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FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

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  • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

    Okay apparently it is real. I think I'm going to get this game purely for that song. Uematsu is both a troll and genius .
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

      stream archive
      Tales Square. - FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 part1

      video walkthrough (starts at part 2)

      Zeroskyknight's Channel - YouTube


      shows final boss, cutscenes and maybe hint of alternate cutscenes and events to find. - kitutuki10 - Justin.tvにて生放送 - kitutuki10 - Justin.tvにて生放送
      Last edited by jenova_9; 12-15-2011, 01:11 PM.


      • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

        Originally posted by Gobo View Post
        An...ahem...original translation of an older JP XBOX360 trailer

        a bit NSFW, but still very amusing

        Fortunately for PS3 owners, we get the original Japanese theme song. Feel for the XBox360 owners


        • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

          Tri-Ace worked on Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Destructoid

          First Metal Gear Rising goes to Platinum and now this.

          Well, at least this could possibly get the people all like "SE should be focusing only on FFVsXIII... and KH3!" people to shut up for a bit. SE got help so they could throw more people at something else.


          • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

            Originally posted by Firewind View Post
            I have no idea if this is real or not but still epic:

            *looks at his Final Fantasy cartridge as a tear rolls down his cheek*.................p-please.... be fan made........
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Tri-Ace worked on Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Destructoid

              First Metal Gear Rising goes to Platinum and now this.

              Well, at least this could possibly get the people all like "SE should be focusing only on FFVsXIII... and KH3!" people to shut up for a bit. SE got help so they could throw more people at something else.
              Well, at this point, I don't see Enix and Square as being distinct anymore. That said, it's encouraging to see the different teams able to collaborate with each other. It's like when my friend told me about how it was at EA as he was working on Medal of Honor and how they got other teams to pitch in.


              • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                *looks at his Final Fantasy cartridge as a tear rolls down his cheek*.................p-please.... be fan made........
                Does everything need to be needlessly, senselessly entrenched in tradition for it to be palatable for you?

                I can't say that all the spin-offs and series sequels have been stellar, but none of them have been as boring as the traditional sequel they made to Final Fantasy IV.

                To date, I still think FFX-2 and Crisis Core were pretty great and its because they've been so wildly different from their predecessors.


                • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                  for one, that song is horrible, second yes with a long running series as FF, there needs to be a since of tradition, or it is meaning less. FFIV After Years was a nice touch, maybe not as filling as a normal FF game, but it was nice.
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                    So how is that bad, but "Otherworld" from FFX is OK?

                    It can't be because Uematsu wrote it, because they're pretty much the same genre. One is just not taking itself terribly seriously.

                    And really, how many variations of the Chocobo Theme are there. I think its tapped plenty of other genres that aren't even consistent with the rest of the soundtrack:

                    Chocobo Surfing:

                    Chocobo Jazz:

                    Electronic Chocobo Trance and Auto-Tune:

                    Techno Chocobo:

                    Rockabilly Chocobo:

                    J-Pop Lowrider Chocobo?

                    Zoot Suit Chocobo:

                    Chocobo Lullaby

                    I think I've more than made my point. You can't have a sacred cow when the song itself refuses to leave a genre untouched.

                    ... but apparently Chocobo Theme is srs bsnss.


                    • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                      That song is pretty meh, but I was glad to see Yusuke Naora was on character design. I really liked his work on TLR.

                      That being said... LULZ XIII-2

                      Bring Versus already.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                        Chocobo music from X-2+ (except XI) has sucked.... more so with FFXIII, hell most of FFXIII has sucked so hard that my copy has imploded on itself. FFXIVs sounds ok though
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                          Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                          Fortunately for PS3 owners, we get the original Japanese theme song. Feel for the XBox360 owners
                          Haha, that video is made of win. And full of truth. And yes, the English version is terribad.



                          • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            So how is that bad, but "Otherworld" from FFX is OK?

                            It can't be because Uematsu wrote it, because they're pretty much the same genre. One is just not taking itself terribly seriously.

                            And really, how many variations of the Chocobo Theme are there. I think its tapped plenty of other genres that aren't even consistent with the rest of the soundtrack:

                            I think I've more than made my point. You can't have a sacred cow when the song itself refuses to leave a genre untouched.

                            ... but apparently Chocobo Theme is srs bsnss.
                            Uematsu wrote the FFXIII-2 CHocobo theme which is what makes the whining even more hilarious. It's his band that performs the music to it with that guy fro mthe Devil May Care soundtrack doing vocals .

                            Three things there that weaboos obsess over: Uematsu, The Black Mages and DMC3 all combined and the result is whining. Honestly this is one reason why I feel ashamed to admit I like Final Fantasy. Every last part of a new FF game will be whined at.

                            Then there are the general reasons given (almost always i nthis order):

                            1) The sweeping, vague, entirely subjective statement about the game itself or the story. it was always be something like "It's just bad" with no real arguement. There will be no gameplay or storyline vaults in it and it will be clearly from just playing the first 6 or so hours of the game.

                            2) The one thing from the first six hours of play that everyone knows about. Again this will be a subjective complaint with no real substance or arguement to back it up. It's just complaining for the sake of complaining.

                            3) The arguement you can tell is just someone else's opinion and by now you know they're just looking for things to whine about. You also know they won't have a reason to whine about it if they played more than six hours of the game.

                            4) "The [insert FF game here] is a better game". Again, a subjective claim with no reasons. It's just stated like that.

                            As a general rule with The FF fanbase: The newest FF game is always the worst game in the series, until the next one comes out. Then it as really fine all along. Curiously, FFXI and FFXIV are exempt from this due to being MMOs so they just get ignored.

                            It's happened with every single FF game since FFVII. Personally I can't wait for this to come out so I can finally talk openly about FFXIII without people screaming at how "bad" the game is because it was the latest FF game. Though if I like FFXIII-2, then that means I will have to wait until FFXV comes out before I can discuss it in public, le sigh.

                            Personally I like the song. It's light hearted and doesn't take itself seriously, something that the FF (main) series hasn't done since FFV. Quirkiness was always part of the charm of the Final Fantasy series so a song that's completely out there compared to the rest of the soundtrack does seem to be a nice way of nodding to it while putting out a new game. One of the great things about the series is that each game is different but I forgot that the Final Fantasy community is so anal now, an FF game that isn't a clone of [insert people you are talking to's favourite FF game here] is always going to suck.
                            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                            Reiko Takahashi
                            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                            Haters Gonna Hate


                            • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                              I'd say you're about half right.

                              I think there have been a share of self-aware, humorous moments since FFV and plenty of them, but it is quite true that more or less since FFVII was announced that the fanbase splintered over the stupidest little differences and they've only grown into bigger and more obnoxiously stupid reasons to hate something.

                              FFVII was bad because it used polygons.
                              FFVIII was bad because it wasn't FFVII and that would continue many games for some people.
                              FFIX was bad because their heads were too big and no one looked "real."
                              FFX was bad because someone had the audacity to put it in English and not include the equally "bad" Japanese voice overs.
                              FFXI was bad because it was online and difficult.
                              FFXII was bad because we didn't control the main characters, Youknow, because there's a rule we must control main characters. No one got away with that before.

                              FFXIII was too liner, even though every game that preceded it was more or less linear in some fashion, just letting you off the rails here or there.

                              Now I await anxiously for the inane criticisms regarding FFXIII-2. There's already the myththat it somehow derailed production of FFvsXIII. Maybe this time it won't be linear enough. Hell, I think the whole timetravel element is there to spoof the complain about linearity.

                              The Final Fantasy fanbase now has fans and "fans." I'm OK with just being a casual fan. The RPG universe is much larger than Final Fantasy now and there's plenty else to enjoy, Final Fantasy doesn't have to carry it all on its own and be the posterchild for JRPGs. Hell, most of the people set against JRPGs just use it for that purpose. Final Fanatasy someone represents them all. Those idiots can just have their western RPGs because they didn't want anything else in the first place. I'm just sick of the "fans."


                              • Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                                I think Crazy Chocobololol says more about how Uematsu-san feels about XIII(-2) than anything else.

                                TL;DR Uematsu is a professional genius as usual. Trashy song fits trashy game like a glove.
                                Last edited by Raydeus; 12-21-2011, 05:51 PM.
                                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


