Adorable (and adoptable!) puppies make our E3 predictions- Destructoid
Best E3 conference was agree to be Nintendo's by both dogs and cats, with MS a close second and Sony a very distant third.
They claimed there would be no Klonoa 3DS game, but that there would be new 2D Metroid and Castlevania games.
They said GTAV will be rocking the motion scan technology from LA Noire.
No HD remake of FFVII.
No new FFvsXIII trailer.
More AR card games for 3DS, including one that lets you battle Pokemon.
No Diablo III this year.
New Onimusha game announced.
A Startropics sequel for 3DS.
No cross-game VC for PS3.
The Last Story will get a western release date.
SE will make a sequel to Super Mario RPG.
The dogs and cats of the Burbank animal shelter have spoken. I dunno about the 2D Metroid thing, that hippo at the San Diego Zoo last year was wrong about that one.
Best E3 conference was agree to be Nintendo's by both dogs and cats, with MS a close second and Sony a very distant third.
They claimed there would be no Klonoa 3DS game, but that there would be new 2D Metroid and Castlevania games.
They said GTAV will be rocking the motion scan technology from LA Noire.
No HD remake of FFVII.
No new FFvsXIII trailer.
More AR card games for 3DS, including one that lets you battle Pokemon.
No Diablo III this year.
New Onimusha game announced.
A Startropics sequel for 3DS.
No cross-game VC for PS3.
The Last Story will get a western release date.
SE will make a sequel to Super Mario RPG.
The dogs and cats of the Burbank animal shelter have spoken. I dunno about the 2D Metroid thing, that hippo at the San Diego Zoo last year was wrong about that one.