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Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

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  • #91
    Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

    MvC1 had 2 character teams instead of 3, no snapbacks, NPC assists instead of character assists and a pretty broken command to control both characters at the same time briefly. It doesn't matter how close MvC2 is to MvC1 timewise or how many assets got recycled, MvC2 is a different game because it plays completely differently.

    MvC2 was also 2 years apart from MvC1, while UMvC3 is less than a year apart from MvC3. MvC2 also had more than twice the characters as MvC1 (and added more than twice the amount of characters UMvC3 adds to MvC3.) It's painfully obvious that moving from MvC1 to MvC2 required much more development time and much more new assets.

    I'm sorry, but there's no middle ground here. MvC2 is a different game. Justified or not, Capcom is not doing the same thing they did back then.


    • #92
      Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

      Originally posted by Armando View Post
      MvC1 had 2 character teams instead of 3, no snapbacks, NPC assists instead of character assists and a pretty broken command to control both characters at the same time briefly. It doesn't matter how close MvC2 is to MvC1 timewise or how many assets got recycled, MvC2 is a different game because it plays completely differently.

      MvC2 was also 2 years apart from MvC1, while UMvC3 is less than a year apart from MvC3. MvC2 also had more than twice the characters as MvC1 (and added more than twice the amount of characters UMvC3 adds to MvC3.) It's painfully obvious that moving from MvC1 to MvC2 required much more development time and much more new assets.

      I'm sorry, but there's no middle ground here. MvC2 is a different game. Justified or not, Capcom is not doing the same thing they did back then.
      OK, then would you have rather paid $5 a pop for the 12 characters they would have added to just vanilla MVC3? That takes the game from $60 to $130 if we're counting Special Editions or DLC purchaces of Jill and Shuma Gorath.

      If the DLC had stayed on course as it originally was and Capcom was able to afford licenses (Strider and more Marvel characters), those characters would no doubt be $5 a pop. People were paying that for Jill and Shuma.

      And yet Malacite would apparently not complain about that.

      So we can go the way of Dragon Age Origins UE ride the customer for all they are worth or we can just have a proper expansion sooner than expected for less money.

      Or they could have waited four more months to ease the minds of players who think the difference between 2011 and 2012 is a huge one for such a thing.

      Gee, I don't see anything asinine about that.


      • #93
        Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

        OK, then would you have rather paid $5 a pop for the 12 characters they would have added to just vanilla MVC3?
        Implying that's the only alternative.

        They could have also:
        * Offer the update at a discount to people who already owned a copy of MvC3
        * Delayed MvC3 to add more (not necessarily all of them - again, a lot of people don't care for 9/12 new characters) of the characters at launch and skip UMvC3 altogether, and sell the remaining characters at a lower price.
        * Leave the game alone like they've done in the past.
        * Wait 2-3 years, do MvC4 instead, milk SFIV in the meantime.

        EDIT: And there's one more alternative: they could've softened the blow by making Jill and Shuma Gorath free. Releasing paid DLC characters for a fighting game is already a twisted idea as it is because it pretty much forces everyone to buy them. Knowing full well that they would be milking MvC3 with a revision in the same year, charging $10 for two extra characters is just greedy as fuck.

        But that's not why I'm editing this post. The real reason is this: Not sure how far this'll get us but it's something.
        Last edited by Armando; 07-26-2011, 07:36 AM.


        • #94
          Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          Implying that's the only alternative.

          They could have also:
          * Offer the update at a discount to people who already owned a copy of MvC3
          They did this with SSFIV AE, people still whined like spoiled, self-entitled children over it.

          * Delayed MvC3 to add more (not necessarily all of them - again, a lot of people don't care for 9/12 new characters) of the characters at launch and skip UMvC3 altogether, and sell the remaining characters at a lower price.
          Again, whether or not you care about a character boils down to how they play, it has nothing to do with you liking them as personalities. I don't give a damn about Guile or his quest for revenge, but he's who I ended up enjoying.

          This is also different from being a tier whore and by and large - and you know this as well as I do about anything - the competitive scene is about tier whoring.

          * Leave the game alone like they've done in the past.
          * Wait 2-3 years, do MvC4 instead, milk SFIV in the meantime.
          Again, MVC is a fighting game. Fighting games not just from the Capcom side, but also SNK, have always been about revision, update and expansion. Street Fighter is not some special exception to the rule when it is a common practice. Hell, KOF whores annual "sequels," so there goes your idea of "proper" when KOF games amount to Madden updates.

          Stop separating MVC from other fighters. Its a fighter and its subject to the same things Street Fighter, Soulcalibur and any other fighter are. If they do not see revisions and evolutions, they don't remain relevant.

          Do you really honestly believe that MVC2 was a straight port of the arcade game? I'm fairly sure the arcade version had some updates itself. It has also seen re-releases and updates. It came to PS2 after Dreamcast and then PSN and XBLA. It did not come to PS2 at a reduced price or with new characters at all and it came years after the fact.

          Do you know how many revisions the Soul Blade/Calibur series even saw before they came to console? There's a reason SC is hailed as a Dreamcast game - it was tested to death in the arcades, updated versions and everything. SCII had five other version updates before the console version, which was Ver. F.

          Oh, and we paid for them by the token.

          So, as you see, its a common practice. Its not something MVC is immune to, the special case for MVC would be that back then keeping Marvel as a license was tricky. Do keep in mind Marvel has been on shakey financial ground for almost an entire decade prior to Disney buying them out. These days they license things like no tomorrow.

          Plus EA bought out the license for a bit to have that terrible crossover with their made-up characters - that put MVC on the shelf for a few years and out of Capcom's hands.

          EDIT: And there's one more alternative: they could've softened the blow by making Jill and Shuma Gorath free. Releasing paid DLC characters for a fighting game is already a twisted idea as it is because it pretty much forces everyone to buy them. Knowing full well that they would be milking MvC3 with a revision in the same year, charging $10 for two extra characters is just greedy as fuck.
          It is but that's all hindsight now. What they're doing now is honestly better in the short term than what they did at release.

          I hate to sound like a broken record here, but EA does this shit all the time now and you have guys like Icemage who would rationalize it as "supporting the developers." I see any game doing what EA does and its an automatic used bin buy. MVC3 was a used buy for me as I will not pay out for things that are supposed to be in a game - the omission of content you're just going to release at launch or a month later is insulting to my intelligence as a consumer. Its not magic, its the developer and publisher spreading content thin..

          I'm not saying Capcom made a smooth move here, but what I am saying is I don't think this move is as sinister as its being made out to be. I would rather a company do a 180 and do the right thing later than not at all.

          What you're demanding is the illusion of a complete experience. Fighting games are never finished and if they're finished, that just means the next one is happening.


          • #95
            Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

            They did this with SSFIV AE, people still whined like spoiled, self-entitled children over it.
            Some people will always whine. Capcom's recent decisions have made more people whine, and that's generally a bad thing.
            Again, whether or not you care about a character boils down to how they play, it has nothing to do with you liking them as personalities.
            Yes, and people wanted to play Mega Man, Gambit and Cyclops. Not only that, they were there since MvC1 (and earlier in the case of the X-Men) and are iconic characters. It wasn't unreasonable to expect them to be there.

            The argument that "people like them only for how they play" also doesn't fly when your fighting game doesn't have original characters. Personal preference will always be an influencing factor when every character is a familiar face.
            This is also different from being a tier whore and by and large - and you know this as well as I do about anything - the competitive scene is about tier whoring.
            We both also know that Capcom (and most game companies) are also trying to appeal to a much broader demographic than the hardcore competitive scene. That's why Brawl got watered down compared to Melee and Sakurai admitted as much.
            Stop separating MVC from other fighters.
            Stop pretending Capcom isn't doing anything new here then. As I said, while it may be common practice for most other fighter series, this is a first for Capcom's VS series.
            If they do not see revisions and evolutions, they don't remain relevant.
            MvC2 and Melee remained relevant for years without any evolutions.
            Do you really honestly believe that MVC2 was a straight port of the arcade game?
            The DreamCast version is practically arcade-perfect, and subsequent releases haven't really included any deliberate gameplay changes. They're just less arcade-perfect which inevitably has effects on the gameplay. MvC2 tournaments here always used the DreamCast version because the PS2 port is just plain bad and I'm fairly sure the same is true for major tournaments in the states. The X-Box 360/PS3 version was better accepted because it was better than the PS2 port, but it's still not as accurate as the DreamCast version and people use it more because X-Boxes are much more available for big tournaments than DreamCasts. There is no evolution of the game at work here, just inferior ports.
            What you're demanding is the illusion of a complete experience. Fighting games are never finished and if they're finished, that just means the next one is happening.
            More like demanding Capcom treat the VS series the same way they always had.

            While we're on the subject, a friend of mine stumbled upon this, I found it pretty interesting since I haven't kept up with most of Capcom's offerings
            Capcom: A look at recent events
            Last edited by Armando; 07-26-2011, 09:07 AM.


            • #96
              Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

              ITT: Capcom demonstrates how to add fuel to a fire.


              • #97
                Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                O.o;; trolling at it's finest...

       - Your Mega Man Legends 3 Support Hub!

                If you want to try to help and get mml3 back, theres a link with multiple things you can do.

                gregaman has been paying close attention to the devroom site and the programming director of mml3 supports us and says we CAN sway the bigwigs with enough numbers.
                Don't you just hate those people who name their characters after other games like Devil may Cry and animes like Trigun? ^^


                • #98
                  Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                  Are they trying to lose customers now?

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #99
                    Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                    The "recent events" thing its a bit dim in places:

                    - People have heavily criticized DmC without ever having played it, on one E3 reveal - that's just beyond stupid.
                    - Personalities don't make a fighter - move sets do. Mega Man not being in MVC3 does not make or break MVC3.
                    - Strider "fits" so long as Capcom is willing to pay the license for the character. Strider is not a Capcom character. Never was.
                    - It doesn't make any sense that SFIV would upgrade to SSFIV AE, You're basically leaping an expansion.
                    - Dan's an SNK parody, Rufus is a parody of Tekken's Bob. Rufus makes more sense in SFXT than Dan.
                    - Also, Cole McGrath being revealed this early on would lead me to believe he's a functional character and not tacked- on.

                    Didn't know about the AAI2 cancellation on localization, but then, given how wonderful Europe was about pirating the game via R4 just weeks before the release in EU territories (NA had it first was the excuse), I can't say I blame them for not wanting to take the chance on it. So that may very well have been the fault of "fans."

                    No one buys Monster Hunter in the US. It has a strong vocal minority, again, I can't blame Capcom for not wanting to spend the money on localizing something no one will buy and have historically not bought. Sega of America isn't localizing Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, either. Plus PSP is nearing its end in the US, no matter how Sony wants to color it these games will be overshadowed by the 3DS and Vita games to come.

                    There are vaild points in there, but plenty of factual and logic errors with in it as well to discredit the whole thing.

                    Capcom's just another big company running scared in the face of a changing industry, but if even half the gamers nerdraging right now had the backbone to properly boycott rather than "love the developer, hate the publisher" like they do, the likes of EA, Activision and Capcom to their knees and their senses.

                    But given gamers are fucking spineless, self-entitled twats that just enjoy bitching and not acting, I can't say I expect all that much to come of the rage toward Capcom when they're still pulling million-sellers. They will whine on forums and in blogs and not do jack shit otherwise.


                    • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Capcom's just another big company running scared in the face of a changing industry
                      Truth. Square-Enix is another developer who just can't quite seem to get their act together.

                      But given gamers are fucking spineless, self-entitled twats that just enjoy bitching and not acting, I can't say I expect all that much to come of the rage toward Capcom when they're still pulling million-sellers. They will whine on forums and in blogs and not do jack shit otherwise.
                      Also true, though not ALL of us are spineless whiners who refuse to properly boycott.

                      I don't care enough about MML3 to boycott Capcom, and UMvC3 doesn't quite tick me off enough either despite having bought MvC3 at launch, so they are (for now) safe from a personal boycott from me. EA's shenanigans with NBA Jam don't cross the line personally for me since I realized early on what a raw deal the original disc-based NBA Jam was, and I don't play EA games on Steam, so Mass Effect 3 / Dragon Age II aren't enough to trigger a boycott from me.

                      Activision is the only one in my sights at the moment, and their continual stance of overexposing and trashing their franchises has only solidified my resolve to continue my boycott of their products.



                      • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        The "recent events" thing its a bit dim in places:

                        - People have heavily criticized DmC without ever having played it, on one E3 reveal - that's just beyond stupid.
                        - Personalities don't make a fighter - move sets do. Mega Man not being in MVC3 does not make or break MVC3.
                        - Strider "fits" so long as Capcom is willing to pay the license for the character. Strider is not a Capcom character. Never was.
                        - It doesn't make any sense that SFIV would upgrade to SSFIV AE, You're basically leaping an expansion.
                        - Dan's an SNK parody, Rufus is a parody of Tekken's Bob. Rufus makes more sense in SFXT than Dan.
                        - Also, Cole McGrath being revealed this early on would lead me to believe he's a functional character and not tacked- on.

                        Didn't know about the AAI2 cancellation on localization, but then, given how wonderful Europe was about pirating the game via R4 just weeks before the release in EU territories (NA had it first was the excuse), I can't say I blame them for not wanting to take the chance on it. So that may very well have been the fault of "fans."

                        No one buys Monster Hunter in the US. It has a strong vocal minority, again, I can't blame Capcom for not wanting to spend the money on localizing something no one will buy and have historically not bought. Sega of America isn't localizing Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, either. Plus PSP is nearing its end in the US, no matter how Sony wants to color it these games will be overshadowed by the 3DS and Vita games to come.

                        There are vaild points in there, but plenty of factual and logic errors with in it as well to discredit the whole thing.

                        Capcom's just another big company running scared in the face of a changing industry, but if even half the gamers nerdraging right now had the backbone to properly boycott rather than "love the developer, hate the publisher" like they do, the likes of EA, Activision and Capcom to their knees and their senses.

                        But given gamers are fucking spineless, self-entitled twats that just enjoy bitching and not acting, I can't say I expect all that much to come of the rage toward Capcom when they're still pulling million-sellers. They will whine on forums and in blogs and not do jack shit otherwise.
                        Although I agree and don't really care for the last four, I believe you are wrong about the first two.

                        1.)People have PLENTY to complain about when it comes to DmC. I'm assuming (and could be wrong) that you are claiming its ignorant to complain about how they changed dante. If that was the main problem, then I agree with you totally especially without any more information (and if people are upset because of that reason, they are stupid. The whole emo teen-angst thing DOES bother me, but it's not why I'm upset) The reason most people, including me, are the fact they decided to revamp the series. PERIOD.

                        This series didn't need revamping. It was a great seller as is, Dante was a perfect protagonist as is, and they had plenty of development to go on. It's not like they didn't have any story ideas they could have continued with. They could have done the history of Sparda, Virgil and his escapades in hell, Back-story on Nero, Nero and Dante rescuing Nero, and etc. etc. It would have been great.

                        Instead though, we get this whole new story with a new protagonist bearing the name of the original...why? I, and along with other people, don't see the reasoning behind this. Ya know, it would have been perfectly fine to have this "Dante" in the game. Heck, make the WHOLE game about him. Let is be some spin-off series.

                        BUT DON'T CALL HIM DANTE...he is nothing like the original that we grew up with and learn to like and love. It was just an UNNECESSARY move on Capcom's part. And I believe it is an legitimate reason to be upset. Now YOU could be right, and the game could just be groundbreaking and people get over this. But for now, going off of what we know, I don't see that happening.

                        To me, it's the same as making another Mario game; but instead, he's a African tribal warrior who stabs Goombas with a spear who is know trying to stop an alien invasion of the Kingdom. And then say he's the new Mario, just because it's still a platformer and he uses "Mushrooms" for power-ups! I just don't get it. You can't completely changed everything about a game, Have similar game mechanics and then say its ALL the same thing.

                        2.)I agree with you 100% except for the fact that the whole appeal of these types of fighter games is the CHARACTER mash-ups. Its such a cool and unique concept to bring different characters of different universes and have players duke em out to see who REALLY could win in a fight! All this trash talking about "Character A" from Marvel could whoop "Character B" can now be put to the test.

                        So people have a legitimate reason to be upset about the absence of Megaman. WTF Capcom? One of your flagship characters and he gets thrown under the bus like this? In, what looks like, the ultimate fighting game of this year? No one really cares about move set-ups in these types of games (as long as it's balanced of course). They just want to have their favorite character (blue bomber for me) included.

                        If Nintendo made another Smash bros. Game, and then decided to take out Mario and Link, People would be PISSED. It wouldn't matter if they replaced them with generic models of the same move-sets, people would still rage over the fact that these two "iconic" characters, who were once included (like megaman), have been left out of the roster.

                        And Fans of Capcom feel this way about megaman.

                        Sorry for the long post.
                        Don't you just hate those people who name their characters after other games like Devil may Cry and animes like Trigun? ^^


                        • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                          You can't judge a game or a character until you've played them.

                          You can scream about how emo Dante looks, but the fact Dante held and personal meaning to anyone as an empty-headed, jocular hero is pretty emo in and over itself. He's not someone to be taking so seriously, no matter how much Capcom or fans want to see him that way. And his stories are total shit.

                          It also doesn't mean a damn thing how much you like Mega Man or like the idea of him in a fighting game. Ultimately, it will boil down to the characters' move list and if that's compatible with how you play.

                          Everyone thought Haggar was going to be awesome. They were talking about piledriving sharks and his might mustache all before they actually played the fucker. He was always a big guy, always written as a former professional wrestler who became mayor (before this happened to Jesse Ventura, at that) - how did any one not expect him to be slow and plodding like Zangeif?

                          Deadpool looked amazing in preview, he is one of the favorite Marvel characters to join the fray - he's really just a weak version of Dante with some silly fourth-wall breaking Hyper combos.

                          And Smash Bros. has removed characters and not returned them. Roy and Marth did not return for Brawl and Ike didn't really fully replace either.. But then, SSB is all about showcasing Nintendo characters, MVC is not about showcasing Capcom characters specifically, Marvel heroes have to make that roster, too.

                          I don't see anyone raging that Robin Hood and the Fox and the Hound don't turn up in Kingdom Hearts. You want to know what those last two don't show up.

                          Don Bleuth has a problem with characters he drew and directed being commercialized in any way, shape or form. Disney can't just say yes, they need his approval. This is a big reason why some Capcom and Marvel characters just can't happen either.

                          Ono's not the guy that just throws in a character just because people like him. Maybe there's another fighter where he does have plans for Mega Man and MVC3 just isn't the game. Mega Man did show up in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom - were you there for that?

                          Two versions of Street Fighter IV later and we still don't have a place for Necro, Elena and other SFIII characters. They could show up in SFXT. Elena would work well with Christie or Eddie Goro. Poison and Hugo showed up there and Hugo hasn't been back since SFIII, so there's a possibility other SFIII characters might have their turn here.


                          • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            You can't judge a game or a character until you've played them.

                            You can scream about how emo Dante looks, but the fact Dante held and personal meaning to anyone as an empty-headed, jocular hero is pretty emo in and over itself. He's not someone to be taking so seriously, no matter how much Capcom or fans want to see him that way. And his stories are total shit.

                            It also doesn't mean a damn thing how much you like Mega Man or like the idea of him in a fighting game. Ultimately, it will boil down to the characters' move list and if that's compatible with how you play.

                            Everyone thought Haggar was going to be awesome. They were talking about piledriving sharks and his might mustache all before they actually played the fucker. He was always a big guy, always written as a former professional wrestler who became mayor (before this happened to Jesse Ventura, at that) - how did any one not expect him to be slow and plodding like Zangeif?

                            Deadpool looked amazing in preview, he is one of the favorite Marvel characters to join the fray - he's really just a weak version of Dante with some silly fourth-wall breaking Hyper combos.

                            And Smash Bros. has removed characters and not returned them. Roy and Marth did not return for Brawl and Ike didn't really fully replace either.. But then, SSB is all about showcasing Nintendo characters, MVC is not about showcasing Capcom characters specifically, Marvel heroes have to make that roster, too.

                            I don't see anyone raging that Robin Hood and the Fox and the Hound don't turn up in Kingdom Hearts. You want to know what those last two don't show up.

                            Don Bleuth has a problem with characters he drew and directed being commercialized in any way, shape or form. Disney can't just say yes, they need his approval. This is a big reason why some Capcom and Marvel characters just can't happen either.

                            Ono's not the guy that just throws in a character just because people like him. Maybe there's another fighter where he does have plans for Mega Man and MVC3 just isn't the game. Mega Man did show up in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom - were you there for that?

                            Two versions of Street Fighter IV later and we still don't have a place for Necro, Elena and other SFIII characters. They could show up in SFXT. Elena would work well with Christie or Eddie Goro. Poison and Hugo showed up there and Hugo hasn't been back since SFIII, so there's a possibility other SFIII characters might have their turn here.
                            Not trying to argue with OMG, when I lurk on these forums I normally agree with your post because you're logical. But I don't think you understood my post. Probably my fault because my poor skills in grammar.

                            It's not the fact they changed him to an emo kid that is the problem. It's the fact they changed him at all. We were used to the "original" Dante in the DmC universe. I said there would have been nothing wrong with this character addition in DmC, we just don't understand why this new guy is "dante" and they felt they should scrap the original when nothing was broken.

                            And I agree with the characters coming and going but like I said about Megaman, Link, and mario; These are flagship characters who, in my opinion, should be included no questions ask. And evidently many people agree with me.
                            Don't you just hate those people who name their characters after other games like Devil may Cry and animes like Trigun? ^^


                            • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                              It also doesn't mean a damn thing how much you like Mega Man or like the idea of him in a fighting game. Ultimately, it will boil down to the characters' move list and if that's compatible with how you play.
                              No, it doesn't, and I'll break it down right here:
                              * Not everyone plays fighters competitively, and those that don't outnumber those that do.
                              * The whole point of a VS series is the fanservice. Marvel VS Capcom is not Marvel VS Capcom without Marvel and Capcom characters. You could take MvC and replace all the characters with original characters that have the same moves as the ones we have now, and the game would not sell nearly as well.

                              These two points are backed up by the way the game is marketed - why do you think Iron Man is so prominent in all of the game's promotional art? Because he's one of the "in" superheroes now. He's more popular than Wolverine or Cyclops right now because of the movies. Such decisions are made very deliberately and do affect who makes the cut into the roster and how attractive the game is to the random non-competitive player.
                              Originally posted by Seth Killian
                              AD: What are the basic criteria you use in making decisions regarding the character roster? How did you decide which characters would get in and which ones wouldn’t?

                              SK: It comes down to a few factors: 1) Requests from Marvel. The Marvel universe moves in its own ways, with certain characters becoming more significant and gaining the spotlight, so Marvel wanted to make sure those were represented, as well as keeping a few more obscure surprises. 2) Capcom internal favorites. We have our own characters that we love, or feel are important to a franchise, so Capcom staff makes choices about who we want to see 3) fan requests. Fans are very important to us, so we work hard to to make sure their requests have a voice at the decision-making table. It’s impossible to accommodate them all, but we try and get in most of the biggest requests, where we can make those work with the other big “gating factors” on this list. 4) combat style diversity. This is something a lot of fans don’t think about immediately, but it’s really key to keeping the game fresh and full of unique character personality, rather than just having choices that end up as “oh yeah, he’s just like that other guy, only with a slower fireball and more health” or something. If that’s where you end up, you’ve failed in the design department, so we want a cast with fighting styles as unique as their storylines.
                              Only 1 out of the 4 criteria listed actually involves what the character plays as - and Mega Man doesn't even fail the 4th criteria because no MvC3 character plays like him. Also notice that even the dev team has favorites. Source:

                              * Liking the character actually does play a role for some people even outside of crossover series. Not everyone has a total disregard for who the character is.
                              And Smash Bros. has removed characters and not returned them. Roy and Marth did not return for Brawl and Ike didn't really fully replace either.. But then, SSB is all about showcasing Nintendo characters, MVC is not about showcasing Capcom characters specifically, Marvel heroes have to make that roster, too.
                              Only 4 characters were removed from Brawl, three were clone characters (Dr. Mario, Pichu and Roy.) Pichu was a joke character to begin with. The non-clone character was Mewtwo, but Diamond and Pearl were in at the time and Mewtwo was old news, so Lucario replaced him much like Ike replaced Roy. Anyway, there are files in the disc that suggest they were going to be included. Brawl was delayed what, two times? They bit off more than they could chew - there were plenty of things that were left out of Adventure Mode to the point that Sonic, Jigglypuff, Toon Link and Wolf weren't even worked into the plot. The game's horrid character balance and large number of glitches also suggests they had to rush the game out.
                              Mega Man did show up in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom - were you there for that?
                              I was there, and I was ecstatic. However, Tatsunoko VS Capcom is not Marvel VS Capcom just like Mega Man Volnutt isn't Classic Mega Man. Both the games and the characters play differently.

                              Were you there for the fact that Zero made it into Tatsunoko VS Capcom despite Mega Man Volnutt AND Classic Roll already being in the game? One classic series character, one X series character, one Legends series character. What happened between then and now that suddenly Classic Mega Man or Mega Man X, the most iconic Capcom character outside of Ryu, is suddenly too much to ask for, despite the fact that he's not redundant with any character and he's not a newcomer? Tatsunoko VS Capcom has a much smaller roster than MvC3 yet they had no problem blowing 3 character slots on the Mega Man franchise. EDIT: To make matters worse, we both know MvC3 is much more popular than TvC. Having Mega Man Volnutt in TvC isn't that great when everyone's playing a different fighter.
                              Last edited by Armando; 07-28-2011, 04:29 PM.


                              • Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype coming to 3DS' eShop

                                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                                Mega Man X, the most iconic Capcom character outside of Ryu
                                Fucking this x infinite

                                Think of how awesome his supers could be too... like switching to his Hyper Armor from X-4 for the hyper combo, obviously ending with the giga attack where he flies forward... so many cool things they could have done. X had a lot of really awesome boss weapons they could pick from for secondary attacks - but then so did the original mega man and they went with some of the dumbest ones like the soccer ball & Tengu Hold...

                                Plus, I really, really wanted to Run X Zero Dante as my team damn it. Get my 3 all-time favorite Capcom characters together for a total ass-whooping.

                                At the very least, Blues would have been a decent compromise since he's never been in there & would have a similar style to Rockman (so would Forte for that matter).

                                Oh but Tron gets to stay in? The fuck is that about?

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

