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Xenoblade gets US confirmation

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  • Xenoblade gets US confirmation

    Voice actor confirms North American release for Xenoblade- Destructoid

    This wasn't much of a leap to guess, given it was on the EU release list, but it seems Xenoblade is also confirmed from US release this September thanks to a voice actor listing the credit on his profile.

    Again, this is from the Xenosaga team, Monolith Soft, which was acquired by Nintendo after what they had to put up with Namco. Its not really related to the Xenogears or Saga games, more of just a nod to their past work and knock against Namco as well.

    Hopefully, this also means Soma Bringer might get a a release, at that's another game Monolith Soft made for Nintendo DS. Some of Iwata's comments at a shareholder meeting last year suggested that might also see a US release.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-02-2011, 09:43 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Xenoblade gets US confirmation

    Sweet, been wanting to play that.
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