Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)
Maybe its just I'm a bit flexible when it comes to controls, but I've yet to find a fighter that lost any dimension of gameplayf for being on a handheld, game pad or arcade stick. Its all the same to me, its just a matter or knowing and accepting different button layouts. Seriously, I could do Ivy's Summon Suffering on any controller you handed me. At least from SC and SCII - SCIII wasn't even a good game and SCIV was a mild recovery at best, but still kinda sucked.
Combos I have trouble with I'd have trouble with on any platform as well, but then lengthy combos are more for show in SSFIV and not of any real value other the powering up your opponents revenge meter.
Let's be completely honest, though, not even consoles can touch playing the game in the arcade or with a friend right beside you. Its just not the same talking shit to someone over the internet, so I kinda have to laugh at people that lord over a handheld version with so-called superior console version. These games are still best played locally and nothing will ever change that.
I think its because lots of people actually like going back and playing older games.. Handhelds are a place to make that money again, though in a Nintendo handheld's case, ports are kind of a starting poitn while for PSP they became the bread and butter of the platform.
That's the only PS3 title I've heard people say didn't benefit from 3D at all. Well the few people that actually play it. I kinda wonder what happened with Killzone 3. It was all hype, hype, hype, great review and then the week it came out it all fell silent. Kinda like Homefront, though maybe not that bad.
As for the 3DS lineup, I've played some of SSFIV3D on the 3DS, and frankly it doesn't really gain anything gameplay wise from being in 3D, and loses quite a lot from being on a handheld.
Combos I have trouble with I'd have trouble with on any platform as well, but then lengthy combos are more for show in SSFIV and not of any real value other the powering up your opponents revenge meter.
Let's be completely honest, though, not even consoles can touch playing the game in the arcade or with a friend right beside you. Its just not the same talking shit to someone over the internet, so I kinda have to laugh at people that lord over a handheld version with so-called superior console version. These games are still best played locally and nothing will ever change that.
Ocarina of Time 3D is the same game we played years ago with spruced up graphics. About on par with the Metroid Prime trilogy on Wii, it's sort of cool, but why do we need it if we've already played the original?
I've played on my 3DTV where I felt the gameplay experience was truly augmented by 3D was Killzone 3.