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Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

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  • Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

    This one is the next project from the director of Resonance of Fate at Tri-Ace, Labyrinth no Kanata, which loosely translates to Labyrinth of Beyond.

    Its supposed to be a dark-fantasy dungeon RPG, which is apparently why they have this care-free young lady strolling through the labyrinth. Looks more like something in the vein of Ico to me. We'll see. Konami's publishing this one in Japan and if they bring it to the west I hope for Tri-Ace's sake they put some marketing money into it.

    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-29-2011, 12:34 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

    I've never heard of Resonance of Fate, but this looks interesting. I'd love to know what a "dungeon RPG" is though.


    • #3
      Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

      Looks pretty, though I'm not sure I want to play as a little girl the entire game. The background in each picture is of pretty low resolution, I wonder what that's about. The background looks corrupt in the first pic.


      • #4
        Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

        that looks interesting, I liked Resonance of Fate.... even though the story hurt my brain a little and the ending kind of pissed me off ;p
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

          The background in each picture is of pretty low resolution, I wonder what that's about.
          Well, those screenshots are 640x384. The 3DS' effective resolution for the top screen is 400x240. They're probably appropriate for the lower resolution screen. I don't play much PSP so they look really good to me (relative to the DS.)

          EDIT: For the sake of argument, this is probably what you'd see in your 3DS with 3D turned off, minus some noticeable JPG artefacts from the original screenshots:

          Last edited by Armando; 04-29-2011, 06:12 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

            Oh wait, 3DS game. I'm lost.


            • #7
              Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
              Looks pretty, though I'm not sure I want to play as a little girl the entire game.
              Its 2011 and, I assure you, it doesn't turn you into a girl when you play as a girl.


              • #8
                Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                Oh wait, 3DS game. I'm lost.
                Out of curiosity, what console did you think it was for?


                • #9
                  Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                  Resonance of Fate was a neat gem of a game with a punishing learning curve.

                  Sadly, I can't justify spending $250 on a handheld console which has effectively 0 games that I'm excited to play.

                  Moral of the story: Port it to the PS3 with stereoscopic 3D and I'll buy it, Tri-Ace.



                  • #10
                    Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                    Resonance of Fate was a neat gem of a game with a punishing learning curve.

                    Sadly, I can't justify spending $250 on a handheld console which has effectively 0 games that I'm excited to play.

                    Moral of the story: Port it to the PS3 with stereoscopic 3D and I'll buy it, Tri-Ace.

                    really if everyone followed that line of thinking, no game would ever come out for a new gen console/hand held. The 3DS is a very nice system, and I am glad I have mine, until June I have my DS collection and my copy of Bust-A-Move Universe (3DS game) to keep me going.
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                      Originally posted by Icemage View Post

                      Did I quote you correctly?


                      • #12
                        Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        Did I quote you correctly?
                        Nope. Try again.

                        I don't buy consoles which fail to have at least 3 games I want to play, and the 3DS hasn't even made it to 1 yet. For consoles I already own, I'm willing to go out of my way to purchase "maybe" titles, but there's no way I'm going to buy a 3DS at this time with the piss-poor (in my opinion) game library it currently possesses. For that matter, the Xbox 360 hasn't managed to hit my "magic 3" rule in six years.



                        • #13
                          Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                          Ohhh.... Kanata, not Konata.

                          Never mind, I'm out of here.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #14
                            Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                            I don't buy consoles which fail to have at least 3 games I want to play, and the 3DS hasn't even made it to 1 yet. For consoles I already own, I'm willing to go out of my way to purchase "maybe" titles, but there's no way I'm going to buy a 3DS at this time with the piss-poor (in my opinion) game library it currently possesses. For that matter, the Xbox 360 hasn't managed to hit my "magic 3" rule in six years.
                            And I have a magic five rule, but regardless, I fail to see what PS3 has that 360 doesn't, really, or what either have that Steam doesn't already. I see a fair amount JRPG 360 has that PS3 should (and Halo/Gears), but doesn't, though.

                            At any rate, 3DS more than met the magic five. SSFIV3D, Samurai Warriors, Dead or Alive Dimensions, Zelda:OOT3D, SMT: Devil Survivor Overclock, Lego PotC, Star Fox3D, RE: Mercenaries 3D, Kid Icarus, MGS3 3D. Atlus committed Persona, SMT and Etrian Odyssey games, SE plans Final Fantasy games. Then there's the Super Mario announcement, a new Paper Mario, Beyond the Labryith, Tales of the Abyss and more.

                            So yeah, I'm good. I'll admit Samurai Warriors wasn't anticipated, but its proven to be a good game to pass the time, its not like I'm short of games, I still have my massive DS backlog to keep me occupied as well.

                            I do have to admit, though, your feigning disinterest is adorable in that its immediately followed by port-begging Beyond the Labyrinth. So I guess that means you do have a one in your magic three for 3DS, you'd just prefer it help justfify your "real" 3D setup which seldom gets used for PS3. Got it.

                            Personally, I don't thing 3D console gaming will take off any time soon, largely because it requires a 3D-capable TV. Plus people are still just now getting HDTVs, so getting them to upgrade to 3DTV will be an epically hard sell which will probably take as long to implement as HDTV did, so maybe in a decade.

                            That is, unless Nintendo's gambit proves to play out and glasses-free tech starts to take off, which I think it will. Sony did have a 24" prototype 3DTV at CES that was based on the same sort of tech 3DS uses now.


                            • #15
                              Re: Labyrinth no Kanata (3DS)

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              And I have a magic five rule, but regardless, I fail to see what PS3 has that 360 doesn't, really, or what either have that Steam doesn't already. I see a fair amount JRPG 360 has that PS3 should (and Halo/Gears), but doesn't, though.

                              At any rate, 3DS more than met the magic five. SSFIV3D, Samurai Warriors, Dead or Alive Dimensions, Zelda:OOT3D, SMT: Devil Survivor Overclock, Lego PotC, Star Fox3D, RE: Mercenaries 3D, Kid Icarus, MGS3 3D. Atlus committed Persona, SMT and Etrian Odyssey games, SE plans Final Fantasy games. Then there's the Super Mario announcement, a new Paper Mario, Beyond the Labryith, Tales of the Abyss and more.

                              So yeah, I'm good. I'll admit Samurai Warriors wasn't anticipated, but its proven to be a good game to pass the time, its not like I'm short of games, I still have my massive DS backlog to keep me occupied as well.

                              I do have to admit, though, your feigning disinterest is adorable in that its immediately followed by port-begging Beyond the Labyrinth. So I guess that means you do have a one in your magic three for 3DS, you'd just prefer it help justfify your "real" 3D setup which seldom gets used for PS3. Got it.
                              I classify games into three buckets. Must-haves, maybes, and don't-cares. Most games fall into the "maybe" category - either because I'm interested in that particular genre, or because it looks like it will simply be a very good game. When I say I'll buy this game if they port it to the PS3, it means it's in my "maybe" bucket and I'd buy it for a platform I already own, but it's not interesting enough to trigger as a catalyst for purchasing a new platform.

                              As for the 360 vs. PS3, I got the PS3 first because I wanted to play FFXIII, Resistance, and Heavenly Sword, and wanted eventual access to God of War/Gran Turismo/etc. Granted, FFXIII got delayed (a lot) and ended up as multiplatform, but it's still worked out in the end, as between the PS3 and my gaming PC I've basically got access to 98% of the games I want to play. The only 360 game that I'd go out of my way to actually want and can't get on another platform is Halo 3. Bioshock and Mass Effect would have also been added to the list and ended up on my "must-have" list but they were also released on PC, and I took advantage of that (and liked both so much that I also bought the PS3 versions).

                              As for the 3DS lineup, I've played some of SSFIV3D on the 3DS, and frankly it doesn't really gain anything gameplay wise from being in 3D, and loses quite a lot from being on a handheld. It IS a good-looking title, though. Frankly, most games don't really gain any useful gameplay from being in 3D - it's a cool effect, but for many games it's more novelty than anything else. Dynasty Warriors 7 just scratched my itch recently for anything from Koei/Omega-Force, so Samurai Warriors holds zero interest for me. Ocarina of Time 3D is the same game we played years ago with spruced up graphics. About on par with the Metroid Prime trilogy on Wii, it's sort of cool, but why do we need it if we've already played the original?

                              Really the only 3DS title that could potentially become a "must-have" on my list is Paper Mario 3D, and I'm still waiting to see and hear more than a simple "Oh we're planning on making this" before it even reaches that.

                              Personally, I don't thing 3D console gaming will take off any time soon, largely because it requires a 3D-capable TV. Plus people are still just now getting HDTVs, so getting them to upgrade to 3DTV will be an epically hard sell which will probably take as long to implement as HDTV did, so maybe in a decade.

                              That is, unless Nintendo's gambit proves to play out and glasses-free tech starts to take off, which I think it will. Sony did have a 24" prototype 3DTV at CES that was based on the same sort of tech 3DS uses now.
                              Eh, 3D is mostly gimmicky. There are a small handful of games that truly benefit from the increased depth perception right now. The only game I've played on my 3DTV where I felt the gameplay experience was truly augmented by 3D was Killzone 3.


