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FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

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  • #76
    Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

    Was 13 a let down?

    Absolutely. But it wasn't a complete utter failure as some of you are making it out to be. Though, I have to say, I'm beyond sick of SE's trend with the offline RPGs from FF12 and onward.

    Seriously, enough with the ridiculously complex shop/upgrade systems, mindless grinding of rare mobs for yet rarer still items and what amounts to an outright ludicrous effort to make even remotely decent money. Christ I thought FF12 was bad, but The Last Remnant and FF13 are especially egregious in this regard.

    I'm going for the damn platinum trophy again in 13 (I've picked it up again since I'm done with XI until level 99 or they release otherwise engaging content) and I just want to slit my wrists and gouge my eyes out over the absurd difficulty of obtaining gil in this game.

    Just because we have achievements and trophies now doesn't mean you have to treat every offline game's progression like a fucking MMO. I know I'm not the only one who feels that grinding gigantic fucking turtles with 1 (or 16 in my case with the upgraded "Long Gui") HP for 150k platinum ingot is just plain BULL SHIT!!!

    Said 16 mil HP turtles can also drop Dark Matter, of which you need 6 to obtain the Treasure Hunter trophy (own all weapons & accessories) or you can buy them in the shop at a whopping 840,000 gil each (or 6 platinum ingots).

    As is, with nearly maxed out characters, fairly good accessories & ultimate weapons, I can take out the only remaining regular turtle in Eden Hall in 52~58 seconds IF I have a summon handy. Otherwise it gets kinda messy trying to take down it's legs without dieing horribly to the bullshit AOE (Oh yeah, the 16 mil HP ones SPAM Quake & Ultima the more their HP goes down. good times...)

    Usually, gil is the least of your worries in offline games. But apparently someone at SE thought it would be awesome to make it a huge limiting factor in addition to rare drops & hunting for obscure treasure chests.

    At least with Tales of Vesperia, Bandai allows you to do a new game plus with crazy shit like 10x EXP, 2x Gold, 2x drop rate on all items etc etc... not to mention the ever handy books that keep track of everything you've encountered and obtained throughout the game so you can easily go down the list and see what's left.

    TL;DR Get off your lazy asses already SE we're sick of pretty looking games that are starved for even remotely decent content.

    EDIT: Also, wtf @ that pic - the 1 guy near the top looks a hell of a lot like adult Sasuke in Naruto, and the guy in red looks like Genesis... just how lazy has SE gotten?



    • #77
      Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

      Just because we have achievements and trophies now doesn't mean you have to treat every offline game's progression like a fucking MMO. I know I'm not the only one who feels that grinding gigantic fucking turtles with 1 (or 16 in my case with the upgraded "Long Gui") HP for 150k platinum ingot is just plain BULL SHIT!!!
      So don't do it. Being a completionist in any game that revolves around either levels or crafting equipment upgrades has always been an exercise in masochism. Yes, it's cheap game design but nobody's forcing you to piss your time away on turtles.


      • #78
        Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        At least with Tales of Vesperia, Bandai allows you to do a new game plus with crazy shit like 10x EXP, 2x Gold, 2x drop rate on all items etc etc... not to mention the ever handy books that keep track of everything you've encountered and obtained throughout the game so you can easily go down the list and see what's left.
        NO! Lets make one thing clear. You spew some opinionated shit some times, but for the love of god, get your facts straight. Bandai does not make the "Tales of" series, Namco does. Just because they are the same company, there are still things they keep separate. If you want to be even more technical, Vesperia was made by Team Symphonia (Graces was made by Team Destiny, Xillia by both). And that new game plus is broken in Vesperia because you can do the Rita Tidal Wave spam trick. No other "Tales of" game allows you to accumulate grade so easily. You are comparing apples to cucumbers.

        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


        • #79
          Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

          So basically, what I'm getting here is Mal prefers "dumb/exploitative leveling" over the traditional grind.

          I've not played FFXIII to completion, but I don't really see anything too terribly convoluted about its EXP and weapon upgrade system. At the very least, all those junky spoils I pick up are useful for upgrades. And should REALLY be surprised you'll grind special items from Adamantioses given that's a common thread in FF games.

          What's next, getting 1k EXP from Cactuars and flans being weak to magic?


          • #80
            Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

            classic FF shopping for weapons and picking up complete weapons from treasure/bosses would be better, mew.

            I think since FF8 they have been getting too into farming materials and crafting for equipment for a rpg.


            • #81
              Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

              I think since FF8 they have been getting too into farming materials and crafting for equipment for a rpg.
              I thought every game since 8 was the mewest and bestest game ever?


              • #82
                Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                I thought every game since 8 was the mewest and bestest game ever?
                But then N comes out and N-1 can't hold a candle to N and is never spoken of again.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #83
                  Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                  And suddenly N-2 becomes the best game. So we have N is good, N-1 sucks, and N-2 is the best. Apply it to any of the gamer mentalities post VII and you'll see I'm probably mostly right.
                  Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok


                  • #84
                    Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                    Originally posted by Cheezeman3000 View Post
                    And suddenly N-2 becomes the best game. So we have N is good, N-1 sucks, and N-2 is the best. Apply it to any of the gamer mentalities post VII and you'll see I'm probably mostly right.

                    Guess the Game: Sonic 3 or Sonic 4? - Sonic Retro
                    Guess the Game: The Solution (and a Chance to Win!) - Sonic Retro

                    People have been hating on games since at least 1994, three years before FFVII. Not exactly the same pattern of N obsoleting N-1 (it's actually the inverse) but hey, close enough.


                    • #85
                      Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      So basically, what I'm getting here is Mal prefers "dumb/exploitative leveling" over the traditional grind.
                      Really? You honestly don't see any issue with fighting regular mobs that have 1~16 million HP for what ultimately amounts to a paltry sum of gil? You always have to assume the extremes and that other people are dumb asses.

                      My point was there's a fine line and SE clearly didn't play test this shit, or at least not thoroughly enough. Like achievements are a magical blanket to excuse poor game design.

                      Some of the older games had some horrendously OP exploits, and I'm not against monsters no longer droping gil directly. I just don't think an offline RPG should be as arduous as the most hardcore Korean MMO either. A bit of balance would be nice.

                      Again, Vesperia is actually fun and while it does have a few classic exploits, it doesn't feel like the experience is cheapened (though I will say that grade farming with Rita certainly killed off some brain cells )

                      Going for the Platinum is fun some times - I rather enjoyed it with Infamous 1 and 2. Even some of Vesperia's harder trophies (I'll get back to completing that game after I wrap up FF13) aren't all THAT bad (largely due to the new game plus bonuses). But the main thing is apparently 13-2 is going to have carry over of save files and/or trophies in some manner, so that's all the incentive I need.

                      That and I genuinely like 13. It's far from being my favorite, but I am one of the few who actually enjoyed going through it (it was nice to have some legitimately challenging boss fights for once) and really it's only the gil farming that's making me want to ram my head against the wall.

                      I've beaten the main game, done nearly all the side quests as well - I just need to finish getting 5 stars on some of the missions & Treasure Hunter, which is the most absurd one. I really don't think asking for an in-game catalogue to keep track of what you've collected is demanding too much either.

                      And chill out, Gobo >_>

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #86
                        Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        So basically, what I'm getting here is Mal prefers "dumb/exploitative leveling" over the traditional grind.

                        I've not played FFXIII to completion, but I don't really see anything too terribly convoluted about its EXP and weapon upgrade system. At the very least, all those junky spoils I pick up are useful for upgrades. And should REALLY be surprised you'll grind special items from Adamantioses given that's a common thread in FF games.

                        What's next, getting 1k EXP from Cactuars and flans being weak to magic?
                        Anyone who is complaining about FFXIII's upgrade system has never tried grinding out a platinum trophy in Cross Edge (which is what I'm trying to do right now).



                        • #87
                          Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          Anyone who is complaining about FFXIII's upgrade system has never tried grinding out a platinum trophy in Cross Edge (which is what I'm trying to do right now).
                          Eh 13's still pretty bad.

                          Not as bad as The Last Remnant was, but still bad.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #88
                            Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                            Do you get free games or something if you get one of those Platinum things? o_O
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • #89
                              Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                              Do you get free games or something if you get one of those Platinum things? o_O
                              Nope. Just shiny bragging rights and an increase to PSN XP levels (which is just more bragging rights).



                              • #90
                                Re: FFXIII-2 screenshots! Serah party member!

                                Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                                Anyone who is complaining about FFXIII's upgrade system has never tried grinding out a platinum trophy in Cross Edge (which is what I'm trying to do right now).

                                You don't have to play bad games for trophies, you know.

                                You could be getting them in a good set of games, like Ico and SotC Collection.

