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New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

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  • New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

    New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City | Joystiq

    Arleen Sorkin pretty much owns the role of Harley Quinn -- well, she did. Sorkin, who helped create the character in the early 90s on Batman: The Animated Series, won't be voicing Harley in this fall's Batman: Arkham City (despite carrying on the role in the first game). Instead, veteran voice actor Tara Strong will take her first stab at Harley.

    Strong has been doing cartoon and video game voice overs since the late 80s. Some of her roles include X-23 in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Rikku in Kingdom Hearts 2 and Sheegor in Psychonauts. She also voiced The Huntress in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series.

    A brief Q&A with Strong has been posted on the official Arkham City site, in which she says she wants to "honor" Harley's established voice -- but until we actually hear her rendition, we can't help but morn the loss of Sorkin.

    I is disappoint. Not that Tara isn't a great actress, but you just don't mess with something like this... not when you manage to get Conroy and Hamill together She was just too good. I'd like to know why she's not doing the role suddenly.


  • #2
    Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

    I'm fairly certain most people won't even notice or care. Besides, Tara strong is awesome. Also, she's Twilight Sparkle.


    • #3
      Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

      Twilight Sparkle doesn't have a Brooklyn accent.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #4
        Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

        She totally could tho. She's a magical fucking unicorn.


        • #5
          Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

          There isn't much Tara Strong couldn't do, I don't see the reason for concern here. I'm sure creating the character gives Sorkin some insight into what makes Harley tick but Tara Strong has an incredible range. She'll knock this one out of the park with relative ease.

          Personally, I'm more concerned about Arkham City continuing Arkham Asylums terrible art direction and character design. Seems like they only really tried to make characters look good when they're female. So they try with Harley, Poison Ivy, Catwoman and just fuck up the rest.

          Bane especially. Dunno what the fuck Dini or those artists were thinking with that portrayal of the character.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-22-2011, 03:23 PM.


          • #6
            Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City | Joystiq

            I is disappoint. Not that Tara isn't a great actress, but you just don't mess with something like this... not when you manage to get Conroy and Hamill together She was just too good. I'd like to know why she's not doing the role suddenly.
            That sucks, it's like when they replaced Richard Lord with dumbass Merchant for Wheatley's character.

            I guess at least Sorkin was on DCUO and did a great job as usual. As for the game I probably wont play it anyway. /shrug
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Personally, I'm more concerned about Arkham City continuing Arkham Asylums terrible art direction and character design.
              Err, what? The art was amazing in that game, and that was the saddest thing about it - you almost never got to really take any of it in because of the necessity of the stupid Batvision.

              And Tara is awesome, but I still gotta beef over this because of the nostalgia etc... it's just not right. It'd be like having a star trek reunion with all the old cast except for Shatner or Nimoy - it's just wrong It's not gonna keep me from playing it by any stretch, it just won't have that same impact with Sorkin calling out "Mr. Jay"

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                Err, what? The art was amazing in that game, and that was the saddest thing about it - you almost never got to really take any of it in because of the necessity of the stupid Batvision.
                Try reading the comics sometime. The art concepts in the game wildly vary from what's been presented for years in the comics. Bane was nothing short of an atrocity.

                And Tara is awesome, but I still gotta beef over this because of the nostalgia etc... it's just not right. It'd be like having a star trek reunion with all the old cast except for Shatner or Nimoy - it's just wrong
                We're lucky we still have Shatner and Nimoy at all, Nichols, too. Dunno about Takei, he might be able to outlive them all on pure narcissism.

                No body cares about Walter Koenig and the rest are already dead.

                As for the Animated cast, I had moved on long ago. Mark Hamill won't be reprising after this game, either. Dini cast them for nostalgia and little else. They could have used Bob Greenwood for Batman as they do in the current DC animated stuff and I wouldn't really have cared.

                Personally, I don't think Hamill even sounds close to where he was about ten years ago when he did Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. People age and so do their voices, its just the way of things. The best thing is he can retire knowing he'll be known for something other than being Luke Skywalker.


                • #9
                  Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

                  Different from the comics or not, the game did have impressive visuals. I agree though, that Bane looked silly. My favorite Bane is still the one from the animated series in the 90's (a lot of my most cherished things are from the 90's really...)

                  I thought Mark's performance in AA was just fine. Maybe not his absolute best, but again I'd chalk that up to the script & possibly age as you said. At least the guy can still deliver though, unlike a certain over-rated Canadian starship captain

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #10
                    Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

                    Well, I think the difference of being in your late fifties might give you an edge in acting over a guy in who's like 80. Shatner's pretty damn sharp for his age, though.

                    Plus he has had an interesting career outside for star trek, some of them more short-lived than others, but almost always in front of a cameral.

                    TJ Hooker
                    Rescue 911
                    Spoken word records that are pretty hilarious, they're actually loved for how obnoxious they are.
                    And an assortment of other TV shows on top of being a Starfleet captain.

                    The difference is Hamill's career is far more obscure stuff after Star Wars.


                    • #11
                      Re: New voice for Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham City

                      Like Hobgoblin

                      Though that was really just his Joker imo.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

