of Ruin by n-Space.

          Its a fully featured Diablo/Dungeon Siege -style 3DS title. Online co-op, drop-in/drop-out, Streetpass and Spotpass functionality. Oh, and voice chat, too.

          Speaking of which Dungeon Siege III is also looking good from what I played of the PS3 demo. Maybe one perk of SE being behind it is keeping Obsidian totally in-check where bugs are concerned. It was very polished... for an Obsidian game.

          SE's western dealings may end up being what saves SE from far more than an embarassing showing at E3. SE better have some big guns ready for TGS. I was kinda ticked there was absolutely nothing on Dragon Quest X.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-10-2011, 09:07 PM.


          • Re: The E3 2011 thread

            Woulda been nice if Bandai had a new Tales game for us too.

            I didn't care for Symphonia all that much, but I'm loving the hell out of Vesperia (Yeah I know it came out years ago, but I just never got around to it until last week - snagged it for $13 along with FEAR 2)

            Getting back to SE though, I'd love if if they could get their shit together and give us Grandia 4 - and not have it suck total ass like 3 did. 1 & 2 were both freaking amazing games.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • Re: The E3 2011 thread

              oh mew oh mew!!!!!

              USS member Select screen (with profile descriptions!), Player Slots screen and Weapon Select Screen!!!

              This will take mews to a whole new level! \(^.^)/


              • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                that new RE game looks pretty cool!


                • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                  Hmm, it's looking like another fun rental at best to be perfectly honest, but we'll see.

                  <.< I still refuse to buy anything Capcom until they stop taking their fanbase for granted and ditch the bullshit gouging.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                    Says the guy with a "Tales of" game character in his sig...

                    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                    • Re: The E3 2011 thread


                      AFAIK, the majority of the tales games are JP only, we've only had a few released here. Vesperia's the 1st game I've actually taken the time to buy (and even then I snagged it for $13 from my blockbuster that's closed down now) and play through. I've seen bits & pieces of Symphonia, haven't really touched the others.

                      Vesperia is pretty high quality stuff though, been a while since I've enjoyed an RPG this much so what's wrong with asking for more?

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                        People noticed the USS member names, mew!

                        Hector Hivers (Beltway)
                        Michaela Scheider (Bertha)
                        Vladimir Bodrovski (Spectre)
                        Christine Yamata (Four Eyes)
                        Karena Lesproux (Lupo)

                        Vector real name is a mystery. but it's confirmed HUNK (James Cooper) was his mentor.


                        • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                          Did anyone post this video already? I looked for it but didn't find it oddly enough.

                          Sadly it's EA... again. orz
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                            I heard some people are in an uproar just because Battlefield 3 announced it's having 1st day DLC or something, mew.


                            • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                              Yeah, it's EA... again. orz

                              Probably has to do with the maps from the special *coughoverpricedcough* edition.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • Re: The E3 2011 thread

                                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                                <.< I still refuse to buy anything Capcom until they stop taking their fanbase for granted and ditch the bullshit gouging.
                                I was referring to this. Fans for years have BEGGED Namco to release Destiny 2, Rebirth, Innocence, Hearts, Graces (which is getting released as the F version), plus the Vesperia, Symphonia, Phantasia (the good ones, not the shitty GBA one) Destiny, Destiny 2, and Rebirth remakes in the west and until VERY recently, have been given the cold shoulder. And even though Abyss 3D* and Graces F are getting released in the west, Xillia will be out in Japan in September, right smack dab in the middle of both the western releases of the other two games. There has been no word in ToX will be released outside Japan.

                                *It's also completely half-assed. They are just cutting and pasting the voice work from the PS2 game, so no voices for skits.

                                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

